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Post by joeypants »

NYHC81 said

Sober on the other hand? when I saw them in Jersey last year they had a DJ come out and horrify everyone for about 10 minutes in the middle, so I'm down to strike that one from the multiverse.

Oh god, glad I'm not the only one that thought that was awful. I mean, I see what they were going for I just think it didn't come off well at all.
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Post by N.Y.H.C. »

joeypants said

NYHC81 said

Sober on the other hand? when I saw them in Jersey last year they had a DJ come out and horrify everyone for about 10 minutes in the middle, so I'm down to strike that one from the multiverse.

Oh god, glad I'm not the only one that thought that was awful. I mean, I see what they were going for I just think it didn't come off well at all.

I have to agree, maybe if they had Mix Master Mike or Q-Bert. but that guy was not improvising very well and it went on for way too long. I was waiting for Andy Kaufman to pop out.


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Post by '][' [[]] [[]] ][, »

I fucking hate DJ's.
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Post by petemasterpete »

sorry tony, quote's not working:


petemasterpete said 
dude, I've seen lateralus at every show since 2001 (that's upwards of 15 times)… no problem with it but I'm happy for them to play something else… they could probably fit two or three older tracks into the same amount of time they wank on that

I'm struggling to see your point.


Point is, with all the general bitching of the same setlist, this is a MAJOR part of that gripe.  I love the song, I love the jams and guests, etc., but considering the limited times I've heard other tracks, I could do without knowing it was on the set and exactly where it is going to be placed.  Personally, Reflection and the Grudge are my faves from the album, and just as beautifully/perfectly written from top to bottom as Lateralus.  It's just a change that I'd not mind seeing in the future, nothing against the song or it's performance.  I've never actually complained about them playing the same general setlists, even when attending back to back shows.  I'm genuinely happy to just be there.


[spoiler]also in relation to the same setlist bicker routine that goes on, it's worth mentioning that in the last 4 times I've seen them going back to '07, I've seen the Patient, Flood(x2), Third Eye, Intension (x2), You Lied, Hooker, Pushit, Wings I&II and Lost Keys/Rosetta... seems like apart from the tunes they have standard and established video/light display for, they are changing it up more than some admit.[/spoiler]
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Post by UndKeineZwEier »

My socks and shoes always match
Is it luck?
There's a foot at the end of each of my legs
Is it luck?
Well I can play my bass for you
Is it luck?
Some gals like to kiss my face
Is it Luck?
Is it luck?
Is it Luck?
Is it luck?
Is it Luck?
Is it luck?
Is it Luck?
Is it luck, luck, luck?
Well is it?
There was food inside your mouth today
Is it luck?
Your barber cuts your hair just so
Is it luck?
Well, you can count to ten and back again
Is it luck?
When the taste of sex is on your lips
Is it luck?
Is it luck?
Is it luck?
Is it luck?
Is it luck?
Is it luck?
Is it luck?
Is it luck?
Is it luck?
Well Ler?

Cyanide works oh so fast
Is it luck?
Polyester makes you sweat
Is it luck?
If a graham cracker gets you off
Is it luck?
Love, love
Is it luck?
Is it luck?
Is it luck?
Is it luck?
Is it luck?
Is it luck?
Is it luck?
Is it luck?
Is it luck?
Well hey…

She said she wanted my body not my mind so I showed her my dictionary to show the words that I know. Not what she desired, witch can hold "Loquacious" when I set my mind down to it. But she wasn't impressed. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, she wasn't impressed at all. She whispered in my ear

She whispered in my ear, she said, "You wanna get lucky little boy?"
Well I smiled, I smiled and I said, "Is it luck?"
Is it luck?
Is it luck?
Is it luck?
Is it luck?
Is it luck?
Is it luck?
Is it luck, luck, luck, luck, luck, luck, luck, luck, luck, luck, luck, luck, luck, luck, luck, luck, luck?
Is it luck?
Is it luck?
Is it luck?
Is it luck?
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Post by hellboy »

Another review from the VIP session with Adam (taken from Reddit):

A'right, I'm still spinning from the experience and the substantial consumption of booze that took place after the entire ordeal yesterday. After being ushered in, we grabbed the attention of Frank the guitar tech and began the Q & A with him. Then Adam walked in, and with 18 other people gazing amazeballs and wondering wtf they were going to say, Adam spoke about his guitar technique, polyrhythms, and how Tool write's their music. Then played fucking Jambi for us.

When we all reformed after simultaneously exploding into a shaking mess of human goo, people started talking again. We were spurred on by the distinct impression that the person in front of us is an incredibly welcoming, open and humble human being. He wanted to know what we wanted to know. The flood gates opened, emotions ran high. Here's some of the interesting stuff.

