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Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 8:50 am
by The Boss
ToolUser said
How sweet of crow to answer for you,just out of curiosity crow why are you so excited considering justins influence was heavy on 10000 days yet that album is a pile of shit?


np hellboy i only asked for a straight answer,if you need someone else to speak for you then fair enough.

Let me make this perfectly clear: No one, ever, speaks for anyone else on this forum.

Second, you're not even amusing. Not clever, not funny, nothin'. You're incoherent, rude beyond what I have ever been, and useless at using this forum (ie, ... 135/#p3154).

Third, Justin's influence may have been heavy on "10,000 DAYS", however, I feel that it was drowned out by piss-poor lyrics, sub-par guitar-work, and boring, predictable, and at times, laughable themes.

Should you wish to continue this further, I suggest sliding your truly terrible grasp of the English language and horrible sense of logic into the "Bicker" thread.


Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 11:54 am
I like that 10KD is different. I would NOT want a repeat of any of their albums. The themes and lyrics have way more depth than it appears on the surface as well.

Right in Two is a good example. People reduce it to being a simplistic take on the woes of the world, but it can easily be interpreted in much cooler ways. So to put limitation on what you can get out of 10KD says to me you might just get hung up on earlier works and don't like to adapt to an evolving band.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 11:58 am
by Tool_User
It's pretty clear the band have moved on and grown a little too.Some people need the earlier angst ridden bum sex style tool music to get stuff off their chest.Fair play to them! I see 10,000 days as a pretty cynical album and sometimes I can relate to that sometimes I can't.

I listened to aenima when I was going through some shit in my life and to be honest its pretty much impossible for me to listen to that now without bringing up shit I dont want to think about,so I don't listen to it. Use it for what you want,if you can get something out of it good if not then why bother with it?

If you need that angst ridden music then listen to their older stuff.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 12:06 pm
by Tool_User
Just to clarify too.I dont know why people struggled to get my question.Tool have said things about the new album and progress and what not a few times over the last few years and it has generaly turned out to be false.So my question was why is everyone getting so excited this time around? I got an answer in the end but it was like pulling teeth.I think too many on here are blair wannabees or just plain knobheads.I think il fit in rather well tbh.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 12:18 pm
by Kittaan
@ ToolUser - OK, I'll take a stab... I don't think anybody took your questions seriously.  You have been known to go for the wind up, provoking for no apparent reason, and I took it as a rhetorical question personally.  If you want to be taken seriously, perhaps try a different approach.


Comparing Hellboy to Blair is quite a stretch, IMO.  I have plenty of differences of opinion with HB when it comes to musical taste (he's pretty hopeless there) but when it comes to running a fan site, I can't think of a more straight forward, even handed, considered approach.  While Blair heavily skews to the cryptic... but to be fair to BMB, he's got his hands tied in the information distribution area... and Blair doesn't have to deal directly with Tool fan boys like HB does (or chooses to).

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 12:23 pm
by Tool_User
HB emailed blair the other day so im not to sure your right about the fanboy part.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 12:28 pm
by Kittaan
@ ToolUser - Re: Taken seriously.  


Fair enough.  You seemed genuinely curious so I replied.  Seeya.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 2:46 pm
by joeypants
Love 10K Days. To me, each album from Undertow onwards has it's own charms and is really tied with me. Lyrically, I think 10K Days is more or less the weakest, although VOCALLY I think it's fucking amazing in terms of sounds. The music on 10K Days is phenomenal.


I weep for those that never got to see them hit that tribal section of Rosetta Stoned live. Say what you want about the 09 tours, but Rosetta OWNED that tour. The moment the lasers came out right as they switch to that section and feel like they were about to smack the audience on the head... top notch stuff.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 3:14 pm
by Intension
Well said about Rosetta Stoned. It wasnt one of my favorite tunes, then i saw it live at lallapalooza, and its one of their best songs to see live. It really shows their chemistry and interweivings as a band. And yes, that tribal part with the lasers is just nasty fun. Now its on my favorites list.


Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 3:56 pm
by Ravenpig
May Jay also sang it with completely different lyrics, at least in the fast talking parts.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 4:06 pm
by fortysixand2
@ToolUser Why don't you put a space after periods or commas? It's really bothering me.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 4:41 pm
by hellboy
ToolUser said
How sweet of crow to answer for you,just out of curiosity crow why are you so excited considering justins influence was heavy on 10000 days yet that album is a pile of shit?

