Danny speaks in Rhythm Magazine

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Post by Ciffi »

Have you all seen this already?

I thought it was hilarious, worth a news post if you ask me.
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Post by The Boss »

Intension said
I get it with Tool, i really do, they dont want to release Anything that doesnt produce their full quality, and at this stage why should they. However, with how good they are live, and they themselves make sure they are, they should consider taping more(audio and visual), and at least not for now, for later releases. It would do, not only themselves, but the whole rock and roll industry a disservice not to. Their fantastic live as we all know. More than not their spot on, especially compared to other bands. I sure hope one day more of their live material sees the light of day from a official release. It would be a huge disappointment if it didnt. Because their capable of the best.

"10,000 GAYS" really fucks that theory up.
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Post by The Boss »

snaggle said
I'm positive there's not a Pot video in the works. Never has any band ever released a video for a 6.5 yr old song, from an album they stopped touring at least 3 years ago. If Adam is working on a music video it's more likely for another band, or some kind of art installation... doesn't Chet Zar have some upcoming gallery shows? Maybe Adam is in on that..?
Unless Adam specifically stated somewhere that he's definitely doing a Pot video. In which case, why the fuck bother? As someone else said, quit riding the 10,000 Days coattails.

They also seem like they don't know how to manage their time very well or something. Justin has, what, like 4 projects going at once, and none of them are going anywhere. Danny has a handful of side stuff that we've been told for like the last year are in various stages of recording, mixing, mastering... yet none of it has seen the light of day.

Justin needs to stop with all the half assed side bands that aren't going anywhere.
Adam needs to stop with the puppy love bullshit on his twitter, he's a grown man acting like a 15yr old virgin.
Danny needs to stop getting drunk everyday and wasting time on selling lame "magik" books and accessories and fucking cushions (cushions?!?!?!?!) with that self centered, totally in love with his own shit, arrogant cunt of a man, Blair.
And Maynard needs to get in the rehearsal space with the rest of them, and stop treating Tool fans as just a bunch of consumers for him to exploit and bombard with ads for his wine and his fucking pasta and his fucking coffee and shit.

Maynard posted the "Hitler finds out about new Puscifer EP" video on his twitter. So now he's laughing at us, in between bouts of marketing his fucking food and wine at us. Bah!!!
Fuck Tool.

You should tell us how you really feel.

Joking, I agree on almost all accounts. Adam Jones took me off of his Facebook because I made fun of him constantly posting photos of his new girlfriend.

Apparently TOOL don't like it if you're not constantly sucking on each individual member's cock.

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Post by hellboy »

Am I also a dick for posting family members on my Facebook account?  You can bet if you made fun of my family there I'd be taking you off my list also.
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Post by The Boss »

hellboy1975 said
Am I also a dick for posting family members on my Facebook account?  You can bet if you made fun of my family there I'd be taking you off my list also.

That was pretty predictable. No, it wasn't just his girlfriend - it was actually mainly her artwork and photography. I believe the sentence I used was something like "Oh, what a shock - here's Jones pimpin' out his new fuck's artwork again. Riveting."

Can't remember, I think it was early last year.

But yeah, if it was JUST normal photos of her and them together, I would've just ignored it. It didn't help that her artwork sucks.

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Post by The Boss »

crow011 said

hellboy1975 said
Am I also a dick for posting family members on my Facebook account?  You can bet if you made fun of my family there I'd be taking you off my list also.

That was pretty predictable. No, it wasn't just his girlfriend - it was actually mainly her artwork and photography. I believe the sentence I used was something like "Oh, what a shock - here's Jones pimpin' out his new fuck's artwork again. Riveting."

Can't remember, I think it was early last year.

But yeah, if it was JUST normal photos of her and them together, I would've just ignored it. It didn't help that her artwork sucks.


Come to think of it, you're friends with him on Facebook, too. You should know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

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Post by joeypants »

Wow, I have no idea why he'd delete you for that. Weird.

Actually, it's not. That's generally disgusting human behavior on your part. Great job!
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Post by joeypants »

You seriously said, "...his new fuck's..." ?!


I've never said this on here, but combined with everything else, that's about ban-worthy I think. Free speech is great and all, but what do you actually contribute to this place, being a complete fucking creep like that? Other than, of course, being an absolute cancer on this site and probably reason #1 why I don't frequent it much (and I can guarantee you I'm not alone there). When people come here and you're the main voice... yeah. Hellboy should strongly consider it.
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Post by phox_ »

joeypants said
You seriously said, "...his new fuck's..." ?!


