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Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:20 pm
by The Boss
Zwerewolf said
James said

ToolUser said
Next will be figurines of the band. I shit you not! Is it just me or are they becoming more of a laughing stock by the minute?

This is the most ignorant post I have ever read on this entire forum. Maynard is first and foremost in our minds the lead singer of Tool, but he is also a vintner, and his wine making has nothing to do with his music making with Tool (Puscifer is another story, in my opinion, a hybrid project). Further, his wine making has nothing to do with the image or actions of Tool or the other members. Danny’s not going to call him up and go, “Hey man, don’t you think this wine tasting deal is kind of a sell-out move? It’s kind of screwing up our mysterious image,” because he has nothing to do with Caduceus Cellars or Merkin Vineyards. If you can’t differentiate between the music Tool creates, the wine Caduceus creates, and Maynard’s obligation to the two, then I really don’t know what to tell you. These guys have worked hard for their success, and personally I will wait as long as necessary to hear their work again–they can do whatever the hell they want with what they have earned, and they owe you nothing.

Or, if you have your head too far up your ass for that, remember that Maynard “sold out long before you ever even heard [his] name.”

I’m out.

Thanks for the laughs, dude.

By the way, welcome to the children and drury group. I’m sure I’m missing a few others, but I’m sure you’ll eventually rub shoulders with them.

Fucking hell.

@Crow011 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I ignored that comment from that guy (against ever fiber in my body) just for the respect of the forum and Hellboy. We shouldn't get tossed off and spiral out into an all out argument about TOOL but I do agree with you. This event has nothing to do with TOOL and TOOL has nothing to do with the event. TOOL are that collection of four people making music together and not the individuals persuing what they enjoy in their off time from TOOL. I think maybe there's a jealousy issue here because most of us can't pursue all the projects we're passionate about simply because we can't afford to... Get over it... there are sacrifices that can be made to pursue happiness and if you choose not to make the sacrifices that's on you.

Are-are you legally retarded?

I'll tell you what - you wrap your head around the "quote" function, as well as paragraphs, and then I'll take you seriously.

On my woman's fucking life, I scanned 'til I saw my name, then my eyeballs glazed over. That's why I'm typing this.

Come on, dude. Give us all something to work with. This isn't the first time you've shown a complete disregard for the eyeballs of the people you would want to read your posts.

Even fucking children knows how to use paragraphs, at the very least.


Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:21 pm
by The Boss
Zwerewolf said
@crow maybe i misunderstood what you meant in your post and you weren't the one that stated ToolUser's post was lame but whatever... whoever I need to direct my last comment at so be it. That's how I feel.

You should probably figure that out. It might just be important.


Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:22 pm
by The Boss
Ugh, God fucking damn it.

I apologise for going off topic. Please delete my posts.

Can you see how I get sucked into this shit?

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:26 pm
by Zwerewolf
@CROW What's your malfunction dude? Why are you such a fucking hard ass? If you haven't peeled your eye lids back in a while I think you should. The format of this forum is kind of hard to follow when you're skimming through it sometimes. I don't get you... You seem to always have a fucking attitude and for what I do not know? If you don't like it then don't fucking buy it! If you're going to verbally assault me then why don't we settle this in person. I'm sure you're a puny little limp dick pimple faced fuck that doesn't know what a vagina feels like. "On my woman's fucking life"? I doubt your Jenna Jameson flesh like doll has a fucking heart beat. You're a fucking waste of life you piece of shit.

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:32 pm
by Tool_User

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:36 pm
by The Boss
Zwerewolf said
@CROW What's your malfunction dude? Why are you such a fucking hard ass? If you haven't peeled your eye lids back in a while I think you should. The format of this forum is kind of hard to follow when you're skimming through it sometimes. I don't get you... You seem to always have a fucking attitude and for what I do not know? If you don't like it then don't fucking buy it! If you're going to verbally assault me then why don't we settle this in person. I'm sure you're a puny little limp dick pimple faced fuck that doesn't know what a vagina feels like. "On my woman's fucking life"? I doubt your Jenna Jameson flesh like doll has a fucking heart beat. You're a fucking waste of life you piece of shit.

I used that as a way of saying that what I'm putting forward is completely serious. You know, in the same way as people say "on my son's life", "on my mother's life", etc etc . . .

Thanks for showing your true colours. I always laugh at others when they make threats online, but, boy, it would be your good fortune to never see me in the real world after what you just wrote.

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:47 pm
by Zwerewolf
@crow .... You can't be completely serious if you don't have a real girl... She'll have to go on an adventure inside of a whale with Geppetto before you can call her that. Get fucked you joke.