Is that the question you want answered?  I'm not sure I've even mentioned Justin's influence in this thread (aside from mentioning it in the OP, which is a summary of the interview in question, and not a summary of my feelings on the album).

To answer the question though - as I've said before, it's not the specific quotes that I find exciting, it's the fact that Tool (or at least 3/4 of them) are enthusiastically talking about songwriting, and that gives me hope that we will see them progress to recording later this year.  10k Days wasn't a pile of shit in my opinion.  It was no Ænima or Lateralus, but it was a solid album.

Oh, and for the record Blair actually contacted me. We've maintained an email based relationship since then where we've been able to share information of mutual benefit - he usually clarifying news for me, and me by letting him know about mainly technical issues such as problems with the Toolband store, Toolarmy and such.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 5:09 pm
by basejumper
hellboy1975 said
... and me by letting him know about mainly technical issues such as problems with the Toolband store, Toolarmy and such.



If that's the case then you may want to let him know that ToolArmy has been having some issues the last say.... 8 or so years.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 5:17 pm
by hellboy
basejumper said 
If that's the case then you may want to let him know that ToolArmy has been having some issues the last say.... 8 or so years.

Haha - he's well aware of that one!

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 7:51 pm
by joeypants
It is indeed VERY nice and exciting to hear 3/4 of them all together talking positively and sounding inspired about the new stuff. Even that odd quote from Maynard about, "I've asked to be involved" stirs... well something, anyway. I'm not sure what. Ha. I genuinely feel like he's on one long constant troll more or less with regards to this band. And hell... if I was in a band of that stature and knew people basically expected me to be an oddball anyway, can't say I wouldn't fuck with people constantly either. 

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:37 am
by doors
AENIMA in my opinion is their ultimate album. Aside from the segues all the 9 songs on there are perfect! Lateralus has great songs but a few doozies like Ticks and leeches and Parabol (yawn). AENIMA blew my mind when it was first released-Tool produced it's own genre with music with the song 'Stinkfist.' The bass on AENIMA was also better imo with Stinfist, 46&2 and Aenema. Again these are all opinions.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:40 am
by doors
Danny Carey- never believe anything that comes out of this man's mouth. Always lets you down. Still trying to figure out if it's intentional or not. Five times in the past he has said this album would be releases in 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. Now in 2013 he is hopeful! That's reassuring...

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:14 am
by Tool_User
No HB even though you dont seem to realise it you have already answered the question.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:15 am
by Tool_User
46an2 i cantbearsedandifpeoplesgrammaontheinternetbotheryouthenyouneedtogetafuckinlifeyousadcunt.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:22 am
by The Boss
You know what, it's a sad day when I am not the most obnoxious member of this forum.

I should feel good about this, but I kind of feel that I've lost my identity or something. I really should crucify the ego, before it's far too late . . .

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:31 am
by Absolut_Death
Holy hell i cant believe my password still works for this site. Anyways, i for one am excited as hell for all this news, seems like when 10k days was warming up to be released all these same things began happening, coachella was announced, then on release day they played a show at the paramount in seattle. i believe the album is done, or near done. Mayjay and Danny like to say conflicting things to make everyone think otherwise, but when these aussie dates start i wouldnt be surprised if it gets released. I also believe that u.s. dates will be announced for the summer. Why would they not be secretive about the album, 10k days was leaked on the internet weeks before its release.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 12:06 pm
by snazzlefrass
^ I used to think that the album was done and they were all fucking with us. That was in '09. Wait, did I say "used to?"

I'm with you on that. The album's been done since '09 and this has all been one hell of a joke.

I believe that leak was a radio station's fault. It's pretty hard now-a-days to keep an album from leaking, whether intentionally or not. Tho I did do a good job at not downloading it when it did leak. Fuckin hardcore.


Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 12:14 pm
When i talk about bass on LAT or 10KD, im more speaking of the actual TONE of the instrument, as well as the myriad of effects used. The massive weight of his bass on The Pot, or the awesome use of delay on Jambi, and the amazing breakdown with danny on Rosetta Stoned. Can't get enough of that might tone.

For LAT, his tone had an awesome cleanliness/sharpness to it that cut through all the other frequencies on the album. Would actually like to see that style of tone make a return.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:18 pm
by thesheedspot
"...want my old shit? buy my old albums"- jay z