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Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:43 pm
by UndKeineZwEier
markuspoop said
I like how for an interview with Justin, MJK gets a bigger photo displayed than said interviewee.

Yeah that's kinda shitty.  Maybe they couldn't find a good picture of Justin, I don't know. 


Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:43 pm
by phox_
Zwerewolf said
Adam didn't like Bottrill in the beginning because he was more drum based and didn't know so much about guitar. My guess is Bottrill learned everything he needed to know about guitar by the time Lateralus was finished. Bottrill will be perfect...

This doesn't actually sound true.  It seems like you mixed up the quote about Danny not liking Baressi because he wasn't known for drums, but then got the best drum sound he ever had.  Remember, Bottrill worked with King Crimson, notably, and a few others.  I'm pretty sure he knew plenty about guitar.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:46 pm
by tiresias
^ Agreed. I mean... The Patient... amirite?

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 1:51 pm
by Zwerewolf
Bottrill admitted not knowing guitar very well and that Adam had to guide him and said that it was "very sweet" how Adam kind of lead him in the direction he needed to go. But I do think you're right for the most part. Someone was frustrated and I think it was Danny. Either way... Bottrill needs to be the man again. That's what will send this next album over the top and rectify the long wait.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 1:58 pm
by joeypants
I'm pulling for Bob Rock myself.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 2:12 pm
by UndKeineZwEier
Phil Spector

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 2:44 pm
by petemasterpete
Lou Pearlman

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 2:47 pm
by 264zn
Adam liked Limp Bizkit's version of 'Opiate'.


That is all.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 2:50 pm
by Casey Tatum
I suspect Adam is just trying to be nice. Notice he says "I thought it was cool" instead of "they did a great job" or something.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 2:54 pm
by Zwerewolf
It's flattering to have someone cover your song is mainly what I think he meant. Limp Bizkit (very lame) have a guitar virtuoso in the band which is the only thing I see making it respectable. Wes Borland is pretty amazing at what he does.
Adam also cannot openly come out and say... "OH yeah that version sucked I hated it." without stirring up a shit storm of media related bullshit. I guarantee the headline the very next day would be "Adam Jones of TOOL calls Limp Bizkit's cover of Opiate terrible" or something better written but of the same subject matter...
I don't think that's the attention Adam would like right now, nor is it a distraction he'd like to deal with while writing the new album.

Bottrill all the way.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 3:06 pm
by not tyson
Bottrill is the reason a lot of us love Tool, way unappreciated 

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 3:11 pm
by MOG
Tyson said
Bottrill is the reason a lot of us love Tool, way unappreciated 

Agreed.  I do like 10,000 Days, but Evil Joe isn't in the same league as Bottrill.


Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 3:16 pm
by '][' [[]] [[]] ][,
The guitars on 10,000 Days sound terrible to me.  Lots of clipping.  I thought the drums sounded good though.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 3:35 pm
I thought adams comment about "March Madness" was interesting...wondering how close they are....

loft renovations, maynard in town, shows coming would be great if they were getting near the last phase of writing. Seems like they could do these shows and then wrap up the album over the summer, and then plan for studio time.

So yeah, sometime 2014

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 3:38 pm
by UndKeineZwEier
petemasterpete said
Lou Pearlman

Lou Ferrigno


Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 3:51 pm
by Zwerewolf
Don't get me wrong, the production on 10,000 days is good however, Lateralus is my all time favorite album with Aenima as a close 2nd. Bottrill really captured the escense of TOOL. He for some reason was able to percieve and influence the message, the cohesion between the members and the overall emotion that I think we are all so very impressed with.

I don't think anyone else can possibly get them back to that space again other than Bottrill. That's the album we're all waiting 8 years for! We all love 10,000 days but if that's what we get next year I don't think we'll be happy. Sure I guess you can argue in a world of infinite possibility that there's another producer out there that can capture a similar record but the odds of them selecting that one person are very slim. I'll hope for it and won't be too disappointed if they don't choose him. Regardless... they are TOOL and they won't let us down.