The Fibonacci sequence in Lateralus was not intentional. The band has no idea where the idea of 'The Holy Gift' came from. The origin of the pattern being used in the album was apparently something that Carey observed while they were belting out riffs. They thought it was a cool idea, and Maynard wanted to write lyrics to follow the mode. Bam.

Rosetta Stoned is based on a real experience. One of the band members from Green Jelly apparently ate some acid, and shat the bed of the poor soul who owned it. On retelling this story to Maynard, he found it worthy of constructing an entire story around it to fill in the blanks, and thus the song was born.

Someone asked Adam if he listened to his own music. He still goes back to listening to their old material, because, they are proud of their work. This part was really inspirational, and the message was really simple; Accept only good work. Have the discipline to scrap what you are not entirely happy with, and don't make concessions. Their methodology for writing music is already long enough. This kind of mind set complicates the process by many factors, and naturally extends the amount of time between albums. The result however, is consistency, and the result from that discipline is a reason why they're still able to work together after so long.

The first time Justin played Adam the riff to Jambi, he hated it. Further down the discipline rabbit hole, he said it was his job however to get over his own dislike of it and 'get' where Justin was coming from. It's now one of his favourites. Someone asked if any of what Tool does 'just feels like work'. Adam said, definitely not. They're still emotionally attached with their material. He said that, 'sure, my mind might wander about my laundry sometimes while i'm playing on stage' but they still cared about their material and they still feel it.

Make any assumptions you may want on this; After talking about the above, Adam said they no longer play Wings for Marie live.

They don't work with a click track. They don't work with people who work with a click track.

Then he handed us his guitar to touch. Magic in my hands for 17 seconds.

The rumours about a movie (?) - They want to make one, but there would be three parties involved in producing / funding it outside of the band, and all three want 50% of the profits. Problems.

They're going to keep writing and working Tool until it doesn't work anymore.

Signed poster, hand shake, a genuine thank you. Group hugs. Security ushering my ass out.

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Post by Ravenpig »

The Wings being retired isn't new info. May Jay straight up said it and Prison Sex were retired in that all Tool Revolver issue.

Sounds like an interesting meeting. Not $500 interesting, but still.
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Post by The Boss »

hellboy1975 said
Another review from the VIP session with Adam (taken from Reddit):

A'right, I'm still spinning from the experience and the substantial consumption of booze that took place after the entire ordeal yesterday. After being ushered in, we grabbed the attention of Frank the guitar tech and began the Q & A with him. Then Adam walked in, and with 18 other people gazing amazeballs and wondering wtf they were going to say, Adam spoke about his guitar technique, polyrhythms, and how Tool write's their music. Then played fucking Jambi for us.

When we all reformed after simultaneously exploding into a shaking mess of human goo, people started talking again. We were spurred on by the distinct impression that the person in front of us is an incredibly welcoming, open and humble human being. He wanted to know what we wanted to know. The flood gates opened, emotions ran high. Here's some of the interesting stuff.

The Fibonacci sequence in Lateralus was not intentional. The band has no idea where the idea of 'The Holy Gift' came from. The origin of the pattern being used in the album was apparently something that Carey observed while they were belting out riffs. They thought it was a cool idea, and Maynard wanted to write lyrics to follow the mode. Bam.

Rosetta Stoned is based on a real experience. One of the band members from Green Jelly apparently ate some acid, and shat the bed of the poor soul who owned it. On retelling this story to Maynard, he found it worthy of constructing an entire story around it to fill in the blanks, and thus the song was born.

Someone asked Adam if he listened to his own music. He still goes back to listening to their old material, because, they are proud of their work. This part was really inspirational, and the message was really simple; Accept only good work. Have the discipline to scrap what you are not entirely happy with, and don't make concessions. Their methodology for writing music is already long enough. This kind of mind set complicates the process by many factors, and naturally extends the amount of time between albums. The result however, is consistency, and the result from that discipline is a reason why they're still able to work together after so long.

The first time Justin played Adam the riff to Jambi, he hated it. Further down the discipline rabbit hole, he said it was his job however to get over his own dislike of it and 'get' where Justin was coming from. It's now one of his favourites. Someone asked if any of what Tool does 'just feels like work'. Adam said, definitely not. They're still emotionally attached with their material. He said that, 'sure, my mind might wander about my laundry sometimes while i'm playing on stage' but they still cared about their material and they still feel it.

Make any assumptions you may want on this; After talking about the above, Adam said they no longer play Wings for Marie live.

They don't work with a click track. They don't work with people who work with a click track.

Then he handed us his guitar to touch. Magic in my hands for 17 seconds.

The rumours about a movie (?) - They want to make one, but there would be three parties involved in producing / funding it outside of the band, and all three want 50% of the profits. Problems.

