Positivity week

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Re: Positivity week

Post by Calfium Jay »

The Boss wrote:
I see what you're saying; but I just think this place is fun, and a bit of harmless fuckin' around hasn't hurt anyone. Most of us find each other's rants and idiosyncrasies amusing and almost endearing.

The last thing I would want is a sterile forum for fourteen year old girls.

I'll have to bite my lip and begrudgingly agree with you.

What kind of a homogenised forum are you promoting? Who wants their local e-hangout to become a back-slapping happy fest where everyone agrees with everyone else.

Looking back over the most recent posts - it's hardly the feral pit of negativity you make it out to be.

Everyone likes a rant now and then. Occasionally somebody will let rip on somebody else. I'd tow the line at actual threats of physical violence or malicious intimidation tactics - and would expect the majority of posters here to follow suit.

Look, a number of us are shallow, self serving forum smart-asses. And that's ok in small doses - which is all I see here.

No need to get all jiggity and upset.

But, seeing as I didn't create the forum as such, I'm prepared to pull my head in if need be.
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Re: Positivity week

Post by hellboy »

Calfium Jay wrote:
What kind of a homogenised forum are you promoting? Who wants their local e-hangout to become a back-slapping happy fest where everyone agrees with everyone else.
That assumption of how you think I want the forum to be is incorrect. My opinion, as I've posted above, is that the balance as it currently stands is wrong. This is a correction that I feel needs to happen.

Everyone enjoys a rant - I don't disagree there. However, I don't think this is the site for it. If people want to rant about racism, pedophilia and other ways they they have been wronged, then I'm suggesting they find another mouth piece.

People who want to rant about Tool, music, and other areas of common interest - rant away!
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Re: Positivity week

Post by The Boss »

hellboy wrote:So far the trial is going well. Plenty of good posts in a range of topics. The forum is hardly "dead" from having Infinity locked. After a days worth of discussion and reflection I certainly feel better about the move to lock it.

To clear up perhaps a slight misconception here - I don't intend to lock Infinity infinitely at this point. I think there is a place for some bickering and bantering, but the danger comes when it becomes the focus of the forum.

The focus should be a positive experience for the majority of the community, where we can engage each other freely on a range of topics without feeling the need to be "called out" or belittled for our views.

If anyone, like M0G feels short changed by this, then I'm happy to offer a refund. My policy is to refund subscription money at request, regardless of the reason.

So far though, the response both publicly via this thread, and privately to me via PM's has been overwhelmingly in support. I thank you all.
No worries. A fresh start for a great community.
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Re: Positivity week

Post by not tyson »

hellboy wrote: People who want to rant about Tool, music, and other areas of common interest - rant away!
As long as it's in the appropriate forum lest it be seen as trolling.

I've seen some thinly veiled barbs thrown against those who choose to discuss certain subjects.

All I can say to that is read some Kurt Vonnegut, a Jew who found humanity in the nazi's, perhaps you'll understand my way of thinking, or not.

At the heart of what I am is a humanist.

Every one, every single one of us is the same, we are all human.

Ever since God gave us free will.

And we should all be treated us such.

There are no monsters, only men.

And that's a pretty positive way at looking at things.
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Re: Positivity week

Post by The Boss »

Not Tyson wrote:
hellboy wrote: People who want to rant about Tool, music, and other areas of common interest - rant away!
As long as it's in the appropriate forum lest it be seen as trolling.

I've seen some thinly veiled barbs thrown against those who choose to discuss certain subjects.

All I can say to that is read some Kurt Vonnegut, a Jew who found humanity in the nazi's, perhaps you'll understand my way of thinking, or not.

At the heart of what I am is a humanist.

Every one, every single one of us is the same, we are all human.

Ever since God gave us free will.

And we should all be treated us such.

There are no monsters, only men.

And that's a pretty positive way at looking at things.
Something . . . has happened to you.

*squints eyes*

My thing for the past three weeks is trying to be the best I can for both myself, my partner, and the world. If I can be brave, honest, and bold, I see no problems - no matter what obstacles are thrown in my way.

I would like to think that all people think similarly. At the back of their minds, sure they do, but hopefully constantly.

Unfortunately, I think many of us are untrustworthy of ourselves and others to the point where we don't even fucking bother. I've been like that constantly for the past three years.

