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Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:16 pm
by Ravenpig
bob said
Danny has been pretty straight up ininterviews or rynnes radio show concerning tool news the last couple of years or so... if you havent learned by now Maynard is a douche (even calls himself that0 about any of that so i wouldnt worry about what he says. listen to Danny and you'll be fine



Danny was the one who said they'd be in the studio this past summer.  Oops

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:30 pm
by Tool_User
Not that I want to dampen anyones enthusiasm or anything and who am I too say what people should get excited about?


Im just wondering why after hearing it all before people still believe it an get excited over it.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:31 pm
by Zwerewolf
I had that almost that exact same motorcycle... Sold it last summer. Yamaha... early 70's ish model maybe late 60's. Cool! Super excited that Justin is the driving force though can't wait. I have a dream they are going to release a double album.... or even better... a double album with a DVD.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:37 pm
by MOG
ToolUser said
Not that I want to dampen anyones enthusiasm or anything and who am I too say what people should get excited about?


Im just wondering why after hearing it all before people still believe it an get excited over it.

Dunno dude same thing baffles me.  Like I said I am mostly just fucking with people.  Even I admit that was more news from Tool about the new album than they have released and a fair amount in one day.  I am just not feeling Tool at the moment.  Doesn't detract in any way from the quality of their prior releases nor does it devalue the band musically in any way.  I just sort of hit my "over it" point with Tool.  I am not remotely excited about any of the news they released yesterday.  Shit even if they announced a release date tomorrow I wouldn't care much.  It is going to have to be one exceptional fucking album to get me re-engaged as a fan of the band.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:28 pm
by snazzlefrass
nicholas said
Posted under another feed about a week ago, but don't think anyone saw it. Spin lists Tool under Most Anticipated Albums of 2013. That doesn't set it in stone (more like "wet concrete" perhaps?), and it doesn't give an album title, but it's the most solid proof I've seen thus far. ... s?slide=31

That "proof" is based on interviews with Danny. Just because everyone else WILL release an album at the date listed doesn't mean Tool will. If anything I think Spin should've fucked off with that, now everyone's sourcing them as knowing when Tool will release their album. First they said by the end of 2011. Then mid-2012. Now end of 2013. I've got a prediction. It will come out EXACTLY when it comes out. Not a day later, not a day earlier.

I really wish Tool wouldn't do interviews until they've got the album recorded. I mean they're just fueling the fire that fans have created based off of their over-blown expectations. "Oh, Danny said they'll be in the studio in June"

*2012 passes without word*

New Interview: "Oh, we're about more than halfway done. I hope we can get it out by the end of the year."

Now everyone's holding him to that word. Meanwhile in Arizona: "Wine. Fuck, I haven't wrote for or even thought about the album. It won't come out this year, you guys are crayy. Wine. I hate people."

Now, in February of 20-mothafucking-13. Tool are touring soon. People bitch: "Mwahh, Danny promised they wouldn't tour until the album's out!" Fucking relax. Chill. They're touring. Enjoy it. Shit, you might even say it's a good thing because they'll all be together. Or you can say they just need some quick cash and another vay cay.


Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:46 pm
by Tool_User
Same here moggy.Another thing is they dont say shit for ages then they have tickets to sell they all do a load of interviews......

.....youd expect it from any other band but tool make out like they are something else.They are 'artists' and 'its all about the music'..thats clearly a load of bollocks and to be honest I think now they are just a bunch of patronizing sell out whores.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 3:21 pm
by '][' [[]] [[]] ][,
ToolUser said
They are 'artists' and 'its all about the music'..thats clearly a load of bollocks and to be honest I think now they are just a bunch of patronizing sell out whores.

They're just a band.  A very talented band, but just a band.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 3:22 pm
by Tool_User
I wouldnt get too excited about a double album or one with a live dvd either.The live dvd will be their retirement fund.They arent dumb enough to release it with an album.Thats too much lost revenue.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 3:28 pm
by SirGreat
All that I can think about right now is the My Bloody Valentine album that was just released. It took 22 years for it to come out and it was amazing. Tool will probably take at least one more year to release this album, asking for anything sooner would be foolish and unrealistic.

Why has nobody asked about a 10,000 Days vinyl release? It's rare when bands record on analogue tape (like 10K Days was) and I find it a shame when these recordings aren't pressed on vinyl. Nobody buys CDs anymore anyway, you can get the same sound quality by downloading the music. Vinyl is making a big comeback because you can't download a record...yet. When everyone has a 3D printer nothing will be sacred. The art and packaging for the 10K Days release was also pretty epic...imagine what they can do with a vinyl record-sized canvas to work with.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 3:31 pm
by '][' [[]] [[]] ][,


Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 3:32 pm
by Ravenpig
If memory serves me right, they released the Lateralus vinyl right before 10,000 Days came out. If they follow the same pattern then new album = 10,000 Days vinyl. So everyone just asks about the new one.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 3:35 pm
by '][' [[]] [[]] ][,

SirGreat said

Why has nobody asked about a 10,000 Days vinyl release? It's rare when bands record on analogue tape (like 10K Days was) and I find it a shame when these recordings aren't pressed on vinyl. Nobody buys CDs anymore anyway, you can get the same sound quality by downloading the music. Vinyl is making a big comeback because you can't download a record...yet.

