Municipal Waste 21-Jun-2013 @ Fowlers Live, Adelaide

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Post by hellboy »

Feels like it's been a while since I've seen a band, and after missing out on Cattle Decapitation on the weekend, mainly due to financial considerations (Liz said they were great in case anyone's taking notes) I was glad that the Waste put on a pretty good show.

Started off the night with dinner at Liz's place.  The steak was excellent and the wine went down well!  There were 4 bands on the lineup, and aside from Municipal Waste, neither of us had any real desire to see the other 3 (a couple of whom we'd collectively seen in the past).  We decided there was no point getting there early, so keep drinking wine until 9pm came around.

We arrived at the venue just before 9:30 which was about the same time Truth Corroded came on.  They did their usual set of pretty generic death metal.  They do it well, but with little to no originality.  They are a tight unit though, so the set wasn't intolerable, just a little uninspiring.

They got off the stage, and I had the chance to sneak in a quick Coopers Dark Ale, and then Municipal Waste came on at around 10:30 (which is actually a little late for a weeknight gig at Fowlers).  They're a pretty high energy band, playing a relatively old school version of thrash metal, and the crowd, despite being low on numbers seemed pretty into it.  As did the band, who's witty banter certainly kept most amused.  It was a great set, only criticism would be that it was a short one - over and done with in 45 minutes.  Considering the energy they put out on stage, it's not such a big deal really, but combined with skipping most of the support acts it felt like a short night.

Not sure how many more Aussie shows they have on their tour, but they're well worth checking out if they're playing in your town this weekend.  Here's a shitty Instagram photo!

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