Tool - 04 March 2014 - Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA

Tool will be "touring" (well, playing one show in Mexico at time of writing) North America in March 2014.
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Re: Tool - 4 March 2014 - Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA

Post by hellboy »

rgardjr wrote:Good to hear that the VIP experience was well worth it. I'm pretty surprised that Danny doesn't hang out a little with the VIPs. He was the most friendly and out going of the bunch the couple of times we hung out. I have to say I was pretty jealous watching the VIPs get into the arena about 10 minutes before the rest of us. I was really hoping to snag a doodled poster, but didn't see any and none of the merch people had knew anything about them.
Wasn't the show seated? Is there even any advantage to getting in early aside from being able to spend more money on signed drumheads and such? You were jealous because someone got to sit in their chair or buy overpriced beer first?
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Re: Tool - 4 March 2014 - Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA

Post by The Boss »

badkittygothgirl wrote:Someone who attended the VIP just posted this review to my fb TooL page and provided a few photos. Here is one of the VIP goodie bag and VIP poster.



I thought I might share a little of the VIP experience from last night’s show in Spokane. It was glorious, and it sucks that you didn’t get to live it with me. On the bright side, this gives me the chance to feel like I am more awesome than so many people that it isn’t funny. So there’s that…

I met up with Blake Redding and had a few drinks at the Viking, across the street from the Arena before standing in line for about 30-40 minutes before they let us in. Things were slightly delayed for the VIP experience. This was apparently due to the shipment that had all of the Tool memorabilia for our gift bags not showing up on time. I’m glad it was late. Their guilt ended up giving us more stuff (more on that in a minute).

After getting our VIP lanyards and some sexy red wristbands, we were ushered to a conference room, aptly called “The Champions Room.” We took our seats and spent some time talking among ourselves. I have to say that it impresses me how quickly die-hard Tool fans start talking like old friends. The excitement was on everyone’s faces and there was no way we could contain ourselves, even if it meant preaching to the choir.

Adam shows up, shyly peaking around the corner at us. His first act of the afternoon was to let us know how nervous he was. This was a great insight into how down to Earth he is. It is easy to forget that these rock gods are mortal men like you and I, but his honesty and friendliness were apparent from the start. Everything from this point will be paraphrased (as far as insights, questions and answers) since I’m not a fucking stenographer and couldn’t record it. The no camera thing is quite serious. Be sure to only bring your camera phone and take pictures only when they say it is okay. Not saying you can’t sneak a few covert shots (I know many did) but who knows when they would draw the line.

He started off giving us some insight into how some of the songs are written. Everyone brings their riffs into the loft, throws them around and then start plugging them together, experimenting with what sounds right. Things that sound shitty can end up sounding great, which gives everyone else ammunition for when their stuff gets rejected right out. It was fun listening to Adam talk about this creative process as being very organic and collaborative, a marriage of 4 very different egos, trying to make something new. During this discussion we got to hear Adam jam to Jambi with a click-track he had on his Iphone (the highlight of this bit, besides the intimate shredding of the guitar we were treated to, is when… I think… the phone fell off the chair and unplugged, mid song. Funny and jarring moment). He followed up with a quick clinic on the different rhythms they use; overlaying dissonant beats that meet up at the right moment to punch you in the nuts. Little bits of Lateralus and Pushit were used as an example of this theory. All I can say is “Pass the God damn butter.”