I've never said this on here, but combined with everything else, that's about ban-worthy I think. Free speech is great and all, but what do you actually contribute to this place, being a complete fucking creep like that? Other than, of course, being an absolute cancer on this site and probably reason #1 why I don't frequent it much (and I can guarantee you I'm not alone there). When people come here and you're the main voice... yeah. Hellboy should strongly consider it.

You're right, you're not alone.

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Post by cultiv8420 »

Is there any more specifics on the new Volto! record? You say that album "seems" to be called Incitaire. What do you mean by this? I don't have an iOS device to buy this.
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Post by hellboy »

I say "seems" because the font used on the title of the review seemed a bit vague to me. I'm pretty sure it was an I for Incitaire, but could have been a A.
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Post by hellboy »

The real question for me is what difference to the Tool album do people expect to come from Adam not posting pictures of his girlfriend or her artwork on Facebook?  People are really clutching at straws if they think that will make even the slightest difference to the album.

Personally, I'm quite capable of posting photos to Facebook and holding down a full time job.
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Post by JKG »

People more than likely "friend" Adam Jones and Maynard (puscifer) because they want to know what's going on with them as far as Tool and other musicical projects. I personally don't give a fuck about his personal life outside of that.
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Post by Calfium Jay »



They also seem like they don't know how to manage their time very well or something. Justin has, what, like 4 projects going at once, and none of them are going anywhere. Danny has a handful of side stuff that we've been told for like the last year are in various stages of recording, mixing, mastering... yet none of it has seen the light of day.

Justin needs to stop with all the half assed side bands that aren't going anywhere.
Adam needs to stop with the puppy love bullshit on his twitter, he's a grown man acting like a 15yr old virgin.
Danny needs to stop getting drunk everyday and wasting time on selling lame "magik" books and accessories and fucking cushions (cushions?!?!?!?!) with that self centered, totally in love with his own shit, arrogant cunt of a man, Blair.
And Maynard needs to get in the rehearsal space with the rest of them, and stop treating Tool fans as just a bunch of consumers for him to exploit and bombard with ads for his wine and his fucking pasta and his fucking coffee and shit.

Fuck Tool.


Never have I wanted to hug someone on a message board as much as I do right now.


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Post by hellboy »

JKG said
People more than likely "friend" Adam Jones and Maynard (puscifer) because they want to know what's going on with them as far as Tool and other musicical projects. I personally don't give a fuck about his personal life outside of that.

I agree that exactly why people follow them, however the expectation shouldn't be that they will post nothing but music project updates.
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Post by The Boss »

joeypants said
You seriously said, "...his new fuck's..." ?!


I've never said this on here, but combined with everything else, that's about ban-worthy I think. Free speech is great and all, but what do you actually contribute to this place, being a complete fucking creep like that? Other than, of course, being an absolute cancer on this site and probably reason #1 why I don't frequent it much (and I can guarantee you I'm not alone there). When people come here and you're the main voice... yeah. Hellboy should strongly consider it.

I don't understand how something I said on someone's Facebook account could be grounds for banning from this forum.

And how is that being a creep? The guy had inundated his Facebook with pictures from his new girlfriend that many, many people thought were a bit much as well. All I did was air my frustration and contempt, he took me off of his Facebook, and end of story. Yeah, I could've been more classy, but there we have it.


Yet again we see sycophants like you get sand blasted into their vagina whenever someone says something negative about TOOL.

And as to being cancer on this site - well, let's see your contribution. I'm seriously the only thing stopping you from visiting this forum more? Holy shit, what power I must wield!

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Post by The Boss »

hellboy1975 said

JKG said
People more than likely "friend" Adam Jones and Maynard (puscifer) because they want to know what's going on with them as far as Tool and other musicical projects. I personally don't give a fuck about his personal life outside of that.

I agree that exactly why people follow them, however the expectation shouldn't be that they will post nothing but music project updates.

Most of the musicians, artists and athletes I have on my Facebook rarely post anything related to their own projects. Instead, they post really interesting things about anything and everything at all.

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Post by Intension »

Something i think that was missed with the interview. All interviews before i think anyways, Danny mentioned four or five frameworks in progress. Now in this interview, he says six or seven good frameworks. So, thats a good positive. Also, in a recent newsletter Blair talked about Danny talking about a song possibly on the dry erase board and saying, "that ones done." We will see it when we see though i suppose.
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Post by joeypants »

If "his new fuck" is how you address women, then yeah, you're an absolute creep. If you don't get WHY that makes you a creep, you're a sociopath.


