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Re: Random Tool Social Media thread

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 3:38 pm
by Bones
I agree w/ the 6-15 theory

Re: Random Tool Social Media thread

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 3:56 pm
by Specter
lo7us wrote:
hellboy wrote:Better items Merch could come up with:
  • New t-shirt designs
  • Miniatures from videos
  • Vinyl reissues
  • Tool snuggies
  • Tool themed sneakers (I could do with a new pair of shoes)
  • Tool themed babywear (enough members seem to have little ones these days, so why not!)
  • "Maynard Blue" body paint
  • False mohawks
More suggestions welcome!
Potato peeler
Cutting board
Battery powered wool socks
Hermaphrodite blow up doll
Windshield ice scraper/snow brush
Reading glasses
Change jar
A 9mm gun shaped like a penis

To name a few...

Re: Random Tool Social Media thread

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 5:24 pm
by budsyralli
I would like to be able to buy all albums on vinyl....from the band.

I would be curious as to how soft the blanket was before I bought it......

I bought tickets to stumpfest instead.

Re: Random Tool Social Media thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 12:59 am
by petemasterpete
whatever ... I hate Kiss for their bullshit branding of everything and these blankets are just about there for me ... like it or not, buy it or don't, I'm still a firm believer that anyone who bought this blanket is a massive part of what's wrong with the world ... RETARDED is the only word I can use to describe anyone with nothing better to spend $150 dollars on unless you plan on handing it to a homeless person in your neighborhood and even then, you could have bought 8 blankets of better quality from Kmart to accomplish an even more useful task. Even then, my assessment of your mental capacity leaves you at least marginally below average in the IQ department.

TRUTH: if you bought this fucking useless rag, I am entirely confident that I am a better person than you, so there

Re: Random Tool Social Media thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 1:23 am
by lo7us
Kiss is the most overrated band EVER.

Re: Random Tool Social Media thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 1:25 am
by trilobite
Looks like I havn't missed much.

Re: Random Tool Social Media thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 1:34 am
by Ravenpig
The thing with KISS is they never claimed to be in it for anything other than money. I don't care for them but I have zero problem with them.

Tool isn't THAT different from KISS, it's just that Tool's music is so god damn great so there's an illusion of difference.
lo7us wrote:Nirvana is the most overrated band EVER.

Re: Random Tool Social Media thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 1:37 am
by Ettan
Foo Fighters really is the most overrated band ever, especially Dave Grohl.

Re: Random Tool Social Media thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 2:08 am
by BlackHole83
Pete I'm sure you've wasted your money on shit equally as stupid as this blanket. Who gives a fuck what other people spend their money on? It's their money, their choice.

Anyone listen to this ticks and leeches remix by ToolArchive? I haven't had a chance yet

Re: Random Tool Social Media thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 2:11 am
by hellboy
Take the most overrated band every pissing contest to another thread please.

Re: Random Tool Social Media thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 2:47 am
by lo7us
lo7us wrote:Nirvana is the most overrated band EVER.

Im down with that

Re: Random Tool Social Media thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:04 am
by Ravenpig
Same as the Opiate re-issue, wouldn't they make way more money by mass producing these (or at least a much higher number) then selling them for a much lower price?

The Opiate re-issue: make it a bit less gaudy then make way more, say 20,000, then sell it for like $30. You don't think that'd sell out?

That's what I don't get about them. Sure they'll make a decent coin off these blankets but does anyone really think it makes much of a difference for a band that can go on a 3 week tour and make 6 figures each?

Edit: should've mathed up first. $30 should probably be $50. I'm an idiot.

Re: Random Tool Social Media thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:51 am
by petemasterpete
BlackHole83 wrote:Pete I'm sure you've wasted your money on shit equally as stupid as this blanket.
highly debatable, particularly in the times I've been earning my own funds, (say, since around the age of 10) ... I grew up nearly dirt poor, so I'm not really in the habit of buying too many things I don't actually have a use for, lest you consider drugs, playable music products, concert tix and gifts for others stupid ... I honestly can't tell you the last time I bought something for myself that didn't relate to actually living (bills, clothes, food, etc.) apart from the few things mentioned above.

Either way, these blankets suck

Re: Random Tool Social Media thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:57 am
by hellboy
At least those signed Opiates will be worth some money at some period down the track. I expect a Tool blanket will be worth diddly squat in 10 years time.

Re: Random Tool Social Media thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:02 am
by N.Y.H.C.
petemasterpete wrote:
BlackHole83 wrote:Pete I'm sure you've wasted your money on shit equally as stupid as this blanket.
highly debatable, particularly in the times I've been earning my own funds, (say, since around the age of 10) ... I grew up nearly dirt poor, so I'm not really in the habit of buying too many things I don't actually have a use for, lest you consider drugs, playable music products, concert tix and gifts for others stupid ... I honestly can't tell you the last time I bought something for myself that didn't relate to actually living (bills, clothes, food, etc.) apart from the few things mentioned above.

Either way, these blankets suck
post of the year.

Re: Random Tool Social Media thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:49 am
by liz
I find the whole concept of major band like TooL cheapening themselves with merchandising distasteful. TShirts sure but that's about it. I guess startup bands, trying to find anyway to fund themselves, should get let off the hook but personally I'd rather make a donation than buy junk. Rampant consumerism is eating our world.