The Q&A started after that. Adam was far better at this portion than I think he thought he would be. Very natural and relaxed. He made sure we knew we could ask about anything even when the next album is coming out, though nobody tried to pry into that one after he assured us that they ARE in fact working diligently. There were some great questions from the group, which was fun. Nobody asking what his favorite brand of peanut butter was. I’ll give a couple of examples… again, highly paraphrased (if you were there and can remember more, please post them in the comments!):
Q: What do you think about when you are playing?
A: My laundry. No, seriously. My mind will wander and I’ll suddenly jump back in and remember where I’m at. Don’t get me wrong, I take it seriously and I’m playing with heart, but it happens.
Q: What kind of amps and pickups do you use to get your great sound?
A: It is more about heart and attitude than what you are using. I think I’m mediocre (uh huh) but the attitude and the sound that I bring make it sound better.
Q: Do certain songs represent certain members of the band more than others?
A: Obviously Maynard is responsible for the lyrics and what you hear there. The whole songs are very collaborative and are a result of everyone pitching ideas. Sometimes song titles can be a specific suggestion from someone. (Adam then talked about suggesting the name Prison Sex for that song, which Maynard thought was great).
Q: You recently became a father, and mentioned in a past interview how your songs come from one idea or theme, and then are nurtured to become something else. What effect, if any, or what idea or wisdom do you hope your music can pass on to your kids?
A: I really don’t want to be that guy, but I think about my son all the time. I find myself playing or practicing and suddenly realize I am thinking about my son. I don’t know how it would affect the music specifically, only that I believe it can only make it better.
I could do more, but this is going to be a long post already… or IS, already...

So, after Q&A we get to line up and get an autograph, an exclusive VIP poster, and a picture with Adam. The Q&A lasted longer than they expected (Adam having more fun than he planned, maybe?) so we only got one item autographed. Posters, baby onesies, vinyls, and even a couple skulls were all signed. It was great watching him interact with his very excited fans. He had a smile on his face the whole time and made sure whoever he was talking to, got his undivided attention.

When that was finished up and Adam had departed (seriously, I could keep talking about how cool this was, but you wouldn’t believe me and I can’t do it justice) and we were waiting to depart for sound check, we got our gift bags: an exclusive VIP shirt, sticker, and tote bag. As I mentioned before, they felt bad about the delayed start, so added some things: a keychain, a beanie, and an iphone case. Scored big time! If this is how it’s going to be, I hope your VIP experience is delayed as well.

Taken to sound check. We could hear Danny pounding away while we walked outside and in through the main entrance. Got to hear Hooker and Pushit, with a short Schism jam. And some new riffs. Holy hell… if this is the base for what we have to look forward to? It was almost ethereal in sound. Don’t know how to describe it adequately. I am truly sorry that I can’t give you a better idea of what it was like. Anyway… Maynard wasn’t there. Adam told us that his throat was fucked and he wanted to save it for the show tonight. Fine by me, saving it for the real deal. It didn’t take away from the experience. Justin’s trimmed beard, gentlemanly hairdo, and specs did him right, and was disarming when coupled with this bounding bass rhythms.

I and Blake very nearly got ourselves a drumstick. It rattled against the front barricade as we were walking out. If either of has had been paying attention as we were walking out… well… I would’ve had another picture to upload to this page.

Quick trip to the merch booth. They said there would be a discount, but I didn’t see any reducing math being performed by the attendants. Perhaps the prices at this booth were cheaper? I don’t know… After I had by goodies I didn’t bother looking at another booth, other than to see if they had anything different. They did. Some different posters, some autographed merch (signed drumhead for $250, signed poster for $111 or something). These weren’t available until the doors opened, for future reference.

Back to the CHAMPIONS ROOM to gaze at some video props. The life-size model of the Schism dude was there, as well as one of the bloated corporate –suit wearing fat cats from Parabol. Juan (our guide and band attaché for the day) was security for these props. It was great fun watching him cringe when people got too close. All in good fun though. He was awesome. Thanks for the good times, Juan!

We got into the venue about 15-20 minutes before doors opened. Just enough time to get a few shots and beers in us. Met up with friends. Bragged about the day.

I’m sure you’ve seen the setlist, so I won’t bother going into that. Rest assured, though, that sitting in row 3 of a Tool show is exactly as amazing as you would imagine: Up close and personal to Justin’s sweat slinging forehead (I swear, at one time, he was looking right at me… I came), saw the moment that Danny busted his snare drum, watched Maynard’s hypnotizing stagger-dancing, and ate up every moment of Adam destroying the rules of conventional guitar playing. I’d go more into it, but I think you would agree that everyone experiences a Tool show differently. I will say that the new visuals were astounding. And lasers. Turning around to look at the whole venue lit up with lasers was an unforeseen bonus of being next to the stage.