It's his PERSONAL FACEBOOK page. It's not fucking Tool Army: Part II. You are arguably the most prolific poster here, yet also arguably the most negative. Think about what that says.
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Post by joeypants »

You're COMPELLED to bitch constantly. You choose and are compelled to spend an inordinate amount of time bitching, and not only that, but instructing OTHERS on how they should essentially be less enthusiastic and happy about something they really enjoy.


And THEN, you, as the most prolific member of the main Tool fan community, go to one of the band members PERSONAL FACEBOOK pages and call his girlfriend "his new fuck." Because lord knows no one in the history of fucking relationships or facebook has ever gotten a case of puppy love and been slightly enthusiastic about the new love in their life. That's a beautiful, good thing and here you are, throwing your awful misogyny and general creep factor into the proceedings. And then it's a mark against HIM that he took you off the page?


Yeah, so that's how it relates to offing you from this place. You're an unofficial beacon for this "fan community," and you utterly embody every piece of the absolute WORST of fandom.
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Post by The Boss »

joeypants said
You're COMPELLED to bitch constantly. You choose and are compelled to spend an inordinate amount of time bitching, and not only that, but instructing OTHERS on how they should essentially be less enthusiastic and happy about something they really enjoy.


And THEN, you, as the most prolific member of the main Tool fan community, go to one of the band members PERSONAL FACEBOOK pages and call his girlfriend "his new fuck." Because lord knows no one in the history of fucking relationships or facebook has ever gotten a case of puppy love and been slightly enthusiastic about the new love in their life. That's a beautiful, good thing and here you are, throwing your awful misogyny and general creep factor into the proceedings. And then it's a mark against HIM that he took you off the page?


Yeah, so that's how it relates to offing you from this place. You're an unofficial beacon for this "fan community," and you utterly embody every piece of the absolute WORST of fandom.


Not sure if it was actually "his new fuck", but something to that affect. Nice to know that you're such a campaigner for women's rights, though.

Honestly, dude, you seemed like a reasonable person at one stage here - but all I'm hearing from the last few posts of yours is "WHAAAAA".

I don't care. But thanks for sharing anyway. There doesn't seem to be much argument here either way, so I'm happy calling you a butthurt lil' fanboi, and you assuming I'm a soulless asshole.

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Post by joeypants »

Fair enough.
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Post by gamebounty »

crow011 said

joeypants said
You're COMPELLED to bitch constantly. You choose and are compelled to spend an inordinate amount of time bitching, and not only that, but instructing OTHERS on how they should essentially be less enthusiastic and happy about something they really enjoy.


And THEN, you, as the most prolific member of the main Tool fan community, go to one of the band members PERSONAL FACEBOOK pages and call his girlfriend "his new fuck." Because lord knows no one in the history of fucking relationships or facebook has ever gotten a case of puppy love and been slightly enthusiastic about the new love in their life. That's a beautiful, good thing and here you are, throwing your awful misogyny and general creep factor into the proceedings. And then it's a mark against HIM that he took you off the page?


Yeah, so that's how it relates to offing you from this place. You're an unofficial beacon for this "fan community," and you utterly embody every piece of the absolute WORST of fandom.


Not sure if it was actually "his new fuck", but something to that affect. Nice to know that you're such a campaigner for women's rights, though.

Honestly, dude, you seemed like a reasonable person at one stage here - but all I'm hearing from the last few posts of yours is "WHAAAAA".

I don't care. But thanks for sharing anyway. There doesn't seem to be much argument here either way, so I'm happy calling you a butthurt lil' fanboi, and you assuming I'm a soulless asshole.


Seems like you do an awful lot of that as well.


And if I were HB, I definitely would have banned you ages ago. I can't count all the times I've seen you call some one a cunt or something to that effect. In fact, I've been to a lot of forums where you would have been booted for that kind of behavior.

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Post by The Boss »

Do what? Choose not to continue a pointless argument? And where's your dog in this fight?

Fuck off. Cunt.
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Post by ilikecheese »

Intension said
Something i think that was missed with the interview. All interviews before i think anyways, Danny mentioned four or five frameworks in progress. Now in this interview, he says six or seven good frameworks. So, thats a good positive. Also, in a recent newsletter Blair talked about Danny talking about a song possibly on the dry erase board and saying, "that ones done." We will see it when we see though i suppose.

Blair could tell me my dick was on fire and I wouldn't believe him.

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