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Re: Positivity week

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 6:32 am
by BlackHole83
^ I can dig it. Cheers

Re: Positivity week

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 6:35 am
by The Boss
Eh, whatever.

I see what you're saying; but I just think this place is fun, and a bit of harmless fuckin' around hasn't hurt anyone. Most of us find each other's rants and idiosyncrasies amusing and almost endearing.

The last thing I would want is a sterile forum for fourteen year old girls.

Re: Positivity week

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:22 am
by N.Y.H.C.
why are you locking threads? what's your problem?

Re: Positivity week

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:51 am
by hellboy
N.Y.H.C. wrote:why are you locking threads? what's your problem?
Feel free to read the rest of the posts in this thread

Re: Positivity week

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:59 am
by N.Y.H.C.
"feel free" is an interesting choice of words.

Re: Positivity week

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 9:16 am
by not tyson
hellboy wrote: I want the site to be known as a place where music fans came come and discuss common interests. There's nothing to be gained from having a thread where you can call other forum members dickheads. All it does is encourage people to keep upping the ante to see who can be the biggest asshole on the block.
Matt I feel for you on this point, I really do.

I can't switch off who I am, never have, never will. I crave intelligent discussion. I'm here mainly because of the infinity forum. We have had some great discussions through it. I honestly never saw myself as someone trolling, rather asking others how they reached their point of view and asking them to think from a different point. Sure this adds a lot of unnecessary vitriol to the argument but it's an attempt to bring them around to a new way of thinking. As pompous as it sounds, it's basically why a band like Tool exist, question reality and all that.

But fuck my reasons, in all honesty, if you truly want a forum as you described above, you need to purge infinity, perhaps subscribers forum also and at the end of the day ban those dissenters, I won't mention names except one, Not Tyson.

I've done a lot of damage to your ideal forum, I'm not an idiot, so I serve you myself up on a plate.

All I ask is you do it tomorrow morning, I'm not going to spam your site or anything, I just got some pm's I need to send.

the thinkings persons idiot [/i]

Re: Positivity week

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 10:43 am
by xZ1mM3r
This site is a Tool Fan Forum... at the end of the day TOOL is the reason each one of use even found this forum.

But as of late, this forum has become a place that if anyone posts something positive about Tool they are just trolled outta the place. Making fun of true Tool fans is half of the members past times on this forum. I do my best not to shit on Tool fans dreams, mainly because Im a huge Tool fan to this day. But if someone were to join and make a thread about Tool albums, or members, or songs, or The Holy Gift, they would be laughed out of here and made fun of by MULTIPLE members. Thats sad. This should be a place of harmony and friendship, isnt that what Tool promotes?

Re: Positivity week

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 11:37 am
by BlackHole83
That's one of the things that really surprised me when I first started posting on this forum. I've been exposed to and a fan of TOOL for a long time now, and most of the fans I have come across over the years in various venues in various countries have been awesome. We all tend to be on the same wavelength and have common interests and similar ideas about life and the world. It's ideas that we have in common which happen to be promoted by TOOL.

But the silly shit that goes on here regarding accepted racism, personal duels which ruin threads and this forum as a whole is ridiculous. Wanting to always be right and doing and saying whatever it takes to be the "best" or fucking Mr or Mrs know it all really makes this place come off as very immature. I think I know where HB is coming from and he doesn't want to lose sight of the reason he even started this damn thing. We need to get over all this petty shit and move on from it because it is holding this forum down.

With that said there are lots of cool threads here that I really enjoy and appreciate. I have learned about new bands and music which have expanded my musical horizon.

We all came here for music, fuck all the bullshit. Check yourself at the door, nobody here wants to hear about your racist views or relaxed view on pedophiles. Keep that shit to yourself or go to other whack ass forums that accept that nonsense. I am all for freedom of speech, but when it comes to this forum, a TOOL forum, it just doesn't belong here.

Spiral the fuck out and remember why you came here.

Re: Positivity week

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:04 pm
by Kittaan
I absolutely get it. And I know I've contributed in sometimes very petty ways. I've explained my reasoning elsewhere in the past. Instead of complaining about it, let's just try to do what HB is asking of us. I don't dislike any of you, quite the opposite. I would prefer a different focus as HB and others have described.

Re: Positivity week

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 1:14 pm
by M0G
hellboy wrote:
The Boss wrote:Easy, then: Make the "Infinity" forum Subscribers Only, and let Kittaan moderate it.
I don't see this as a viable option because, and I mean no offense to Kittaan here, I feel the that I need to be the one policing the site, as it is a reflection on my reputation, not his. I expect Kittaan would make very similar calls to what I would, but at the end of the day the buck stops with me, and I won't shirk that responsibility.

My question to you is - what do you feel it adds to the forum? What does it give you that you don't already get on 4chan or some other site where this kind if behaviour is allowed?
I don't dig it and have lost all respect for you. Hows about you refund all my money cuz I didn't pay for this....wait...we aren't paying for the forum...riiiight

How about you leave the damn subscribers only section alone and let that be the playground? You wanna go ban happy and ruin half the forum go for it. It is your shit. But if we pay, we should have a spot to fuck around in.

Re: Positivity week

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 1:28 pm
by hellboy
M0G wrote:
hellboy wrote:
The Boss wrote:Easy, then: Make the "Infinity" forum Subscribers Only, and let Kittaan moderate it.
I don't see this as a viable option because, and I mean no offense to Kittaan here, I feel the that I need to be the one policing the site, as it is a reflection on my reputation, not his. I expect Kittaan would make very similar calls to what I would, but at the end of the day the buck stops with me, and I won't shirk that responsibility.