The reason there's no 10,000 Days vinyl is the same reason there's no live DVD, no The Pot video and no new album.


Edit: ...And the same reason the TOOL Army website is still fucked.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:15 pm
by ericcoleman
 Maybe they will make a stop in Hawaii

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:34 pm
by hellboy

ToolUser said
Not that I want to dampen anyones enthusiasm or anything and who am I too say what people should get excited about?

Im just wondering why after hearing it all before people still believe it an get excited over it.

I don't think people are excited about the revelations regarding the release of the new album.  As is pointed out most of us have been down that road already.  What they are excited about is hearing talk of 20 minute songs, and I wouldn't begrudge any Tool fan being excited about that.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:42 pm
by Ravenpig
Pretty much that ^

I'm curious to see (hear?) If they can reach Pink Floyd Echoes territory.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:23 pm
by The Boss
joeypants said

crow011 said

I tend to go more to "LATERALUS" and "AENIMA" for my bass fix, but that's probably because of the memories I have associated with those albums.


I think Schism and Disposition/Reflection alone could do that. I'm obviously biased, but he really is pound for pound one of the greatest bass players I've ever heard. Truly unique.

No arguments there. One of my favourite musicians ever, and that'll never change.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:31 pm
by MOG
hellboy1975 said

ToolUser said
Not that I want to dampen anyones enthusiasm or anything and who am I too say what people should get excited about?

Im just wondering why after hearing it all before people still believe it an get excited over it.

I don't think people are excited about the revelations regarding the release of the new album.  As is pointed out most of us have been down that road already.  What they are excited about is hearing talk of 20 minute songs, and I wouldn't begrudge any Tool fan being excited about that.

Uh why would a 20 minute song be anything new?  Wings P1 & P2 clock in over 17 minutes.  Lost Keys/Rosetta almost 15 minutes.  D/R/T is over 25 minutes in length.  Third Eye is just a shade under 14mins, and the Salival Pushit live version is over 14mins.  Christ if a 20 minute song is the reason for 8 years between albums I would have happily taken an album full of 7 minute tracks two years ago.

And fuck does Adam have a hard on for you aussies.  I listened to that interview.  I saw Vicarious math and thought that might be interesting.  Dude sounded so happy I thought he was going to reach through the phone and hug the fucking interviewer.  I guess being lied to and shit on must be some kind of pastime for you guys.

Oh and btw are you synchtubing you dirty motherfucker or not?

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:35 pm
by not tyson
Why go to the beach when you can come here for mog's sandy vagina?

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:41 pm
by MOG
Tyson said
Why go to the beach when you can come here for mog's sandy vagina?

How is it that you manage to type and suck dick at the same time?

Tyson might be a bastard, but he gives good head 

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:48 pm
by The Boss
mogeffingmog said

hellboy1975 said

ToolUser said
Not that I want to dampen anyones enthusiasm or anything and who am I too say what people should get excited about?

Im just wondering why after hearing it all before people still believe it an get excited over it.

I don't think people are excited about the revelations regarding the release of the new album.  As is pointed out most of us have been down that road already.  What they are excited about is hearing talk of 20 minute songs, and I wouldn't begrudge any Tool fan being excited about that.

Uh why would a 20 minute song be anything new?  Wings P1 & P2 clock in over 17 minutes.  Lost Keys/Rosetta almost 15 minutes.  D/R/T is over 25 minutes in length.  Third Eye is just a shade under 14mins, and the Salival Pushit live version is over 14mins.  Christ if a 20 minute song is the reason for 8 years between albums I would have happily taken an album full of 7 minute tracks two years ago.

And fuck does Adam have a hard on for you aussies.  I listened to that interview.  I saw Vicarious math and thought that might be interesting.  Dude sounded so happy I thought he was going to reach through the phone and hug the fucking interviewer.  I guess being lied to and shit on must be some kind of pastime for you guys.

Oh and btw are you synchtubing you dirty motherfucker or not?

And like I said before, if it sucks (like "Wings . . ."), then that's a huge chunk of the album gone to waste.

Hey, look, a seagull!

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:53 pm
by hellboy

mogeffingmog said 
Uh why would a 20 minute song be anything new?  

It's not exciting because it's something new.  It's exciting because it's actual information on how the album is panning out.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:16 pm
by Casey Tatum
And like I said before, if it sucks (like "Wings . . ."), then that's a huge chunk of the album gone to waste.

Hey, look, a seagull!

you really are trying to be an asshole, aren't you crow?


Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:24 pm
by The Boss
children said

And like I said before, if it sucks (like "Wings . . ."), then that's a huge chunk of the album gone to waste.


Hey, look, a seagull!

you really are trying to be an asshole, aren't you crow?


I'm only going to say this one more time: Lurk more. Also, jump in to one of the synchtubes one of these days. You'll see how members of this forum really interact with each other.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:26 pm
by MOG
children said 

And like I said before, if it sucks (like "Wings . . ."), then that's a huge chunk of the album gone to waste.


Hey, look, a seagull!

you really are trying to be an asshole, aren't you crow?


seriously who the fuck is this chick?

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:40 pm
by snazzlefrass
Your guess is as good as mine, brother mog. Apparently a very opinionated individual. Like me!