If you are thinking of buying a VIP package in the future, do it. I’ll try and answer specific questions as I see them (or am online and not intoxicated. Get off my back… I took today off to recover. Recovery requires beer, you judgmental prick).

I’m still in shock, I think. It was like living every dream I’ve ever had since I first became enraptured by Tool so many years ago. Except I didn’t get the piggyback ride from Danny I was hoping for.

Spiral out, my friends.
Right on, sister. Not what I'd do, but I am so stoked for you. You must've been ecstatic.

Thanks for sharing. That excitement came through really well, and gave me a bit of a rush, if I'm honest. Going to listen to live TOOL right now.


EDIT: Just realised this isn't you. Doesn't matter, still works.
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Re: Tool - 4 March 2014 - Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA

Post by Jinni11 »

What time was the sound check?
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Re: Tool - 4 March 2014 - Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA

Post by not tyson »

Uh that's a repost of someone else's story
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Re: Tool - 4 March 2014 - Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA

Post by The Boss »

Not Tyson wrote:Uh that's a repost of someone else's story
I realised that virtually thirty seconds after posting. Hence the edit.

I maintain it still fits because Kat's done it.
O love will you read the letters I will send to you.
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Re: Tool - 4 March 2014 - Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA

Post by rgardjr »

hellboy wrote:Is there even any advantage to getting in early aside from being able to spend more money on signed drumheads and such?
That was pretty much the advantage I was talking about because I have a serious problem when it comes to Tool posters:

Old FourthEye Poster thread

There was a drumhead still available at the merch booth when I got there, but Danny puts those up on his website occasionally. I was just looking for a special poster last night.
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Re: Tool - 4 March 2014 - Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA

Post by jabuddha »

badkittygothgirl wrote:Someone who attended the VIP just posted this review to my fb TooL page and provided a few photos. Here is one of the VIP goodie bag and VIP poster.



I thought I might share a little of the VIP experience from last night’s show in Spokane. It was glorious, and it sucks that you didn’t get to live it with me. On the bright side, this gives me the chance to feel like I am more awesome than so many people that it isn’t funny. So there’s that…

I met up with Blake Redding and had a few drinks at the Viking, across the street from the Arena before standing in line for about 30-40 minutes before they let us in. Things were slightly delayed for the VIP experience. This was apparently due to the shipment that had all of the Tool memorabilia for our gift bags not showing up on time. I’m glad it was late. Their guilt ended up giving us more stuff (more on that in a minute).

After getting our VIP lanyards and some sexy red wristbands, we were ushered to a conference room, aptly called “The Champions Room.” We took our seats and spent some time talking among ourselves. I have to say that it impresses me how quickly die-hard Tool fans start talking like old friends. The excitement was on everyone’s faces and there was no way we could contain ourselves, even if it meant preaching to the choir.

Adam shows up, shyly peaking around the corner at us. His first act of the afternoon was to let us know how nervous he was. This was a great insight into how down to Earth he is. It is easy to forget that these rock gods are mortal men like you and I, but his honesty and friendliness were apparent from the start. Everything from this point will be paraphrased (as far as insights, questions and answers) since I’m not a fucking stenographer and couldn’t record it. The no camera thing is quite serious. Be sure to only bring your camera phone and take pictures only when they say it is okay. Not saying you can’t sneak a few covert shots (I know many did) but who knows when they would draw the line.

