Opiate 21st Anniversary Edition hits the printers

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Maynard Believer
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Post by nicholas »

what is the glaring mistake with this tour poster... double-checked date & venue and that seems to be correct. i'm from the u.s. but i have this one so I'm very curious...?
Busty McCracken

Post by Busty McCracken »

nicholas said
what is the glaring mistake with this tour poster... double-checked date & venue and that seems to be correct. i'm from the u.s. but i have this one so I'm very curious...?

How do they spell February in the States?? 
Busty McCracken

Post by Busty McCracken »

ToolUser said
In my opinion its all about the artwork,hence blair saying 'some' fans will be pleased with the release.Surely if it was new music that would please all tool fans but only the ones that frame posters and shit will be arroused by new artwork for an old album?? Just a wild guess though!!

Also I agree what someone else said about the band needing to relocate to find inspiration smacks of desperation or a band that ran out of ideas. I doubt they are doing this album cos of some raw desire or the need to get shit off their chest. Id say it is more that they are obliged too an its what bands do right?

Missed the original quote & context, but call this a crazy theory... How's about, the blokes got money in his account & just simply wanted to go to Hawaii for a week away?? The amount of shit that get's dribbled on this forum, either pro or con Tool is absolutely fucking astounding! 

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Post by Intension »

Busty McCraken~ Of all the reasons people guessed to go to Hawaii, yours is the only sane one!


Hopefully its because they finished a master jam tune, which you could take away from Blairs comment. But, probably he just wanted to get away for a few days and think of beats. You also have to imagine, when these guys take a vacation im sure their brains dont just stop thinking of what they have been intensely working on. I know whenever i take a good vacation i get some good inspiration. Hopefully Danny does too!

Im sure the Opiate release will have something cool to offer! Why else would they bother?! Counting down the days for a better announcement with some details.

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Post by Zwerewolf »

Nicholas said:
what is the glaring mistake with this tour poster… double-checked date & venue and that seems to be correct. i’m from the u.s. but i have this one so I’m very curious…?

Zwerewolf Responds: It says 2011 not 2013. Not sure that has anything to do with Adam. If anyone disagrees with him being a perfectionist I'd ask them to take a look at the actual artwork he does and not the text on some poster thathe probably had nothing to do with. The artwork speaks volumes. Someone else said in this forum... "TOOL are fucking astounding." .... AGREED dude.... I don't understand all the negativity and I'm patiently waiting for the new album without any disdain for this re-release of opiate or for the way they are handling things with the new album.
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Post by Kittaan »

@ VVVVherewholff - uh, nope.  Read above.  February, not Febuary 
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Post by gamebounty »

ToolUser said
In my opinion its all about the artwork,hence blair saying 'some' fans will be pleased with the release.Surely if it was new music that would please all tool fans but only the ones that frame posters and shit will be arroused by new artwork for an old album?? Just a wild guess though!!


Also I agree what someone else said about the band needing to relocate to find inspiration smacks of desperation or a band that ran out of ideas. I doubt they are doing this album cos of some raw desire or the need to get shit off their chest. Id say it is more that they are obliged too an its what bands do right?



I wouldn't say it's because they are obliged to. I think they want to because they love making music. Justin's recent comment about how this is the biggest project of their lives seems to back this.
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Post by Bogart »

Interview with Adam about the Opiate EP and also touches on the new album a bit. 5 golden tickets will be randomly shipped out.

www.revolvermag.com/news/interview-tool ... piate.html
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Post by Tool_User »

Busty why not go check the original quote and context then,you lazy cunt! Honestly the shit people come out with on here.


Gamebounty I wouldnt take justin's comment's too seriously,but thats just me. Maybe they are still in love with making music,I still think they are struggling for ideas though which is why it is taking so long and why they are also considering a change of scenery to help inspire them. I might be wrong. I know those that think of tool as geniuses with an inexhaustable well of talent and idea's wont go along with it but that's their choice.
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Post by Ravenpig »

Bogart said
Interview with Adam about the Opiate EP and also touches on the new album a bit. 5 golden tickets will be randomly shipped out.

www.revolvermag.com/news/interview-tool ... piate.html

Thanks for the link


"There are no bonus tracks"


Annnd I'm right.  Damn it.
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Post by MOG »

Bogart said
Interview with Adam about the Opiate EP and also touches on the new album a bit. 5 golden tickets will be randomly shipped out.

www.revolvermag.com/news/interview-tool ... piate.html

Okay that article confirmed basically everything I have been saying.  Tool is lazy.  Oh wait, sorry, "relaxed"....yeah...

No new musical content with the Opiate re-release.  New cover/artwork only.  Hardly bonus laden.  Oh and AJ has the nerve to say it is a "special thank you to the fans"???? LOLZ!!! Wow these guys even believe their own bullshit.

"But as far as the writing? It’s been a little more lax—as in relaxed. But it’s nice. We live kind of cushy lives now, so we get together when we want. It makes everything go slow, which is unfortunate—"

^ That says it all right there.  I have said time and again the reason this hasn't gotten done is because they are fucking lazy.  And I have caught shit for it time and again.  Well there you have it kids, right from the horses mouth.