@Drury Other than rehearsing before the big shows I'll bet they're showing him what they've done so far. This should definitely get his gears turning and so long as he's positive about it I'll bet it sends the whole process spiraling into awesomeness. Studio time by fall I'd say would be likely.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 3:59 pm
by markuspoop
petemasterpete said
Lou Pearlman

Nah.  Let's see what Ron Pearlman could do producing Tool's next album.


Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 4:01 pm
by markuspoop
DRURY said
I thought adams comment about "March Madness" was interesting...wondering how close they are....

loft renovations, maynard in town, shows coming would be great if they were getting near the last phase of writing. Seems like they could do these shows and then wrap up the album over the summer, and then plan for studio time.

So yeah, sometime 2014

Nah Adam's probably just talking about the bands brackets and tourney-pool they're all in together.


Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 4:02 pm
by petemasterpete
markuspoop said

petemasterpete said
Lou Pearlman

Nah.  Let's see what Ron Pearlman could do producing Tool's next album.


looks like HB's got his work cut out for him... maybe it's not tool's fault after all... maybe we're holding up the studio sessions keeping our fearless leader too busy moderating tool-hate posts to actually twiddle the knobs

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 4:05 pm
by Zwerewolf
I'm sure Lou Pearlman could find some way to make money that's for sure... However... not exactly TOOLesque type of producer. Unless Adam wants to get rid of those long grey locks and get short spiky bleached blonde hair. Danny to follow suit and Justin to shave his beard... Hmmm... ages are a little off though. WTF?

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 4:07 pm
by UndKeineZwEier
markuspoop said

petemasterpete said
Lou Pearlman

Nah.  Let's see what Ron Pearlman could do producing Tool's next album.


I want to see Ron Paul's Tool album.


Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 4:23 pm
10,000 Days is the counterbalance to Lateralus. It leaves open a brand new possibility for the 5th album. I do tend to enjoy the Botrill style more in the long run, simply because it sounds more futuristic, or spacey.....but i LOVE the heavy bass of 10KD, and certain passages on the album sound unbelievable.

Not sure what the word is.....but the great thing about Lateralus is how it doesnt sound dated to any time period, lyrically or musically. I guess thats why ppl react badly to 10KD....but i see it as a necessity. Tool had to blow it out the way they did....

Now that they're older and more "mature", i can see them combining ALL the elements that make them great, along with some new angles and deliver something pretty special. I also think the new stuff will be a little "catchier" and slightly easier to enjoy right away, the way Aenima is.

I guess we'll see...

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 4:23 pm
by Zwerewolf
March 21, 2013 at 5:07 pm
markuspoop said

petemasterpete said
Lou Pearlman

Nah. Let’s see what Ron Pearlman could do producing Tool’s next album.

I want to see Ron Paul’s Tool album.

Wow... seriousness... congrats guys you're officially not funny.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 4:23 pm
by Calfium Jay
Off topic, but for those interested there's also a decent interview with Black Sabbath regarding their new album in the latest Rolling Stone.

But yeah, it was a surprise to open the magazine while I was enjoying my roast pork and coleslaw sandwich and iced tea and suddenly see the words "Tool" and "fifth lp" in a headline as initially I had bought the magazine solely for the new Bowie interview.

Sometimes you just get lucky....

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 4:24 pm
by Bogart
I would rather them take their time (which they definitely are) than release something to appease the fans. I don't like it, but I don't defend it. There's nothing I can do about it. What am I going to do, boycott Tool because they're taking their sweet ass time releasing an album?

It seems like people want others to be angry and lash out on Tool about how long it's taken them to get this thing out. The way I see it, they don't have to do shit. So anything new I can get my paws on, I'll try to appreciate. They're by far my favorite band. I wish they would have out out more albums in their 20+ year existence, but they haven't, life goes on.

This is probably their last hurrah. Who knows if they will put out another just seems to get harder and harder for them. For me though, half of the fun is in the buildup honestly. Checking Toolarmy, fourtheye, Toolshed and using social media to see if there are any updates regarding the album and hearing everyone's reaction within this little community.