My question to you is - what do you feel it adds to the forum? What does it give you that you don't already get on 4chan or some other site where this kind if behaviour is allowed?
I don't dig it and have lost all respect for you. Hows about you refund all my money cuz I didn't pay for this....wait...we aren't paying for the forum...riiiight

How about you leave the damn subscribers only section alone and let that be the playground? You wanna go ban happy and ruin half the forum go for it. It is your shit. But if we pay, we should have a spot to fuck around in.
I'm happy to give you a refund if that's how you feel. Let me know how much, and then you can feel no obligation to stick around.

Re: Positivity week

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 1:30 pm
by M0G
hellboy wrote:
M0G wrote:
hellboy wrote:
I don't dig it and have lost all respect for you. Hows about you refund all my money cuz I didn't pay for this....wait...we aren't paying for the forum...riiiight

How about you leave the damn subscribers only section alone and let that be the playground? You wanna go ban happy and ruin half the forum go for it. It is your shit. But if we pay, we should have a spot to fuck around in.
I'm happy to give you a refund if that's how you feel. Let me know how much, and then you can feel no obligation to stick around.
You keep Subscribers only open and let us fuck around there I got no beef. This is your shit.

Re: Positivity week

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 1:54 pm
by hellboy
M0G wrote:
You keep Subscribers only open and let us fuck around there I got no beef. This is your shit.
No. At this point in time I'm not happy with the concept off an "anything goes" area.

Re: Positivity week

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:39 pm
by M0G
hellboy wrote:
M0G wrote:
You keep Subscribers only open and let us fuck around there I got no beef. This is your shit.
No. At this point in time I'm not happy with the concept off an "anything goes" area.
Fuck it then I am gone. Keep the money. Way to ruin a solid website. Good luck with whatever this place turns into.

Re: Positivity week

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 4:50 pm
by Ettan
This is getting ridicules.

Re: Positivity week

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 6:01 pm
by The Boss
Yeah, I think we all need to relax.

How about we all take this opportunity to think twice before we post for this week, and see where that takes us.

Who knows, we may start seeing each other in a different light. We may even see some topics started worthy of a new-and-improved Infinity area.

I'm starting to view this as a new chance and a new opportunity. Let's make the best of it.

Re: Positivity week

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 6:03 pm
by UndKeineZwEier
Yeah I'm keeping an open mind.

Re: Positivity week

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:29 pm
by xZ1mM3r
I'm always down for positivity. But generally I get smashed regardless of what I post.

Re: Positivity week

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 11:09 pm
by N.Y.H.C.
Kittaan wrote:I absolutely get it. And I know I've contributed in sometimes very petty ways. I've explained my reasoning elsewhere in the past. Instead of complaining about it, let's just try to do what HB is asking of us. I don't dislike any of you, quite the opposite. I would prefer a different focus as HB and others have described.
I wouldn't say your contribution was petty you were kind to me during a very tragic winter. instead of hearing the same shit from my family/friends over and over it helped coming on here and listening to a complete stranger say "I'm sorry".

Re: Positivity week

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 12:55 am
by ilikecheese
If anyone needs me
I'll be right here

Re: Positivity week

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 1:19 am
by Bill Hilly
I just got out of the hospital this afternoon. The doctor's prognosis is that I have mullet fingers. These last few hours have really put my lame life into perspective. I've had a dick on my shoulder my whole life. It's time to stop the hate. Stop the trolling. Stop the Hans bashing. Mullet fingers is a serious disease, and life is just too short for this nonsense. I'm sorry.

Re: Positivity week

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 1:55 am
by xZ1mM3r
Bill Hilly wrote:I just got out of the hospital this afternoon. The doctor's prognosis is that I have mullet fingers. These last few hours have really put my lame life into perspective. I've had a dick on my shoulder my whole life. It's time to stop the hate. Stop the trolling. Stop the Hans bashing. Mullet fingers is a serious disease, and life is just too short for this nonsense. I'm sorry.
Hahaha Hans approves. Mullet fingers? Better than Afro knuckles.

Re: Positivity week

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 2:02 am
by Bill Hilly
I really did find out I have a mallet fracture on 3 of my fingers today. Doc said I need surgery. Fucking blows. My jerk off hand. I'm also an IT and working on my MBA, so I type a lot. Poking at keys on a board is not my idea of a good time.

Re: Positivity week

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 2:36 am
by ilikecheese
record it
have someone transcribe it
then have them you with that other problem.

Re: Positivity week

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 3:08 am
by hellboy
So far the trial is going well. Plenty of good posts in a range of topics. The forum is hardly "dead" from having Infinity locked. After a days worth of discussion and reflection I certainly feel better about the move to lock it.

To clear up perhaps a slight misconception here - I don't intend to lock Infinity infinitely at this point. I think there is a place for some bickering and bantering, but the danger comes when it becomes the focus of the forum.

The focus should be a positive experience for the majority of the community, where we can engage each other freely on a range of topics without feeling the need to be "called out" or belittled for our views.

If anyone, like M0G feels short changed by this, then I'm happy to offer a refund. My policy is to refund subscription money at request, regardless of the reason.

So far though, the response both publicly via this thread, and privately to me via PM's has been overwhelmingly in support. I thank you all.