Enjoy your overpriced Opiate re-release that includes no new music, demo's, or live music of any kind.
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Post by Ravenpig »

I think MOST of us agreed that they're lazy, well other than May Jay (love him or hate him you gotta give him that), a long time ago.


I'm guessing one of the two "bad things" that happened was Adam's divorce, wonder what the other one was?


Interesting interview though. 
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Post by Tool_User »

For those wondering just what the fuck has taken them so long this is probably the best titbit from AJ'S interview with revolver mag.


''You mentioned earlier that you guys are in writing mode. What’s the status of new Tool music? I guess you wouldn’t be doing your job if you didn’t ask. [Laughs] It’s unfortunate that we haven’t put anything out in a while, but you know, we’ve changed as a band. It’s just like a marriage—you grow older, people change, and you’ve gotta adapt or move on. We’ve become even more eclectic and distant, so getting things done and getting together is very hard. There are a lot of other interests. But what I really want people to know is that it’s not a bad thing. I’m serious. I think there’s a little more respect now, and when there’s compromise, it’s a little more open. I don’t know if that’s just a matter of getting older and going, “Ah, fuck it,” or what. [Laughs]

I’ve been with these guys a long time, and we’ve outlasted all of our peers. I mean, I try to think of the bands we came up with that haven’t broken up or broken up and gotten back together, and I can’t think of one band. OK, the Melvins. But that’s it. And we kind of set that up early by deciding that no matter who does what we’re gonna split everything four ways. Some decisions have to be unanimous. Others are put to a vote. We’re really involved in the business side. We write our own checks. But as far as the writing? It’s been a little more lax—as in relaxed. But it’s nice. We live kind of cushy lives now, so we get together when we want. It makes everything go slow, which is unfortunate—we all would have liked to have been done with a new record a long time ago—but when it’s done, it’s gonna be good. And that’s the point. We’re not gonna put out something that sucks just to put it out. We also had two really bad things happen, things that I’m not gonna get into, that set us back emotionally and mentally. But we’re past them now, everybody’s recovered, and that process has kind of actually added to us focusing on being creative. So maybe sometimes bad things happen for a reason.''


Basicly the got rich and lazy like mog has been saying all along! Fuckin lazy rich cunts!!
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Post by Baseball_TOOL »

Hahahaha you people call bullshit when a member of TOOL says something good in an interview. but you all believe every word out their mouth when they say something you've been suspecting ...... 


TOOL has and always will bullshit their through an interview 



just admit it to yourself and everyone else that you have no fucking clue what is going on in their lives or with what their doing with their music. Fact ... 
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Post by Ravenpig »

Baseball_TOOL said
Hahahaha you people call bullshit when a member of TOOL says something good in an interview. but you all believe every word out their mouth when they say something you've been suspecting ...... 


TOOL has and always will bullshit their through an interview 



just admit it to yourself and everyone else that you have no fucking clue what is going on in their lives or with what their doing with their music. Fact ... 


I'd like to respond to these, if I may?


The first bold:  We haven't been "suspecting" anything.  It's been 7 years since 10K Days.  I'm one of the few around here who doesn't scream bloody murder that they've taken so long NOR do I defend them with some sort of "art takes time" bullshit.  It is what it is.  But you don't go that long without SOME laziness to blame for.


Second:  Very true.  But by their standards this was a pretty straight up interview. 


Third:  No we don't, only what they tell us.  We just toss out theories, not "facts" like you do.
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Post by Kittaan »

Nice to get some details.  


On another note:

As Busty mentioned above, the fringe of both camps (pro and con) are so over the top on this shit... it's kinda funny, but also kinda sad.  I know from many PMs and emails I've gotten from former TA and FE regulars, this constant shouting match is turning people off and turning people away.  There's a serious lack of respect that is just a drag.  Personally, I just try to ignore the most vitriolic diatribes and I wish more of you would do that as well (obviously, I'm not including the threads expressly created for that shit).  I enjoy the dialogue when it goes somewhere, but this horse has been beaten to a bloody pulp.  We might see some more participation here if we make this a more enjoyable place to be.
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Post by Baseball_TOOL »

I understand all that man but it just gets kind of old, everything just turns to people bitching, talking shit, calling out other members personally. In all honesty this site is the TITS and everyone on here seems to have good points and good theories but it always seems to come down to bashing and bitching. 

Just listen to the music it's pretty good shit 
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Post by UndKeineZwEier »

There’re five different versions of the artwork, right?
I’d call them variations. That defines it a little better. There’s hand-pressed printing, there’s old machine printing. [Designer] Mackie Osborne is kind of celebrating the intimacy and originality of this thing. If we had the budget, we’d take everything as far as possible. I’ve always lived my life in terms of what I want out of something, and what I want is to go to the store and buy something and go, “Goddamn, I got more than my money’s worth.” I want something where you can tell a lot of time went into it. That’s what I love about painting. I appreciate stuff that people do in one day, but I appreciate seeing the layers of paint and the brushstrokes more—seeing that this person really ripped their guts out trying to capture something. But to answer the question, there will be five variations in color, and a thousand copies of each. So five thousand copies total.  And I know they’re putting extra stuff in it, like some stickers, and I did a 3-D separation of some of the artwork so you can view it through the stereoscopic goggles from the 10,000 Days album. I think there’s a golden ticket, too, that’s supposed to be in one of every thousand. I’m not sure what you get if you get the golden ticket—maybe tickets to one of our shows or something—I don’t think we’ve decided yet. We’re still putting it together. It’s actually being printed right now.

