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Post by hellboy »

better known as "which dumbass said this":

We have a strong and credible broadband policy because the man who has devised it, the man who will implement it virtually invented the Internet in this country. Thank you so much, Malcolm Turnbull.

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Post by UndKeineZwEier »

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Post by Calfium Jay »

Get fucked.



If anyone out there is intending to vote Labor at the next election, after what has transpired in the last 6 years....well....adios and see you in hell, dickheads.
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Post by hellboy »

Calfium Jay said 
If anyone out there is intending to vote Labor at the next election, after what has transpired in the last 6 years....well....adios and see you in hell, dickheads.

I'm interested in what you think has transpired in the last 6 years that would make anyone voting Labour a dickhead?

This thread is not supposed to be biased by the way, I have no doubt politicians from all sides have said stupid stuff coming into this election.  Open political discourse is welcome.

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Post by Calfium Jay »

hellboy1975 said

I'm interested in what you think has transpired in the last 6 years that would make anyone voting Labour a dickhead?


What I think has transpired?!? Oh boy.


My thesis is coming soon...


How was that rock you were living under in that cave on Mars since 2007, btw..?
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Post by doors »

The Labor Party has always been a joke- constantly destabilising the country and breaking more promises than the Liberals.

For those Commie fucks to snake out that ginger over some two faced KRudd fuckwit was just wrong.

They're playing with this country and continents like Europe are envious and at the same time scratching their heads as to why this is happening with us having the best economy in the world. We still can't get our shit together..

You know there's something wrong with this country when they take advice from idiotic teenagers who couldn't tell the capital of Peru from their arse, clamouring around a four eyed egotistical backstabbing cunt.


Ah the relief! Grammar, punctuation..who gives a shit.
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Post by The Boss »

Ideologically, I'll always vote decidedly-left - though I am starting to show some signs of middle-left, and even moderate conservatism.

Whoever has the best policies gets my vote. Traditionally, that has always been Labour. I haven't voted for the past two elections for obvious reasons, but I can't see myself as having voted not-Labour for any reason - nor is that likely to change in the future.

The ALP has always been full of factions warring against each other. I think this conflict is able to give birth to fairly sturdy government, through the generation of new ideas and the constant avoidance of complacency. Unfortunately, recent years have painted a different story.

I haven't been as involved with the discourse politic in Australia for some time, though I've tried. I've never seen anything wrong with Rudd. Once again, people seem to think that your leader should be someone "you could have a beer with". I want someone who is intelligent as fuck, and more than a bit ruthless.

We'll see what happens. I'm quite open to the idea that I'll change my tune in the next few years. I am seriously looking at the prospect of moving to New Zealand if Abbott gets in. I'm not joking. The ball-and-chain is Kiwi, we'll have enough cash to set us up; we both like the place, and neither of us mind working fairly menial jobs in the short-term (anything has to be better than our current situation).

I can't see any good coming from having Abbott in power. And he scares me.
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Post by hellboy »

Calfium Jay said 

How was that rock you were living under in that cave on Mars since 2007, btw..?

Nice and cosy under here.  I think you're taking this the wrong way.  I'm not trying to suggest Labour are perfect and blameless, nor would I suggest the Libs are either.  Let's face it, if the ALP were in opposition right now, there would be just as many complaining about how much the Liberals have screwed up in the last term.  

I Just want to know what you perceive to be the problems.  You opinion is important, to me at least, and I'm not afraid to be convinced by others that my viewpoint may be wrong.

Personally I tend to be someone who votes looking forward rather than looking back... I've voted in both directions, so while I would generally bend toward the ALP side of the equation, I have and would vote for the Liberals again if I felt it was the right thing to do.

So far, I'm a long way from convinced the Libs are offering worth voting for.   Their policies regarding the NBN and Immigraton are jokes at best, and I haven't looking in to anything else they've released so far.

Tony Abbott is a retard, but I'm quite comfortable looking at the party in general rather than judging them purely on their leader.  I don't see Gillard or Rudd as especially strong leader either. 
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Post by The Boss »

I think Rudd's probably the best the ALP have done since Keating.