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:50 pm
by Zwerewolf
@Hellboy sorry for the spat. I love your site and it's always very informative however, these little forums become a fucking warzone because of people like Crow and by people I mean the ass hole of a wart hog. I'm not sure I'll be returning for comments anymore. I would think this would be a place of common interest where people can share opinions and not be attacked by other like minded people but I was wrong. Thanks for the site.

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:51 pm
by The Boss
Zwerewolf said
@crow .... You can't be completely serious if you don't have a real girl... She'll have to go on an adventure inside of a whale with Geppetto before you can call her that. Get fucked you joke.

Yep, we're done. This was your big chance to salvage any hope of me taking you seriously.

If I chose to be overly-sensitive, I could probably find a way that you directly insulted someone I love.

But, I'm not going to bother (fuck, you probably didn't) - and instead, I'll just look upon you the same way I look upon your buddies: with utter disdain.

Keep the vitriol comin', buddy. If you were smart, you'd try to dig UP.


Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:54 pm
by joeypants
I, for one, LOVE that the title of the post/thread is a double entendre. Discuss.

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:58 pm
by The Boss

joeypants said
I, for one, LOVE that the title of the post/thread is a double entendre. Discuss.

I would LOVE to give him a Hot Lunch.

Also, "Do you fancy a dinner with Maynard?" as opposed to "Would you like a fancy dinner with Maynard?"

Yeah, we got it.

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:03 pm
by joeypants
Also, as a general rule, I firmly agree with "never meet your heroes." I've had the chance to walk up and meet various members of Tool and never did. Ditto other musicians, etc.


It always comes back to that thing of, "what is this REALLY going to do for me/them other than make both of us feel awkward?" If you ever get the chance, from everyone I've spoken with and my own very very limited/small time experience as a musician over the years, a quick "hey thanks for the music/art/etc., I really appreciate it" is wonderful and makes you feel good. Any more than that generally gets creepy.


Obvious exceptions being if they decide to initiate more of a conversation or something. Or if you're meeting them in other circumstances than "hey here comes a fan, prepare to greet me!"

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:10 pm
by '][' [[]] [[]] ][,
Due to the nature of my work I meet celebrities every day.  The excitement has worn off years ago, if it was ever even there.  One celebrity stood out however.  There I was minding my own business when Gary Buesey came up to me, gave me a bear hug and told me how great it was to see me again.  He started to chit-chat about old times as he had me pinned up against the wall with his face about an inch from mine.  He said to call him and hang out sometime soon.  He embraced me again to say goodbye and turned away spitting a huge glob of phlem onto the floor as he walked away.  When I looked up the entire crew was looking at me with looks of shock on their faces.  One person uttered, "hey man, I didn't know you knew Gary Buesey!"  Well I don't.  It was pretty fuckin' surreal.


Anyway, back on topic.  How many non-TOOL fans will be attending this dinner?  Zero I suspect.  I almost want to go just to see how uncomfortable Maynard will be in a room full of idiots staring at him while they stuff their faces full of overpriced food and drink.

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:13 pm
by UndKeineZwEier

Due to the nature of my work I meet celebrities every day.  The excitement has worn off years ago, if it was ever even there.  One celebrity stood out however.  There I was minding my own business when Gary Buesey came up to me, gave me a bear hug and told me how great it was to see me again.  He started to chit-chat about old times as he had me pinned up against the wall with his face about an inch from mine.  He said to call him and hang out sometime soon.  He embraced me again to say goodbye and turned away spitting a huge glob of phlem onto the floor as he walked away.  When I looked up the entire crew was looking at me with looks of shock on their faces.  One person uttered, "hey man, I didn't know you knew Gary Buesey!"  Well I don't.  It was pretty fuckin' surreal.


None of that surprises me at all.

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:22 pm
by Zwerewolf
Due to the nature of my work I meet celebrities every day. The excitement has worn off years ago, if it was ever even there. One celebrity stood out however. There I was minding my own business when Gary Buesey came up to me, gave me a bear hug and told me how great it was to see me again. He started to chit-chat about old times as he had me pinned up against the wall with his face about an inch from mine. He said to call him and hang out sometime soon. He embraced me again to say goodbye and turned away spitting a huge glob of phlem onto the floor as he walked away. When I looked up the entire crew was looking at me with looks of shock on their faces. One person uttered, “hey man, I didn’t know you knew Gary Buesey!” Well I don’t. It was pretty fuckin’ surreal.


Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 2:24 pm
by hellboy
I think most of you guys are giving this more thought than is really required.  Maynard is trying to establish his wine business, and this type of event is obviously aimed at that.  If there wasn't a Tool album that is "overdue" I expect there would be very few complaints.

