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Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 11:33 pm
by '][' [[]] [[]] ][,

bob said
Im sure its been remastered (prob by Danny)

Mastering is an art that requires years and years of experience and a highly trained ear.  I can garuantee you that if this re-release was in fact remastered (which I doubt) it was done by a professional.  Hopefully the music is left as is since the way music is being mastered these days has no dynamics or life in them anymore.  Everything nowadays has, what they call in the recording industry, been "brickwalled".

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 11:36 pm
by markuspoop
bob said
im sure adam will make it look quite cool. i do appreciate how everyones a little bitter on it. a lot of times you get people that are such 'mega fans' they like anything thats thrown at them with no sense of whatever you want to call it.

i remember buying Opiate on CASSETTE (which someone took from me and i never got back) in Dec of 1994. the nastaliga of all this puts a smile on my face. Im sure its been remastered (prob by Danny) but if they do not include any other material its more of a money maker then anything else.

if anyone is in the know those live songs im pretty sure were recorded at the Jello Loft i think it was called? i keep thinking they should just release the entire show with this special edition..that would be really good and fitting.

If you snoop around on the internets you can find 2 shows from The Jello Loft to download and listen to.  Granted the sound won't be all "remastered" or anything, but there are 2 of those kind of shows out there.

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 12:07 am
by ilikecheese
unquotable said

Mastering is an art that requires years and years of experience and a highly trained ear.  I can garuantee you that if this re-release was in fact remastered (which I doubt) it was done by a professional.  Hopefully the music is left as is since the way music is being mastered these days has no dynamics or life in them anymore.  Everything nowadays has, what they call in the recording industry, been "brickwalled".



I was speaking to my nephew about that subject this evening.  

While technology has done good things for music, it has done more harm than should have been allowed.

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 12:14 am
by James
I feel like music now (10,000 Days, for example) has lost much of the depth it had, even regarding how things were recorded. Listen to When The Levee Breaks, and then the climax of Wings Pt. 2, and it's clear the differences in depth that can be created--and how loss of that hurts the music itself. 

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 12:20 am

Impulse control. Reasoning. Judgement. Higher Order Functions.

Nothing "new" about anonymous internet users bitching for no reason to project their own state of dis-ease.

Something new materializing in these kinds of brains would be mechanisms of impulse control kicking in, making way for reason, leading to a clearer judgement, revealing a higher order of functionality.

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 12:35 am
by The Boss

DRURY said

Impulse control. Reasoning. Judgement. Higher Order Functions.

Nothing "new" about anonymous internet users bitching for no reason to project their own state of dis-ease.

Something new materializing in these kinds of brains would be mechanisms of impulse control kicking in, making way for reason, leading to a clearer judgement, revealing a higher order of functionality.

I think acting like a smug know-it-all has a lot to do with "impulse control".

I get what you're saying, but it was a bit of a stretch. "What's new? Certainly nothing in your frontal lobe."

Weird insult.

EDIT: If you had said, "What's new? Obviously an icepick to your frontal lobe, because it sounds like you've had a lobotomy", that would've been like BOOM - right in the feels.

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 12:50 am
by ilikecheese
crow011 said
I don't know what's worse - people bitching about TOOL, or people bitching about people bitching about TOOL.

Derp, it's the latter, of course.







just looking out for the puppies is all


Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 12:56 am
by UndKeineZwEier

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 12:56 am
by ilikecheese
crow011 said

DRURY said

Impulse control. Reasoning. Judgement. Higher Order Functions.

Nothing "new" about anonymous internet users bitching for no reason to project their own state of dis-ease.

Something new materializing in these kinds of brains would be mechanisms of impulse control kicking in, making way for reason, leading to a clearer judgement, revealing a higher order of functionality.

I think acting like a smug know-it-all has a lot to do with "impulse control".

I get what you're saying, but it was a bit of a stretch. "What's new? Certainly nothing in your frontal lobe."

Weird insult.

EDIT: If you had said, "What's new? Obviously an icepick to your frontal lobe, because it sounds like you've had a lobotomy", that would've been like BOOM - right in the feels.