Bear in mind that this opinion comes from a detached view of the situation.
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Post by The Boss »

hellboy1975 said

Calfium Jay said 

How was that rock you were living under in that cave on Mars since 2007, btw..?

Nice and cosy under here.  I think you're taking this the wrong way.  I'm not trying to suggest Labour are perfect and blameless, nor would I suggest the Libs are either.  Let's face it, if the ALP were in opposition right now, there would be just as many complaining about how much the Liberals have screwed up in the last term.  

I Just want to know what you perceive to be the problems.  You opinion is important, to me at least, and I'm not afraid to be convinced by others that my viewpoint may be wrong.

Personally I tend to be someone who votes looking forward rather than looking back... I've voted in both directions, so while I would generally bend toward the ALP side of the equation, I have and would vote for the Liberals again if I felt it was the right thing to do.

So far, I'm a long way from convinced the Libs are offering worth voting for.   Their policies regarding the NBN and Immigraton are jokes at best, and I haven't looking in to anything else they've released so far.

Tony Abbott is a retard, but I'm quite comfortable looking at the party in general rather than judging them purely on their leader.  I don't see Gillard or Rudd as especially strong leader either. 

This attitude is sorely lacking with regard to talking about politics, and anything else, for that matter - and for this reason, I applaud you.
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Post by hellboy »

From the local paper this morning:

But the newly installed Rudd government yesterday conceded wedding planning for brides had been thrown into chaos amid the guessing game over what date Mr Rudd will try to renew his vows with voters.

Really?  There area brides out there planning weddings to avoid or coincide with the Election Day?  People realise it doesn't take that long to vote don't they?  Or that they can do a postal vote and not even have to get out of bed in the morning...
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Post by ilikecheese »

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Post by Calfium Jay »

Problem with Labor as has been pointed out is that there are too many factions with their own agendas shouting over the top of each other to be heard. It is difficult for the general public to truly get an idea of what they really stand for. They have long since ceased being the party for "working Australians" and have now become the go to for middle class wankers in SVU's and inner city "intellectuals" and café dwelling, latte drinking leftist snobs.

They have well and truly lost their way.

Labor is all about talk and no action. Every thing they announce looks and feels SO good on paper, yet when it comes to implementing their do-gooder schemes they are too often left red faced and retracting what was previously stated.

Economically speaking, they are a disgrace to the nation - failing FIVE times in a row to bring the budget into anything even REMOTELY resembling a surplus. Even when they defiantly, steadfastly announced they would do so by 2013, come hell or high water.

Interesting to note that not ONE representative of the Labor Part sitting in Parliament today has had ANY experience in running a business whatsoever. Not ONE person with an ounce of experience. And yet they sit in judgement on those who do.

Their newly implemented tax systems are nothing sort of a national joke, with both the carbon tax and mining tax failing to make even the slightest dent in the deficit, making a mockery of previous announcements, where Gillard assured us that Australians would all "share in the wealth" of the mining boom, which has sadly but not unexpectedly slowed to a crawl. Any chance in the near future of reaping any benefit from the tax in the near future is highly unlikely, seeing as mining companies profits are nowhere near the level they need to be for the tax system to kick in.

They have taken telecommunications back 30 years in this country with a government and union monopoly, not seen in Australia since the heady, bloody days of the 1970's. The much bragged about, yet much maligned National Broadband System is nearing a cost of around $90 billion - a mass blowout of nearly $50 billion, making the world's most expensive broadband network (amazing considering we have a population of only 23 million).

We are now taxed more than ever before, the cost of living has skyrocketed and small business - which Labor cannot unionise and therefore seeks to punish - is suffering with little or no respite.

Then there is the matter of the border control and Labor's almost criminal decision to wind back the Howard government's Pacific Solution which they deemed "cruel and draconian". Since then we have seen refugees arrive in their tens of thousands, with several boats arriving each week - wave after wave after wave. Detention centres are overflowing, conditions for detainees are appalling at best (with some being shipped to the mainland to be house in universities and motels!!!!) and suicides and crimes within the confines of the centres are rampant.