They're going to keep writing and working Tool until it doesn't work anymore.

Signed poster, hand shake, a genuine thank you. Group hugs. Security ushering my ass out.


Glad this dude had fun, though.
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Post by hellboy »

Glad this dude had fun, though.

Sounds like the VIP sessions have been good.  I still think they're a little overpriced, but I expect for those where the price and perceived value meet, then it would have been a great experience.
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Post by Kittaan »

hellboy1975 said

Glad this dude had fun, though.

Sounds like the VIP sessions have been good.  I still think they're a little overpriced, but I expect for those where the price and perceived value meet, then it would have been a great experience.

I'd say that if it included similar individual Q&A sessions with each of the band members, it would have been worth it.  Or even if they all did one and you got to pick which you wanted to attend?  I still wouldn't cough up that much $, so it's a moot point.  But agreed that most that have reported seemed to enjoy the experience.


I'd like to hear more details about Snazz's experience when he gets back.  Sounded like it wasn't great from the couple lines he wrote elsewhere.
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Post by The Boss »

Honestly, from what we've heard/read so far, there is no way that the Q and A was worth it. Hold some dickhead's guitar for ten seconds? Get within five metres of some ego-tripper? Did he actually answer anyone's questions in any significant manner? From what I can tell, no - not really.

Yep, totally worth $500.

Again, if the fanbois who went thought it was worth it, so be it. But honestly, no one in their right mind would agree.

And don't think this is just my anti-Jones agenda shining through. It wouldn't have been worth it for Goddamn KING BUZZO.

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Post by hellboy »

Honestly, from what we've heard/read so far, there is no way that the Q and A was worth it. Hold some dickhead's guitar for ten seconds? Get within five metres of some ego-tripper? Did he actually answer anyone's questions in any significant manner? From what I can tell, no – not really.

Yep, totally worth $500.

Again, if the fanbois who went thought it was worth it, so be it. But honestly, no one in their right mind would agree.

And don't think this is just my anti-Jones agenda shining through. It wouldn't have been worth it for Goddamn KING BUZZO

Thanks for the review.  Nothing I enjoy reading more than rants by people about events they didn't attend.
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Post by The Boss »

hellboy1975 said

Honestly, from what we've heard/read so far, there is no way that the Q and A was worth it. Hold some dickhead's guitar for ten seconds? Get within five metres of some ego-tripper? Did he actually answer anyone's questions in any significant manner? From what I can tell, no – not really.

Yep, totally worth $500.

Again, if the fanbois who went thought it was worth it, so be it. But honestly, no one in their right mind would agree.

And don't think this is just my anti-Jones agenda shining through. It wouldn't have been worth it for Goddamn KING BUZZO

Thanks for the review.  Nothing I enjoy reading more than rants by people about events they didn't attend.

You are one of the stupidest people I've ever met on a forum. Make sure that you never give an opinion, ever again, on ANYTHING - unless you are 100% directly involved.

And, you're welcome. Dickhole.
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Post by IIToolboxII »

hellboy1975 said

Honestly, from what we've heard/read so far, there is no way that the Q and A was worth it. Hold some dickhead's guitar for ten seconds? Get within five metres of some ego-tripper? Did he actually answer anyone's questions in any significant manner? From what I can tell, no – not really.

Yep, totally worth $500.

Again, if the fanbois who went thought it was worth it, so be it. But honestly, no one in their right mind would agree.

And don't think this is just my anti-Jones agenda shining through. It wouldn't have been worth it for Goddamn KING BUZZO

Thanks for the review.  Nothing I enjoy reading more than rants by people about events they didn't attend.

Tony Fuckin' Danza said

You are one of the stupidest people I've ever met on a forum. Make sure that you never give an opinion, ever again, on ANYTHING – unless you are 100% directly involved.

And, you're welcome. Dickhole.




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Post by The Boss »

IIToolboxII said

hellboy1975 said

Honestly, from what we've heard/read so far, there is no way that the Q and A was worth it. Hold some dickhead's guitar for ten seconds? Get within five metres of some ego-tripper? Did he actually answer anyone's questions in any significant manner? From what I can tell, no – not really.

Yep, totally worth $500.

Again, if the fanbois who went thought it was worth it, so be it. But honestly, no one in their right mind would agree.

And don't think this is just my anti-Jones agenda shining through. It wouldn't have been worth it for Goddamn KING BUZZO

Thanks for the review.  Nothing I enjoy reading more than rants by people about events they didn't attend.

Tony Fuckin' Danza said

You are one of the stupidest people I've ever met on a forum. Make sure that you never give an opinion, ever again, on ANYTHING – unless you are 100% directly involved.

And, you're welcome. Dickhole.