I"d rather have a bottle inside of me than a frontal labratory...***hic***

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 5:20 am
by bob

 Danny did the sound on Salival didnt he? i sorta forget and im too lazy to go look. he said he was going to be doing the audio for the live dvd (that never came out) so for this release i can see hiim doing it. for their albums i get how they want someone more qualified,.but for this Opiate rerelease i could see it being him.

  as far as the full show of the LIVE tracks that are on Opiate. i thought that one wasnt around ? many things exist in SBD from the early days but i didnt think that one was. look here. 12.31.91 - Los Angeles, CA, USA @ The Jello Loft (CD) ... es91.html   

 i sense the full show as a second disc to be released or all the Opiate tracks from that show at least. their prob going to alter the sound on the album one rereleases a CD 21 years later exactly the same. if so then im wrrooong on that but i cant see it!

   im well aware of the 'loudness wars' for better or worse i think Opiate will be remastered on this release.. cds from the 80s and early early 90s sound the best. it kept getting louder after that. its good to bring that up though, 

  it will be interesting to see what this new copy of Opiate is gonna be like!



Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 12:49 am

Acting like a smug know it all seems to describe you more than anything.

The insult was perfectly applicable in this case.

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 12:59 am
by ilikecheese
bob said

 Danny did the sound on Salival didnt he? i sorta forget and im too lazy to go look. he said he was going to be doing the audio for the live dvd (that never came out) so for this release i can see hiim doing it. for their albums i get how they want someone more qualified,.but for this Opiate rerelease i could see it being him.

  as far as the full show of the LIVE tracks that are on Opiate. i thought that one wasnt around ? many things exist in SBD from the early days but i didnt think that one was. look here. 12.31.91 - Los Angeles, CA, USA @ The Jello Loft (CD) ... es91.html   

 i sense the full show as a second disc to be released or all the Opiate tracks from that show at least. their prob going to alter the sound on the album one rereleases a CD 21 years later exactly the same. if so then im wrrooong on that but i cant see it!

   im well aware of the 'loudness wars' for better or worse i think Opiate will be remastered on this release.. cds from the 80s and early early 90s sound the best. it kept getting louder after that. its good to bring that up though, 

  it will be interesting to see what this new copy of Opiate is gonna be like!




Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 2:00 am
by The Boss
DRURY said

Acting like a smug know it all seems to describe you more than anything.

The insult was perfectly applicable in this case.


Well, you keep doin' what you do, lil' buddy!


Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 2:45 am
by BellJH
If they're updating the artwork theyre updating the music, surely. Id like to see studio versions of jerk off etc. Maybe some alternate versions or recent live takes on a couple of the songs.

Hope we get more info soon!

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 2:55 am
by BellJH
Does anyone else think that they might have put the reimann hypothesis track on this limited opiate re-release? Wasnt it on a board in the loft a couple months back? And blair mentioned it the first time about a year ago, maybe when they were drawing up their ideas for the re-release

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 3:09 am
by The Boss
If they're doing updated tracks and what-not, it's pretty rude to limit it to only 5,000 copies.

Whatever. I mean, torrents, right.

"OPIATE" was always a very throw-away release for me, anyway. People like Tyson think I'm nuts, but it sounds nothing like TOOL. It's almost a demo for what the band could actually end-up being. Short songs, formulaic, and a little boring. Sure, the fire is there, and it's cool to throw on every now and again - but given the choice of ANY TOOL album when I'm in the mood, that doesn't even get a mention. It's a novelty. You throw it on to be, like, "LOL, this was TOOL's first release. Cool, huh."

Re-released with better sound quality, perhaps, and artwork = meh. I can totally see why hardcore TOOL fans would buy it, and I might've even considered it back when I was younger.

As it stands, it kind of looks like a way to get some cash.

I'll keep sticking to artists who don't require me to buy into their bullshit, just to feel like a "true fan".

Waste of time and money. NEXT.

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 3:18 am
by Ravenpig
Wait,you just called it "rude" to limit it to 5,000 AND a "cash grab" in the same post?

It's one or the other man, make a choice. Your opinion isn't wrong either way but make a choice.