But I guess you just have to keep trying, you know. Watch another sunrise. Listen to another TOOL song. (Fuck you, I know that was corny, but look at the audience).

If ONE, ONE person thinks you're worth the time or whatever, that HAS to mean something.

I guess my point is that it can be downright dangerous to be in an environment where it's nothing but negativity and snide bullshit. It can end up being an echo-chamber of sludge (and not the good kind, amirite ;)).

I'm still against this community becoming like a fucking daycare centre, but we should all probably start being a bit better towards both ourselves and each other.
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Re: Positivity week

Post by not tyson »

The Boss wrote:
Not Tyson wrote:
hellboy wrote: People who want to rant about Tool, music, and other areas of common interest - rant away!
As long as it's in the appropriate forum lest it be seen as trolling.

I've seen some thinly veiled barbs thrown against those who choose to discuss certain subjects.

All I can say to that is read some Kurt Vonnegut, a Jew who found humanity in the nazi's, perhaps you'll understand my way of thinking, or not.

At the heart of what I am is a humanist.

Every one, every single one of us is the same, we are all human.

Ever since God gave us free will.

And we should all be treated us such.

There are no monsters, only men.

And that's a pretty positive way at looking at things.
Something . . . has happened to you.

*squints eyes*
Vonnegut has always been my muse.

If I say an off colour joke, it really doesn't mean anything in the scheme of things aka the holocaust.

Call me racist or a pedophile apologist (how the FUCK did that happen?) all you want, I love humanity and the fact is we need change but we won't.

Simple minds man.
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Re: Positivity week

Post by The Boss »

Not Tyson wrote:
The Boss wrote:
Not Tyson wrote:
As long as it's in the appropriate forum lest it be seen as trolling.

I've seen some thinly veiled barbs thrown against those who choose to discuss certain subjects.

All I can say to that is read some Kurt Vonnegut, a Jew who found humanity in the nazi's, perhaps you'll understand my way of thinking, or not.

At the heart of what I am is a humanist.

Every one, every single one of us is the same, we are all human.

Ever since God gave us free will.

And we should all be treated us such.

There are no monsters, only men.

And that's a pretty positive way at looking at things.
Something . . . has happened to you.

*squints eyes*
Vonnegut has always been my muse.

If I say an off colour joke, it really doesn't mean anything in the scheme of things aka the holocaust.

Call me racist or a pedophile apologist (how the FUCK did that happen?) all you want, I love humanity and the fact is we need change but we won't.

Simple minds man.
LOL X 1,000, no not about Vonnegut. Fuck, dude was a revelation when I was studying writing at uni all those years ago.

My comment was more with regard to this new . . . demeanour, I guess.

Fuck it, you seem OK, and I never have to worry about you - so go nuts, Confucious McSatre.
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Re: Positivity week

Post by not tyson »

My beard is fucking glorious and I doubt I'm going to trim it before late December/ early January :twisted:
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Re: Positivity week

Post by ms2r »

I only shave my beard once per six weeks.
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Re: Positivity week

Post by The Boss »

Not Tyson wrote:My beard is fucking glorious and I doubt I'm going to trim it before late December/ early January :twisted:
So positive. I'm not kidding. Once you have had a four-to-six month beard, shit is DIFFERENT, BOIIIIIIIIIIIII.

My plan is the following:
1. Pray.
2. Somehow don't get fired.
3. Hit Week Three at work. Stop shaving LIKE A FUCKING BOSS YO.
4. Bask in the simple manly pleasure of owning a red as all get the fuck out fucking beard, whilst staying warm during cold winter morning breezes.
5. Finish contract at the end of November.
6. Preen through the holidays.
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Re: Positivity week

Post by The Boss »

ms2r wrote:I only shave my beard once per six weeks.
You are a fucking boss.
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Re: Positivity week

Post by not tyson »

I'm only trimming the stache, wait till I see you in Dec/Jan.

Way more important of Matt and his mid life crisis, boo hoo people saying things ;_;
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Re: Positivity week

Post by The Boss »

Not Tyson wrote:I'm only trimming the stache, wait till I see you in Dec/Jan.

Way more important of Matt and his mid life crisis, boo hoo people saying things ;_;
Literal smile.

