Living Colour @ The Gov May 17th 2017

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Living Colour @ The Gov May 17th 2017

Post by hellboy »

Man, what a night! Rumours on social media were suggesting the show was close to a sellout, I wasn't buying it as midweek Adelaide shows seem poorly supported for the most part, but arrived and the "SOLD OUT" sign was up in the ticket booth. Lucky I got my tickets months ago!

We skipped the opening band, after a quick browse on Youtube established that they were mediocre at best. Liz told me she liked them though.

Living Colour came on stage at around 9:15, played about a 2 hour set and then came out for a 10 minute encore. Was pretty happy with the length of the show and generally the content.

The dipped into most albums in their catalogue, playing mostly cuts from Time's Up and Stain, with several covers thrown in (including a set closing Sunshine of Your Love). These guys are all such amazing musicians and a genuine pleasure to watch. Vernon Reid's countless solos were amazing, there were 10 minute bass and drum solos which showed off the significant skills of their respective players (the drum solo in particular was as good as any Danny does) and Corey's vocals are much stronger than you'd expect from a guy who's been singing for the last 20 years.

Highlights for me were the aforementioned drum solo, Type and Time's Up. Also seeing the band genuinely humbled by the support they received was great - I had no expectation that this gig would sell out, let alone get the rapturous applause that they did (and very much earned). The band also stuck around at the merch booth after the show, signing and greeting anyone who stuck around - bands who sell VIP tickets for this kind of stuff take note!

Overall, couldn't be much happier with the show. Easily a 9/10 for me, and don't see much happening this year that will top the night!
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Re: Living Colour @ The Gov May 17th 2017

Post by lachrymologist »

Sounds like a pretty amazing night. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself!

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Re: Living Colour @ The Gov May 17th 2017

Post by liz »

I totally agree, these guys were superb. Class act all the way.
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