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Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 8:05 pm
by hellboy
crow011 said
Any chance of getting images that we post back to a normal size that you can see without having to click on it to blow it up?

Good suggestion - I'll see this gets put on the todo list.

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 8:08 pm
by bigboy55693
Its taking about 15s to submit and reload a reply.  And about 20s to push an edit/reload onto a previous post.


My computer and internet connection are pretty damn good by measly American standards.  This website/forum has always taken far longer than any other forum I visit.


Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 8:18 pm
by hellboy
bigboy55693 said 
I guess adding the hyperlink button is coming soon?

I've turned on a plugin that should automatically convert hyperlinks like this

Other than that, the button works, you just need to select some text.

This will be my 5th post and I'm not showing up on the top posters list (of which I show that 5 would put me in a tie with "markus" at 6th place)

I doubt those numbers are live.  I'd guess there's a cron that runs daily that calculates them.

UndKeineEier said
Who's this lucifer? And why's he a mod?

Lucifer is one of my test accounts.


Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 8:22 pm
by hellboy
bigboy55693 said
Its taking about 15s to submit and reload a reply.  And about 20s to push an edit/reload onto a previous post.


My computer and internet connection are pretty damn good by measly American standards.  This website/forum has always taken far longer than any other forum I visit.


Takes about 3 seconds for me, which isn't amazing, but much better than yours it seems.  Server is hosted in San Francisco, so there should be no technical reason I'm getting it faster than you.

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 8:37 pm
by The Boss
hellboy1975 said

bigboy55693 said
Its taking about 15s to submit and reload a reply.  And about 20s to push an edit/reload onto a previous post.


My computer and internet connection are pretty damn good by measly American standards.  This website/forum has always taken far longer than any other forum I visit.


Takes about 3 seconds for me, which isn't amazing, but much better than yours it seems.  Server is hosted in San Francisco, so there should be no technical reason I'm getting it faster than you.

Again, the boost in load speeds that I've personally noticed in Korea are astronomical compared to what they used to be.

No complaints whatsoever. I accessed this forum a bunch from New Zealand and Australia back in July. And it was appalling.

Not sure what the load's like now in the southern hemisphere (BEST DAMN HEMISPHERE IN THE WORLD - AMIRITE?), but compared to what it was, here in Korea (fastest internet I've experienced in about fifteen countries), I think we're good to go.

NB: Haven't actually experienced the load times anywhere other than Korea since the new forum stuff, so I'm not real good to judge.

Wow, that was a boring fucking post.


Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 8:41 pm
by The Boss
K, just timed it - five seconds flat to open a single thread in a new tab. Not fantastic, but a marked improvement.

You always thought I was exaggerating, Swellboi, but I was seriously looking at thirty seconds for a tab to load with the old forum.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 2:44 am
by ilikecheese
roughly 3-4 seconds here

that's est zone

for what it's worth


edit: and this whole thing about the add reply icon not working is really bringing me down.  I have to edit a post just to post another's really bumming me out dude...Buzz Killington ftw....sigh...

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 7:58 am
by hellboy
cheese said  
edit: and this whole thing about the add reply icon not working is really bringing me down.  I have to edit a post just to post another's really bumming me out dude...Buzz Killington ftw....sigh...

It's pissing me off as well.  Seems to be intermittant, sometimes it works fine, others not.  I've been looking into it without success - the only easy way to fix it at the moment seems to be to turn the editor off

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 9:32 am
by ilikecheese
hellboy1975 said

cheese said  
edit: and this whole thing about the add reply icon not working is really bringing me down.  I have to edit a post just to post another's really bumming me out dude...Buzz Killington ftw....sigh...

It's pissing me off as well.  Seems to be intermittant, sometimes it works fine, others not.  I've been looking into it without success - the only easy way to fix it at the moment seems to be to turn the editor off

---tanks... glad you're on it; I'd say that this is the biggest obstacle to having a normal experience thus far in regards to the upgrade.  I haven't compiled any rock solid data but if i had to guess I'd say it works about one out of 20 attempts on my end.  