We mght have to dick size (again); but with beards this time.

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Re: Positivity week

Post by hellboy »

Not Tyson wrote:
hellboy wrote: People who want to rant about Tool, music, and other areas of common interest - rant away!
As long as it's in the appropriate forum lest it be seen as trolling.

I've seen some thinly veiled barbs thrown against those who choose to discuss certain subjects.

All I can say to that is read some Kurt Vonnegut, a Jew who found humanity in the nazi's, perhaps you'll understand my way of thinking, or not.
You are correct. It is a hard one to police in any way. There have certainly been times when emotion has got the better of me and I've over-reacted to a post. Equally, there are times when I haven't reacted as strongly as I should have.

The forum needs to be either entirely open, or it needs to have some focus. I'm not comfortable with it being entirely open, and I am trying to force the forum in that direction. You guys may agree or disagree with that direction, but it's one that will happen in one shape or another. A forum doesn't need to cover every subject. There is no need to be discussing the philosophy of Nazism here, there is no need to drop subtle (or unsubtle) Jewish jokes around the place, there is no need to discuss fucking people with down syndrome. Go and find the appropriate forum if they are topics you feel strongly about.

The main reason I see a lot of these controversial opinions as trolling, is because quite often they feel like nothing more than thinly veiled traps set up for others to rant against. I didn't really want to call people out in this thread, but I will in order to give an example. Califum posted the other day in regards to his "relaxed" attitude to pedophilia. My opinion (and perhaps I interpreted this incorrectly) was that the post was mostly made in order to have others on the forum "rage" against it. I actually suspect Califum isn't really "relaxed" on pedophilia at all, but he sure did enjoy the reaction the post generated. This kind of baiting and raging is something that in my opinion, drags the forum down and needs to stop. If this is the reason why any of you come to Fourtheye, then I encourage you to either change the way you post, or move on.
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Re: Positivity week

Post by hellboy »

Also, I'm trimming my fucking beard tomorrow.
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Re: Positivity week

Post by xZ1mM3r »

I'll keep my posts Tool related. You can 'trim' the unnecessary topics. Even if they are legit topics, this is a tool forum. If we want to discuss specific topics I'm sure we can go find an appropriate forum.
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Re: Positivity week

Post by Kittaan »

N.Y.H.C. wrote:it helped coming on here and listening to a complete stranger say "I'm sorry".
Glad to hear it helped in some way man. You were put through the wringer there. Thanks for the kind words.
Ki77aan :twisted:
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Re: Positivity week

Post by The Boss »

Upping Positivity Week:

I had what can only be described as a lovely conversation last night with a "partner in crime".

I'm looking forward to a heavy and productive Saturday. Very excited.

Man, this is weird. Probably the best week I've had since . . . I actually don't know when. Oh, Malaysia last year.

Interesting that it coincides with Matt's thing now.
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Re: Positivity week

Post by The Boss »

Kittaan wrote:
N.Y.H.C. wrote:it helped coming on here and listening to a complete stranger say "I'm sorry".
Glad to hear it helped in some way man. You were put through the wringer there. Thanks for the kind words.
You've done this before, mate. I've appreciated your "checking-in" at times.

It actually means a lot, to certain people.

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Re: Positivity week

Post by N.Y.H.C. »

hellboy wrote:Also, I'm trimming my fucking beard tomorrow.
Shia needs to shave his too lol. you guys must have smoked the same patch of bad weed this week!

http://pagesix.com/2014/06/27/shia-labe ... 1403906318

to stay on topic, I positively think both Uncle Matt and cousin Lebeouf are awesome.
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Re: Positivity week

Post by ilikecheese »

hellboy wrote:It is a hard one
uhh, heh
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Re: Positivity week

Post by UndKeineZwEier »

The Boss wrote:I had what can only be described as a lovely conversation last night with a "partner in crime".
Police have been called.
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Re: Positivity week

Post by Specter »

Gonna try to stay positive. I have to really, it's my blood.
Type b positive

*listens to Urge Overkill- Positive Bleeding*
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Re: Positivity week

Post by The Boss »

Ah, Denny's. What a breakfast you make.
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Re: Positivity week

Post by xZ1mM3r »

The Boss wrote:Ah, Denny's. What a breakfast you make.
Is Denny's 24hour???