Then there is the issue of deaths at sea. When these laws were wound back and the gates were opened, in the mad rush to get here countless boats floundered and many lives were lost. Although we will probably never get a true indication of exactly how many deaths Labor's "do gooder" policies have caused, it is estimated that some two thousand lives have been lost.

In an effort to appear to have the situation under control, Dillard to'd and fro'd - promised deals with Malaysia, promised deals with Indonesia - and then finally reverted back to the system she had previously condemned and once more allowed for the off shore processing of arrivals on Nauru - just like "evil" John Howard had once done.

Add to this:

The Pink Batts blunder -  254 homes burning down and 4 people dying

School Halls fiasco - billions wasted just to prove they were "spending on education"

Craig Thomson  -whom Gillard gave her "full support and confidence" only to abandon him later on in the face of guilt

Peter Slipper

The knifing of Kevin Rudd

The attempted muzzling of freedom of speech in the media

Billions cut from defence

Union interference

Carbon tax lie

Spiralling national debt


And you have more or less the WORST government ever elected by the Australian people.

Vote for them and suffer....if that's what you want.


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Post by The Boss »

Calfium Jay said
Problem with Labor as has been pointed out is that there are too many factions with their own agendas shouting over the top of each other to be heard. It is difficult for the general public to truly get an idea of what they really stand for. They have long since ceased being the party for "working Australians" and have now become the go to for middle class wankers in SVU's and inner city "intellectuals" and café dwelling, latte drinking leftist snobs.

They have well and truly lost their way.

Labor is all about talk and no action. Every thing they announce looks and feels SO good on paper, yet when it comes to implementing their do-gooder schemes they are too often left red faced and retracting what was previously stated.

Economically speaking, they are a disgrace to the nation - failing FIVE times in a row to bring the budget into anything even REMOTELY resembling a surplus. Even when they defiantly, steadfastly announced they would do so by 2013, come hell or high water.

Interesting to note that not ONE representative of the Labor Part sitting in Parliament today has had ANY experience in running a business whatsoever. Not ONE person with an ounce of experience. And yet they sit in judgement on those who do.

Their newly implemented tax systems are nothing sort of a national joke, with both the carbon tax and mining tax failing to make even the slightest dent in the deficit, making a mockery of previous announcements, where Gillard assured us that Australians would all "share in the wealth" of the mining boom, which has sadly but not unexpectedly slowed to a crawl. Any chance in the near future of reaping any benefit from the tax in the near future is highly unlikely, seeing as mining companies profits are nowhere near the level they need to be for the tax system to kick in.

They have taken telecommunications back 30 years in this country with a government and union monopoly, not seen in Australia since the heady, bloody days of the 1970's. The much bragged about, yet much maligned National Broadband System is nearing a cost of around $90 billion - a mass blowout of nearly $50 billion, making the world's most expensive broadband network (amazing considering we have a population of only 23 million).

We are now taxed more than ever before, the cost of living has skyrocketed and small business - which Labor cannot unionise and therefore seeks to punish - is suffering with little or no respite.

Then there is the matter of the border control and Labor's almost criminal decision to wind back the Howard government's Pacific Solution which they deemed "cruel and draconian". Since then we have seen refugees arrive in their tens of thousands, with several boats arriving each week - wave after wave after wave. Detention centres are overflowing, conditions for detainees are appalling at best (with some being shipped to the mainland to be house in universities and motels!!!!) and suicides and crimes within the confines of the centres are rampant.

Then there is the issue of deaths at sea. When these laws were wound back and the gates were opened, in the mad rush to get here countless boats floundered and many lives were lost. Although we will probably never get a true indication of exactly how many deaths Labor's "do gooder" policies have caused, it is estimated that some two thousand lives have been lost.

In an effort to appear to have the situation under control, Dillard to'd and fro'd - promised deals with Malaysia, promised deals with Indonesia - and then finally reverted back to the system she had previously condemned and once more allowed for the off shore processing of arrivals on Nauru - just like "evil" John Howard had once done.