Re: Random Tool Social Media thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 5:06 am
by liz
I could be persuaded to make an exception for snuggies. Provided of course that we could be sure they were being regularly worn.

Re: Random Tool Social Media thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 8:06 am
by Hotdogma
Man that's sad, i cant believe you don't wear that snuggie.

Re: Random Tool Social Media thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 9:32 am
by hellboy
Hotdogma wrote:Man that's sad, i cant believe you don't wear that snuggie.
I don't really get cold enough to justify it!

Re: Random Tool Social Media thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 2:14 pm
by inspiration_tactic
Tool puts a lot of money into their set/visuals. Their concert experience is second to none. I don't have a problem with them getting said money in whatever way they can... I don't have a problem with them taking a long time writing the new record...

I do have a problem with a bunch of whiny, entitled fans. The ticket prices are still affordable despite sell-out after sell-out and they care enough about the integrity of the new record that they aren't just throwing something out there despite it meaning they'd make more money, faster. If they want to make a fucking blanket, let them. Let them charge whatever they want... it's their blanket. Stop whining. Hooker with a Penis was written for you.

Re: Random Tool Social Media thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 2:27 pm
by xZ1mM3r
inspiration_tactic wrote:Tool puts a lot of money into their set/visuals. Their concert experience is second to none. I don't have a problem with them getting said money in whatever way they can... I don't have a problem with them taking a long time writing the new record...

I do have a problem with a bunch of whiny, entitled fans. The ticket prices are still affordable despite sell-out after sell-out and they care enough about the integrity of the new record that they aren't just throwing something out there despite it meaning they'd make more money, faster. If they want to make a fucking blanket, let them. Let them charge whatever they want... it's their blanket. Stop whining. Hooker with a Penis was written for you.
i agree with you on this. However i dont think the majority of the people whining about the blanket really care that they released a blanket. I think they are complaining because of the timing... People have been waiting and waiting for a new album, we finally get a little bit of news and then its discredited by maynard and not confirmed by anyone and its all followed up by a bunch of re-releases of old albums (again) and a blanket. If Tool had released the new album last week, and then released a blanket this week, i bet not one single person would have complained. People are just hungry for new music and anything less than that is just annoying to them.

Re: Random Tool Social Media thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:51 pm
by joeypants
Their merch is getting progressively lazier. For an "art comes first" band, that's sad. Obviously the blanket is a borderline joke but still... I miss the actual attention to detail and composition.

Re: Random Tool Social Media thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 5:49 pm
by inspiration_tactic
I've been as hungry as anyone for new Tool music. Year after year we all wait and yeah... it sucks. But honestly, we'll all embrace it whenever it's released. They're in charge. They'll release it when they feel like it---and you'll listen. They'll come to your town when they feel like it---and you'll attend. They're just that good. You're a fan of the band, are you not?

Regarding the merchandise, they're probably yucking it up together about it. They put a bunch of scraps together and sold it and people gobbled it up. I looked at some of the Facebook comments and a ton of people are disappointed they sold out so fast. I mean... people are stupid. They'll buy anything. If I'm in Tool's position, I'd probably do something similar. You can't make money selling music anymore, it's all the other shit that keeps revenue up. If they start getting lazy with their music and concert experience, that's when I'll finally stop defending them. But ask yourself... if they were to come out with a Salival 2, or a double-album, even after they yanked you around for a few years between releases, wouldn't you be pretty thrilled? Wouldn't you forgive them for having a bunch of laughs at your expense? This is the life of a Tool fan. You've been here before.

Re: Random Tool Social Media thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 5:50 pm
by inspiration_tactic
Either that's the case... or they are selling crappier merchandise to prepare you for the crappy new record. Hopefully you've found something else in the ten years since their last release so you don't hang yourself if the new record sucks.

Re: Random Tool Social Media thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 5:55 pm
by Bill Hilly
inspiration_tactic wrote:Tool puts a lot of money into their set/visuals. Their concert experience is second to none. I don't have a problem with them getting said money in whatever way they can... I don't have a problem with them taking a long time writing the new record...

I do have a problem with a bunch of whiny, entitled fans. The ticket prices are still affordable despite sell-out after sell-out and they care enough about the integrity of the new record that they aren't just throwing something out there despite it meaning they'd make more money, faster. If they want to make a fucking blanket, let them. Let them charge whatever they want... it's their blanket. Stop whining. Hooker with a Penis was written for you.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
xZ1mM3r wrote:i agree with you on this. However i dont think the majority of the people whining about the blanket really care that they released a blanket. I think they are complaining because of the timing... People have been waiting and waiting for a new album, we finally get a little bit of news and then its discredited by maynard and not confirmed by anyone and its all followed up by a bunch of re-releases of old albums (again) and a blanket. If Tool had released the new album last week, and then released a blanket this week, i bet not one single person would have complained. People are just hungry for new music and anything less than that is just annoying to them.
Z, I agree with all of this except the part about not one single person complaining if the album was already out. That blanket is fucking retarded. I would still talk shit about it with 3 new albums out.
joeypants wrote:Their merch is getting progressively lazier. For an "art comes first" band, that's sad. Obviously the blanket is a borderline joke but still... I miss the actual attention to detail and composition.
I couldn't have said it better.