He started off giving us some insight into how some of the songs are written. Everyone brings their riffs into the loft, throws them around and then start plugging them together, experimenting with what sounds right. Things that sound shitty can end up sounding great, which gives everyone else ammunition for when their stuff gets rejected right out. It was fun listening to Adam talk about this creative process as being very organic and collaborative, a marriage of 4 very different egos, trying to make something new. During this discussion we got to hear Adam jam to Jambi with a click-track he had on his Iphone (the highlight of this bit, besides the intimate shredding of the guitar we were treated to, is when… I think… the phone fell off the chair and unplugged, mid song. Funny and jarring moment). He followed up with a quick clinic on the different rhythms they use; overlaying dissonant beats that meet up at the right moment to punch you in the nuts. Little bits of Lateralus and Pushit were used as an example of this theory. All I can say is “Pass the God damn butter.”

The Q&A started after that. Adam was far better at this portion than I think he thought he would be. Very natural and relaxed. He made sure we knew we could ask about anything even when the next album is coming out, though nobody tried to pry into that one after he assured us that they ARE in fact working diligently. There were some great questions from the group, which was fun. Nobody asking what his favorite brand of peanut butter was. I’ll give a couple of examples… again, highly paraphrased (if you were there and can remember more, please post them in the comments!):
Q: What do you think about when you are playing?
A: My laundry. No, seriously. My mind will wander and I’ll suddenly jump back in and remember where I’m at. Don’t get me wrong, I take it seriously and I’m playing with heart, but it happens.
Q: What kind of amps and pickups do you use to get your great sound?
A: It is more about heart and attitude than what you are using. I think I’m mediocre (uh huh) but the attitude and the sound that I bring make it sound better.
Q: Do certain songs represent certain members of the band more than others?
A: Obviously Maynard is responsible for the lyrics and what you hear there. The whole songs are very collaborative and are a result of everyone pitching ideas. Sometimes song titles can be a specific suggestion from someone. (Adam then talked about suggesting the name Prison Sex for that song, which Maynard thought was great).
Q: You recently became a father, and mentioned in a past interview how your songs come from one idea or theme, and then are nurtured to become something else. What effect, if any, or what idea or wisdom do you hope your music can pass on to your kids?
A: I really don’t want to be that guy, but I think about my son all the time. I find myself playing or practicing and suddenly realize I am thinking about my son. I don’t know how it would affect the music specifically, only that I believe it can only make it better.
I could do more, but this is going to be a long post already… or IS, already...

So, after Q&A we get to line up and get an autograph, an exclusive VIP poster, and a picture with Adam. The Q&A lasted longer than they expected (Adam having more fun than he planned, maybe?) so we only got one item autographed. Posters, baby onesies, vinyls, and even a couple skulls were all signed. It was great watching him interact with his very excited fans. He had a smile on his face the whole time and made sure whoever he was talking to, got his undivided attention.

When that was finished up and Adam had departed (seriously, I could keep talking about how cool this was, but you wouldn’t believe me and I can’t do it justice) and we were waiting to depart for sound check, we got our gift bags: an exclusive VIP shirt, sticker, and tote bag. As I mentioned before, they felt bad about the delayed start, so added some things: a keychain, a beanie, and an iphone case. Scored big time! If this is how it’s going to be, I hope your VIP experience is delayed as well.

Taken to sound check. We could hear Danny pounding away while we walked outside and in through the main entrance. Got to hear Hooker and Pushit, with a short Schism jam. And some new riffs. Holy hell… if this is the base for what we have to look forward to? It was almost ethereal in sound. Don’t know how to describe it adequately. I am truly sorry that I can’t give you a better idea of what it was like. Anyway… Maynard wasn’t there. Adam told us that his throat was fucked and he wanted to save it for the show tonight. Fine by me, saving it for the real deal. It didn’t take away from the experience. Justin’s trimmed beard, gentlemanly hairdo, and specs did him right, and was disarming when coupled with this bounding bass rhythms.

I and Blake very nearly got ourselves a drumstick. It rattled against the front barricade as we were walking out. If either of has had been paying attention as we were walking out… well… I would’ve had another picture to upload to this page.

Quick trip to the merch booth. They said there would be a discount, but I didn’t see any reducing math being performed by the attendants. Perhaps the prices at this booth were cheaper? I don’t know… After I had by goodies I didn’t bother looking at another booth, other than to see if they had anything different. They did. Some different posters, some autographed merch (signed drumhead for $250, signed poster for $111 or something). These weren’t available until the doors opened, for future reference.