Add to this:

The Pink Batts blunder -  254 homes burning down and 4 people dying

School Halls fiasco - billions wasted just to prove they were "spending on education"

Craig Thomson  -whom Gillard gave her "full support and confidence" only to abandon him later on in the face of guilt

Peter Slipper

The knifing of Kevin Rudd

The attempted muzzling of freedom of speech in the media

Billions cut from defence

Union interference

Carbon tax lie

Spiralling national debt


And you have more or less the WORST government ever elected by the Australian people.

Vote for them and suffer....if that's what you want.



I've NEVER wanted a government that says "we didn't spend money on shit we needed, so therefore we have heaps of cash now".

But thank you for admitting that you read my posts in this thread.

To everyone else:

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Post by doors »

What a complete and utter hypocrite this Rudd is! ... 2p3p3.html


He is the one who undid Howard's measures to keep the boats away. Yet he is playing mind games.


The Australia public would seriously be fucked in the head to vote Rudd in again in the next election. He'll sink this country even more.


I hate politics but this slimey motherfucker needs to be gone.
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Post by doors »

The Labor party have a great track record of fucking up the economy and the Liberals have always been the better economic managers. Howard had to fix Keating's fuck ups and he did it well. Like it or not.
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Post by The Boss »

I'm actually not surprised that there are a large, vocal, number of conservatives here.

I'll vote for whichever party is likely to implement any form of eugenics or population control to get you fucking morons to stop breeding and fucking up my planet.
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Post by UndKeineZwEier »

So if I got this right, the Liberals are the conservatives and the Labour party are the liberals?
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Post by The Boss »

UndKeineEier said
So if I got this right, the Liberals are the conservatives and the Labour party are the liberals?

I'll punch you in the throat.

Libs = cunts/rightwing/moneylovers


Labour/ALP = communists

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Post by Calfium Jay »

Labor are the smarmy, vindictive political party representing the AWU (Australian Workers Union) ie. The Socialist Party of Australia. Or should I say rather they are the smarmy, vindictive puppet party of the AWU. They are beloved of the left, of high brow intellectual inner city latte drinkers and pill poppers and of thuggish, objectionable trades people.


Liberals are the conservative, business minded (some may say corporate puppets) party with more "traditional" family values.
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Post by Calfium Jay »

It must also be recognised that I agree with the general consensus regarding Tony Abbott - whom I do not consider to be the best candidate for Liberal leadership.

In an ideal world Michael Kroger would be in charge:

But he is too busy making millions as an investment banker.

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Post by The Boss »

Calfium Jay said
Labor are the smarmy, vindictive political party representing the AWU (Australian Workers Union) ie. The Socialist Party of Australia. Or should I say rather they are the smarmy, vindictive puppet party of the AWU. They are beloved of the left, of high brow intellectual inner city latte drinkers and pill poppers and of thuggish, objectionable trades people.


Liberals are the conservative, business minded (some may say corporate puppets) party with more "traditional" family values.

I'm not sure if I should hate you with all of my being, or laugh at you.

I'm pretty sure you're not Korean, nor am I an asshole, so I'll go with the laugh.

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Post by Calfium Jay »

Trust me I'm not worth the effort "hating".


Best just take me with a pinch of salt and go back to whatever it was you were doing.
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Post by The Boss »

Calfium Jay said
It must also be recognised that I agree with the general consensus regarding Tony Abbott - whom I do not consider to be the best candidate for Liberal leadership.

In an ideal world Michael Kroger would be in charge:

But he is too busy making millions as an investment banker.



I'd love for the ALP member in the NSW senate (drunk, can't remember his name) to take over the country.

The cunt with the fucking Malaysian wife. Come on. Who is he?!

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Post by The Boss »

Calfium Jay said
Trust me I'm not worth the effort "hating".


Best just take me with a pinch of salt and go back to whatever it was you were doing.

I am totally down with that.

Want some tequila with that salt?

O love will you read the letters I will send to you.
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