No need for popcorn. As I said, FROM WHAT WE'VE HEARD, it doesn't sound like it was slightly worth half a grand.

More than ready to be proven wrong. I'm not that big of a cunt.

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Post by lachrymologist »

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Post by hellboy »


More than ready to be proven wrong. I'm not that big of a cunt.

And I'm happy to see you proven right.  Every review I've read seems to be pretty positive, not sure how we're interpreting that quite so differently.  We don't disagree regarding the cost.

I'm not that big of a cunt either.

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Post by The Boss »

hellboy1975 said


More than ready to be proven wrong. I'm not that big of a cunt.

And I'm happy to see you proven right.  Every review I've read seems to be pretty positive, not sure how we're interpreting that quite so differently.  We don't disagree regarding the cost.

I'm not that big of a cunt either.


Fair enough. I'm reading into things differently, from a cost perspective. And I've yet to see how there was any real value in it.

Looking forward to our own FE member giving us the low-down.

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Post by joeypants »

This is no different from the Opiate situation though. The "worth" is all up to the individual. For some people it really is worth that much. And honestly, if you put the price down to the point where some of us wouldn't think it was too much, you'd have too many damn people in there anyway and it would suck for a different reason.


I feel like, if it's that important to you and you're willing to forgo meeting him "the hard way" (and I mean by blind dumb luck, not stalking!), then you have to kind of give up something. $500 is a lot, but also not so much that it's utterly unobtainable. Plus that's your ticket to the show as well. I wouldn't pay it, but I'd never call someone a fucking moron for doing it either.


And letting people hold/play the guitar is pretty, pretty goddamn awesome if I say so myself. I wouldn't do it if I were Jones.
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Post by The Boss »

joeypants said
This is no different from the Opiate situation though. The "worth" is all up to the individual. For some people it really is worth that much. And honestly, if you put the price down to the point where some of us wouldn't think it was too much, you'd have too many damn people in there anyway and it would suck for a different reason.


I feel like, if it's that important to you and you're willing to forgo meeting him "the hard way" (and I mean by blind dumb luck, not stalking!), then you have to kind of give up something. $500 is a lot, but also not so much that it's utterly unobtainable. Plus that's your ticket to the show as well. I wouldn't pay it, but I'd never call someone a fucking moron for doing it either.


And letting people hold/play the guitar is pretty, pretty goddamn awesome if I say so myself. I wouldn't do it if I were Jones.


While this argument is similar to the one with regard to the "OPIATE" re-release (perceived value, and all that), I think by asking people to pay for your time, you should be willing to put in a bit more than what we've heard so far about the VIP package.

This is only a point, for me, because I have a friend who has explained, very clearly, what he got from VIP packages with people he's into seeing and talking to.

At the end of the day, I shouldn't care less if people have been ripped off; or, better still, not. What's more the point is that I don't think this was a necessary "thing" to have happened in the first place. It felt a little exploitative from day one.

I'm happy for the people who took part in the VIP packages to feel that they got value - but, as I've said, I've yet to really hear it.

And it's a guitar, dude. Give me Marley's or Hendrix's - I'll say the same thing. It's just a tool.

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Post by joeypants »

To you. Maybe not to someone else. I have a different view of instruments like that, and it would be a very cool thing to hold/play the guitar that all those songs came out of.


I don't know how you don't see it as being a 1:1 thing with the Opiate release though. I don't find that packaging art to be worth $150, some do. No biggie. Plus, we're all reading second hand accounts and I'd like to think we all know how those are no indicator whatsoever of what an experience was like. I'm sure the whole thing feels a bit bigger/longer (heh) than what these accounts make it sound like.


If I had just fallen ass backwards into $500, I might do it just for shits and giggles. But that's me. Then again, I could almost get a new guitar cab for little more than that (well, double that but still), so if I was still looking for one of those I'd do that instead.


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Post by insaner »

actually the $500 doesn't include the ticket.


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Post by Kittaan »

joeypants said 

Plus that's your ticket to the show as well. I wouldn't pay it, but I'd never call someone a fucking moron for doing it either.

No, it wasn't.  That was in addition to your concert ticket.


And letting people hold/play the guitar is pretty, pretty goddamn awesome if I say so myself. I wouldn't do it if I were Jones.

 I agree with you, that's surprising / dangerous even.  But it doesn't make it worth it to me.
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Post by joeypants »

Whaaaaaaaaaat? That doesn't even include the ticket?! Jesus.


Well, philosophically I still stand by what I said. But fucking hell no way, Jose Jones.
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Post by joeypants »

Any fans can pay me a mere $100, and I will give you a personal 30 minute consultation on a better, more fulfilling way to spend the other $400 from the unique perspective of a fellow Tool fan. Money back guarantee!
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