Stickers, you guys!  Stickers!
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Post by void »

We have listened to the music Baseball_TOOL, I think that's part of the problem. A lot of people here are die-hard fans of the band, and while the music is "pretty good shit" we've all heard it to death. People want new material from this band, they don't have enough.
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Post by MOG »

Kittaan said
Nice to get some details.  


On another note:

As Busty mentioned above, the fringe of both camps (pro and con) are so over the top on this shit... it's kinda funny, but also kinda sad.  I know from many PMs and emails I've gotten from former TA and FE regulars, this constant shouting match is turning people off and turning people away.  There's a serious lack of respect that is just a drag.  Personally, I just try to ignore the most vitriolic diatribes and I wish more of you would do that as well (obviously, I'm not including the threads expressly created for that shit).  I enjoy the dialogue when it goes somewhere, but this horse has been beaten to a bloody pulp.  We might see some more participation here if we make this a more enjoyable place to be.

I really do love ya, but come off it.  The only people with the stick up their asses are the users that have an aneurysm when they see anyone speak negatively about Tool's members, music, and/or side projects.  I don't go at the throat of people who fucking love Tool and think they walk on water.  I might tease and fuck with em a bit, but there is nothing personal there.  People are too fucking sensitive.

As for the latest update, yeah it is all kinds of vindication.  I was right.  I don't expect that will change anyone's opinion, or even care for that matter if it does.  But the simple confirmation is more than enough for me.  Most won't, and don't, care at all.  They want new Tool however they can get it.  That's cool.  More power to em.

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Post by Kittaan »

^ That wasn't directed at just you, Moggie.  Merely an observation and a suggestion.  Not trying to change any opinions either.  In fact, I do see both sides of the discussion... I'm just extremely bored with it.
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Post by Tool_User »

Just typed a long winded well worded post about how this place is unique and im glad wankers like me scare off 'good people' cos at least it keeps the non-mainstream internet backwater feel to the place then I lost connection. Anyway I hope HB doesnt close it down as mentioned earlier as it is a bit of a one off this little community of wierdos here and id rather read the combined vitriol of this sites inhabitants than rely on blair!
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Post by Tool_User »

What do you bring to the table then kitaan? Not that its any of my business just asking like.
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Post by BlindnCynical »

Kittaan said
^ That wasn't directed at just you, Moggie.  Merely an observation and a suggestion.  Not trying to change any opinions either.  In fact, I do see both sides of the discussion... I'm just extremely bored with it.

I couldn't agree more.  Especially when the negative Nancys have to say the same thing every time they get a chance. This forum does not have so many members that you have to say something more the once in every thread possible.  We get it, you don't respect them, or don't like them, or think they are lazy etc.  I for one would probably be the same way.  If i was 50 years old, had enough money i didn't have to make more. I would do things when i wanted, or only when its convenient.  I would take spur of the moment vacations, and relax as much as possible.  They are a very successful band with NOTHING to prove, why can't they be lazy?  That's one thing none of the haters address.  They always say how lazy they are, but never say why they haven't earned the right.  Just let it be, you guys bring this forum down. 
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Post by MOG »

BlindandCynical said

Kittaan said
^ That wasn't directed at just you, Moggie.  Merely an observation and a suggestion.  Not trying to change any opinions either.  In fact, I do see both sides of the discussion... I'm just extremely bored with it.

I couldn't agree more.  Especially when the negative Nancys have to say the same thing every time they get a chance. This forum does not have so many members that you have to say something more the once in every thread possible.  We get it, you don't respect them, or don't like them, or think they are lazy etc.  I for one would probably be the same way.  If i was 50 years old, had enough money i didn't have to make more. I would do things when i wanted, or only when its convenient.  I would take spur of the moment vacations, and relax as much as possible.  They are a very successful band with NOTHING to prove, why can't they be lazy?  That's one thing none of the haters address.  They always say how lazy they are, but never say why they haven't earned the right.  Just let it be, you guys bring this forum down. 

^ This is the point.  You are responding to "the haters".  I don't believe I have even posted in your direction by name once.  You can simply move on to the next post, rather than feel the need to "defend" the band.  As for proving, I would say Tool has quite a bit left to prove.  4 full length albums over 21 years is rather pitiful in terms of output.  They are only relevant at this point because they have an incredibly devoted group of fans, that quite frankly, I don't think they deserve.  But to each their own.  Start a Tool positivity thread.  Wax poetic about how Tool's music has enriched your life.  Nothing is stopping you.

Again, we are veering off topic, because YOU, the ardent fan, are making things personal.  Present an opinion, debate the issue, or move on to something else.

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