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 2:39 pm
by Zwerewolf

Yep, we’re done. This was your big chance to salvage any hope of me taking you seriously.

If I chose to be overly-sensitive, I could probably find a way that you directly insulted someone I love.

But, I’m not going to bother (fuck, you probably didn’t) – and instead, I’ll just look upon you the same way I look upon your buddies: with utter disdain.

Keep the vitriol comin’, buddy. If you were smart, you’d try to dig UP.

@crow I want to let it die but missed this post and feel compelled to respond. You see... I'm human and you are striking chords here... What do you want man? This post sounds like I should want to be in your good graces and I've had my final chance to redeem myself or something. I don't get that... Also, I didn't take a jab at someone you love I took a jab at you. My intention wasn't to offend someone you love because they simply have nothing to do with this. I said you had a Jenna Jameson doll and I made an insinuation that you screw that doll on a regular basis and refer to it as a real woman... Ever see "Lars and the Real Girl"? Nevermind.... errr... anyways, I don't know what you want from me. I've seen your posts in other forums and I respect alot of what you say sometimes. All of a sudden you come off calling me a retard when I said nothing of any sort that would ever instigate that sort of response. I will not sit here and be called a retard and not say anything back. You don't know me just like I don't know you and I'm not the one who flew off the handle... You seriously just come in here and act like you're the big boss and what you say goes. This is a place of thoughts and opinions and everyone is entitled to one. Then you bring others into it like Drury and expect everyone to choose sides like you're a werewolf and he's a vampire and we all sparkle in the fucking moonlight. Are you having a bad day dude? I'm dropping this now for certain but I just needed to point some stuff out to you because you definitely sound like you're having a bad day. I didn't attack you unprovoked and I don't hate you personally because I don't know you personally but it just seemed chicken shit to call me a retard "on the internet" and then have a problem with me having something to say about it. Sorry that's all I have to say for now I'm losing my train of thought here... Cheers.

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 2:40 pm
by Zwerewolf
I think most of you guys are giving this more thought than is really required. Maynard is trying to establish his wine business, and this type of event is obviously aimed at that. If there wasn’t a Tool album that is “overdue” I expect there would be very few complaints.


Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 2:49 pm
by joeypants
Zwerewolf: paragraphs, man. Paragraphs. Not trying to be a dick or anything but whew, need to break that stuff up!

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 3:33 pm
by Zwerewolf
March 16, 2013 at 3:49 pm
Zwerewolf: paragraphs, man. Paragraphs. Not trying to be a dick or anything but whew, need to break that stuff up!

Dear Joeypants,

Your message is crystal clear my friend, paragraphs are prefered. Would that really cause someone to fire napalm at me? The fact that I don't break my posts up into paragraphs? I mean is it that big of a task to read a post that's not broken up into paragraphs? I feel like I take up more forum space when I break it up. Do I have the ok to do such a thing now?

Thanks for not being a dick I really appreicate it (sincerely no sarcasm not joking). Positive and constructive feedback is always appreciated as I would also love to contribute the same to others.

I really hope everyone enjoys the rest of their day and should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to constructively respond to me.

Best Regards,


Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 4:30 pm
by doors
I have nothing against Maynard. In a lot of the recent interviews lately I can sense this feeling of frustration towards the other band members for being so lazy. I respect him for not breaking promises and just keeping quiet rather than spouting BS like some other people. I also respect him for doing his own thing and producing more album output (good or bad) - shows what he's capable of when he's in charge. I think this whole "equal democracy" thing they have going in the band is refreshing for creativity but works against them when it comes to output of work. There is no leader to tell them to get their shit together and release an album after so many years. Oh and wealth has gone to their heads..

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 4:42 pm
by N.Y.H.C.
you think at the dinner he'll be behind a screen doing those funny little dances with a cowboy hat on? hahahaha

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 4:42 pm
by Zwerewolf
Dear Doors,

Well said.

Best Regards,

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 4:45 pm
by hellboy
NYHC81 said
you think at the dinner he'll be behind a screen doing those funny little dances with a cowboy hat on? hahahaha

I've heard a few claim of late that Maynard performs behind a screen.  I've never seen this in any bootleg I've watched, nor at any Tool gig I've been to.  Is it some kind of myth/troll or has this actually happened?

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 4:53 pm
by Ravenpig
The APC tour when Thirteenth Step was released he performed the first song or two behind a mini screen with a light behind him so you could only see his shadow.

At least at the show I saw. I'm sure there's some videos on YouTube.