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 9:45 am
by fortysixand2
This isn't about the new forums but the layout of the new blog. When I hover over "social" under the Forums tab, the menu expands to the right but it's not readable. It gets cut off.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 9:57 am
by ilikecheese
fortysixand2 said
This isn't about the new forums but the layout of the new blog. When I hover over "social" under the Forums tab, the menu expands to the right but it's not readable. It gets cut off.

me three...

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 11:25 am
by hellboy
Ok, thanks. There's nothing interesting there btw, just links to facebook and synchtube.

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 1:34 am
by ilikecheese
Not really a complaint, but an observation.  If you'll notice under Unread and recently updated topics section, if a username ends in numbers like hellboy or crow, it reads as if the last post was from hellboy, 19753 hours ago

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 6:44 am
by bigboy55693
The hyperlink button is not working like I think it should.


What am I doing wrong:

I paste a URL into this text area.

I select that URL and click the Insert/Edit Link [URL button]

That dialog box asks for link URL, target, and title

I again paste the link into the link URL box, then select open in new window, then I title the link as something more descriptive than a URL.


Problem is that after I click insert URL the link in the page is not titled.  It is just the URL with a hyperlink.  It is functional, but the informative title is missing and makes the post appear messy.


example: ... 416f6e4f19


can we still do the {url=xxxxx}Title{/url}



Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 8:37 am
by hellboy
I don't get it?  Works fine for me.  Just highlight the text and leave the title blank.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 3:09 am
by UndKeineZwEier
The unread and recently updated list seems a bit large.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 11:32 am
by fortysixand2
These forums are atrocious on a mobile device, hellboy. I'm using an iPhone 4s with Safari. The Wordpress bar at the top is very annoying and gets stuck at random places on the page while entering text, overlapping everything. There is so much blank space on posts that each one takes up about a full screen. 

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 11:53 am
by hellboy

UndKeineEier said
The unread and recently updated list seems a bit large.

I'll bee looking at making it more compact in the future.  For now it's set to show the last 20 updated threads, I may well reduce this down to under 15.....

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 12:06 pm
by The Boss
fortysixand2 said
These forums are atrocious on a mobile device, hellboy. I'm using an iPhone 4s with Safari. The Wordpress bar at the top is very annoying and gets stuck at random places on the page while entering text, overlapping everything. There is so much blank space on posts that each one takes up about a full screen. 

I personally don't bother accessing forums with anything less than a ten-inch tablet.


Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 6:30 am
by bigboy55693
After editing a post and clicking submit reply I get a small error message to the upper left of the text input box saving "database query error".


When viewing the reply after the edit it shows that it went live and thus I don't see any errors, but the system seems to think there is an error.


This was not happening a few days ago.

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 9:36 am
by ilikecheese
hey it worked for once.....

what's frustrating to this point is every time I want to point something out and report it, not to mention simply post a reply. . . i can't fucking post!  I might as well be jerkin off here...ummm...hey.....uhh........brb......fucking a


Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 11:02 am
by basejumper
Search function is inoperable.....


Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:23 am
by ilikecheese
basejumper said
Search function is inoperable.....


oh, now you're just bein' an ASS, base! lol

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 10:14 am
by Kittaan
I know you're still working on it, but wanted to let you know that I still can't post (100%) without either quoting somebody elses post or using the Paste From Word button.  When the forum first opened, I was able to post as normal, but soon after that it stopped working.  

PMs are still not working:  

User Messages

You are not allowed to use the User Messages features on this website. Please contact the webmaster if you feel this should not be the case.


Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 11:31 am
by hellboy
Kittaan said
I know you're still working on it, but wanted to let you know that I still can't post (100%) without either quoting somebody elses post or using the Paste From Word button.  When the forum first opened, I was able to post as normal, but soon after that it stopped working.  


PMs are still not working:  

User Messages

You are not allowed to use the User Messages features on this website. Please contact the webmaster if you feel this should not be the case.


PMs are working, must be a permissions thing for you as a moderator.  I'll see if I can fix it up.


Nothing I can add to the posting thing at this stage.