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 3:55 am
by The Boss
Ravenpig said
Wait,you just called it "rude" to limit it to 5,000 AND a "cash grab" in the same post?

It's one or the other man, make a choice. Your opinion isn't wrong either way but make a choice.

They're going to charge an exorbitant amount BECAUSE it's limited.

Hence, "cashgrab".

Again, I'm not opposed to people buying it. I just wouldn't. Ever. For any reason.


Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 3:57 am
by BellJH

crow011 said

"OPIATE" was always a very throw-away release for me, anyway. People like Tyson think I'm nuts, but it sounds nothing like TOOL. It's almost a demo for what the band could actually end-up being. Short songs, formulaic, and a little boring. Sure, the fire is there, and it's cool to throw on every now and again - but given the choice of ANY TOOL album when I'm in the mood, that doesn't even get a mention. It's a novelty. You throw it on to be, like, "LOL, this was TOOL's first release. Cool, huh."


I have a feeling that at least some of the band members have said they're embarrassed by the Opiate EP. I think Adam in particular- he said those songs were what they had to put out to 'get on the scene' or whatever, not what they really wanted to release.

Maybe they've decided to do this Opiate re-release to fix what they didn't like about it, alter the tracks and make them sound more like 'Tool'.

Or maybe it will be exactly the same. Which would suck. 

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 8:25 am
by badkittygothgirl
I have to disagree with you Crow.  Opiate was my introduction to TooL via a copied tape from a friend's friend in LA.  It was Danny's drumming on Sweat that pulled me in and Maynard's lyrics on Opiate that sealed the deal.  It was twenty years ago. Occasionally, I'll throw that one on when I'm feeling nostalgic for the garage band days.

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 8:36 am
by The Boss
badkittygothgirl said
I have to disagree with you Crow.  Opiate was my introduction to TooL via a copied tape from a friend's friend in LA.  It was Danny's drumming on Sweat that pulled me in and Maynard's lyrics on Opiate that sealed the deal.  It was twenty years ago. Occasionally, I'll throw that one on when I'm feeling nostalgic for the garage band days.

Nothing wrong with disagreeing with someone when you make sense. You actually said what I did: that you throw it on when you're nostalgic or whatever.

"In the mood for TOOL. "OPIATE", or "AENIMA"?"


That was my point.

So, again, totally unexcited about this reissue.


Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:08 am
by Chill316
I honestly don't think there will be any added tracks. If you think about it why would they limit the amount sold? Now artwork, that's something that you can limit because you really don't care to torrent artwork, right? It wouldn't be much of a cash grab if it had added songs and they only sold 5,000 copies. haha.

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:36 am
by badkittygothgirl
crow011 said

badkittygothgirl said
I have to disagree with you Crow.  Opiate was my introduction to TooL via a copied tape from a friend's friend in LA.  It was Danny's drumming on Sweat that pulled me in and Maynard's lyrics on Opiate that sealed the deal.  It was twenty years ago. Occasionally, I'll throw that one on when I'm feeling nostalgic for the garage band days.

Nothing wrong with disagreeing with someone when you make sense. You actually said what I did: that you throw it on when you're nostalgic or whatever.

"In the mood for TOOL. "OPIATE", or "AENIMA"?"


That was my point.

So, again, totally unexcited about this reissue.


I think you are missing my point.  Opiate is part of the evolution of TooL.  I don't think of it as a throwaway release.

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 12:54 pm
by snazzlefrass
I think you both have a point. While I agree Opiate is part of the evolution of Tool, I think we can all agree that it is quite different than their previous 2 works.

I like their later work. Namely, Lateralus. When I'm in the mood for Tool, that's what I put on.


On topic, I think the added interviews (the ones with the band members) give out too much info., and therefore might not be released until right before, or after it, comes out. If that's the case, they probably talk about the unreleased tracks or live tracks. That's what I think.

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 1:59 pm
by joeypants
Just as an aside, Bob Ludwig masters all of Tool's stuff. He is an amazing craftsman in that arena, and well known opponent of the "loudness wars." 


If'n you're interested: ... mastering/