Back to the CHAMPIONS ROOM to gaze at some video props. The life-size model of the Schism dude was there, as well as one of the bloated corporate –suit wearing fat cats from Parabol. Juan (our guide and band attaché for the day) was security for these props. It was great fun watching him cringe when people got too close. All in good fun though. He was awesome. Thanks for the good times, Juan!

We got into the venue about 15-20 minutes before doors opened. Just enough time to get a few shots and beers in us. Met up with friends. Bragged about the day.

I’m sure you’ve seen the setlist, so I won’t bother going into that. Rest assured, though, that sitting in row 3 of a Tool show is exactly as amazing as you would imagine: Up close and personal to Justin’s sweat slinging forehead (I swear, at one time, he was looking right at me… I came), saw the moment that Danny busted his snare drum, watched Maynard’s hypnotizing stagger-dancing, and ate up every moment of Adam destroying the rules of conventional guitar playing. I’d go more into it, but I think you would agree that everyone experiences a Tool show differently. I will say that the new visuals were astounding. And lasers. Turning around to look at the whole venue lit up with lasers was an unforeseen bonus of being next to the stage.

If you are thinking of buying a VIP package in the future, do it. I’ll try and answer specific questions as I see them (or am online and not intoxicated. Get off my back… I took today off to recover. Recovery requires beer, you judgmental prick).

I’m still in shock, I think. It was like living every dream I’ve ever had since I first became enraptured by Tool so many years ago. Except I didn’t get the piggyback ride from Danny I was hoping for.

Spiral out, my friends.
BKGG I am happy you got to experience this (while stifling jealousy). You are my favorite TOOL fan, and you deserve it.
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Re: Tool - 4 March 2014 - Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA

Post by badkittygothgirl »

Sorry, but I did not attend. The above was a review posted by someone else to my page. This review has me drooling for my own VIP experience when they come east coast.
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Re: Tool - 4 March 2014 - Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA

Post by Krazy_blah »

Maynard should get sick more often because he sounded pretty damn good last night.

The other side of that, and probably the factual one, is Adam being full of crap and using the old "he's sick so can't be around people" excuse.
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Re: Tool - 4 March 2014 - Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA

Post by Kittaan »

Jinni11 wrote:What time was the sound check?
This. I am trying to figure out how much time they will suck from us for the privilege of paying $500.
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Re: Tool - 4 March 2014 - Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA

Post by hellboy »

Krazy_blah wrote: The other side of that, and probably the factual one, is Adam being full of crap and using the old "he's sick so can't be around people" excuse.
Was that the excuse used? Sounded to me like he wasn't sound checking to save his voice, not to avoid people. Seem ludicrous to think that was the reason, given that he'll be on stage several hours later, and people on the VIP tour are no closer than the barrier.
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Re: Tool - 4 March 2014 - Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA

Post by zander »

The report is that you check in at 12:30 and it starts at 1pm, but word on the street is to get there early b/c that determines your seating during the Q&A. ~Kat

From the Tool Army members Facebook page.
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Re: Tool - 4 March 2014 - Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA

Post by xZ1mM3r »

hellboy wrote:
Krazy_blah wrote: The other side of that, and probably the factual one, is Adam being full of crap and using the old "he's sick so can't be around people" excuse.
Was that the excuse used? Sounded to me like he wasn't sound checking to save his voice, not to avoid people. Seem ludicrous to think that was the reason, given that he'll be on stage several hours later, and people on the VIP tour are no closer than the barrier.
It's just an excuse I'm sure. Maynard doesn't seem like a people person. After the show he walks off stage while the other guys wave and clap and throw stuff in the audience. Maynard just doesn't seem like the personality that would interact with fans.. At all
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Re: Tool - 4 March 2014 - Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA

Post by not tyson »

Plus he never did the sound checks in OZ
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Re: Tool - 4 March 2014 - Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA

Post by hellboy »

Not Tyson wrote:Plus he never did the sound checks in OZ
I don't think that's true from memory.
We were let in to watch three songs be soundchecked. We were allowed to stand about 20m from the stage as Maynard, Danny, Adam and Justin belted through 'Vicarious'. In typical Maynard fashion, Maynard then left. After that, we were permitted to go up to the barrier. The three remaining members chatted with the fans, before launching into two more songs. ... z2v9GkYrVj
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Re: Tool - 4 March 2014 - Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA

Post by badkittygothgirl »

zander wrote:The report is that you check in at 12:30 and it starts at 1pm, but word on the street is to get there early b/c that determines your seating during the Q&A. ~Kat

From the Tool Army members Facebook page.

Yep, that is the word on the street. ;-)
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Re: Tool - 4 March 2014 - Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA

Post by not tyson »

hellboy wrote:
Not Tyson wrote:Plus he never did the sound checks in OZ
I don't think that's true from memory.
We were let in to watch three songs be soundchecked. We were allowed to stand about 20m from the stage as Maynard, Danny, Adam and Justin belted through 'Vicarious'. In typical Maynard fashion, Maynard then left. After that, we were permitted to go up to the barrier. The three remaining members chatted with the fans, before launching into two more songs. ... z2v9GkYrVj
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Re: Tool - 4 March 2014 - Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA

Post by Kittaan »

Not Tyson wrote: I'm getting old, I even forgot my pants for work this morning.
Pics or it didn't happen.
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Re: Tool - 4 March 2014 - Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA

Post by trustinmeandfall »

If check in is early afternoon, can we leave after or does anyone know if you just stay there until the show starts?
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Re: Tool - 4 March 2014 - Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA

Post by tantobourne »

trustinmeandfall wrote:If check in is early afternoon, can we leave after or does anyone know if you just stay there until the show starts?
I asked and the answer was no.
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Re: Tool - 4 March 2014 - Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA

Post by basejumper »

tantobourne wrote:
trustinmeandfall wrote:If check in is early afternoon, can we leave after or does anyone know if you just stay there until the show starts?
I asked and the answer was no.

No to which question? There were two asked by trustinmeandfall.
1. Can we leave after
2. (do) you just stay there until the show starts
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Re: Tool - 4 March 2014 - Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA

Post by tantobourne »

which question? There were two asked by trustinmeandfall.
1. Can we leave after
2. (do) you just stay there until the show starts
Sorry, last reply was vague. I replied back to the last VIP email asking if we could leave before the show. The reply was "VIP package holders are not allowed to leave the venue."
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Re: Tool - 4 March 2014 - Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA

Post by badkittygothgirl »

tantobourne wrote:
which question? There were two asked by trustinmeandfall.
1. Can we leave after
2. (do) you just stay there until the show starts
Sorry, last reply was vague. I replied back to the last VIP email asking if we could leave before the show. The reply was "VIP package holders are not allowed to leave the venue."

Based on other reviews I have seen, they will allow you to leave to take stuff to your car, but you will not be let back in until the doors open. If you have assigned seats, no biggie. If it is GA, you may want to hold on to your stuff. I am under the impression they will have a section for VIP in the GA shows.
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Re: Tool - 4 March 2014 - Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA

Post by N.Y.H.C. »

Krazy_blah wrote:Maynard should get sick more often because he sounded pretty damn good last night.

The other side of that, and probably the factual one, is Adam being full of crap and using the old "he's sick so can't be around people" excuse.
I don't think he's full of crap, I'm pretty sure MJK is a creature of habit and he has a pre-show routine. sounds like the VIP was more than worth the cash. excellent review from that fan.
Asteroids do not concern me, Admiral. I want that ship, not excuses.
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Re: Tool - 4 March 2014 - Spokane Arena, Spokane, WA

Post by star_walker »

here's some new material in the schism intro at 13:50
[BBvideo 560,340][/BBvideo]
Last edited by star_walker on Fri Mar 07, 2014 2:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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