All things Nick Cave

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All things Nick Cave

Post by liz »

There is no thread for this icon and that is not a good thing. Now there is.

He has a beautiful way with words.

"Dear Cynthia,

This is a very beautiful question and I am grateful that you have asked it. It seems to me, that if we love, we grieve. That’s the deal. That’s the pact. Grief and love are forever intertwined. Grief is the terrible reminder of the depths of our love and, like love, grief is non-negotiable. There is a vastness to grief that overwhelms our minuscule selves. We are tiny, trembling clusters of atoms subsumed within grief’s awesome presence. It occupies the core of our being and extends through our fingers to the limits of the universe. Within that whirling gyre all manner of madnesses exist; ghosts and spirits and dream visitations, and everything else that we, in our anguish, will into existence. These are precious gifts that are as valid and as real as we need them to be. They are the spirit guides that lead us out of the darkness.

I feel the presence of my son, all around, but he may not be there. I hear him talk to me, parent me, guide me, though he may not be there. He visits Susie in her sleep regularly, speaks to her, comforts her, but he may not be there. Dread grief trails bright phantoms in its wake. These spirits are ideas, essentially. They are our stunned imaginations reawakening after the calamity. Like ideas, these spirits speak of possibility. Follow your ideas, because on the other side of the idea is change and growth and redemption. Create your spirits. Call to them. Will them alive. Speak to them. It is their impossible and ghostly hands that draw us back to the world from which we were jettisoned; better now and unimaginably changed.

With love, Nick. " ... m-feeling/
"She's a very charming and delightful creature, and has only one fault that I know of. It happens, unfortunately, that that single blemish is a want of taste. She don't like me."
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Re: All things Nick Cave

Post by Kittaan »

Hey Liz. I meant to reply but forgot.

I have given Nick a try several times, but there’s no connection there for me. Don’t much like his vocals or the music. But he seems to be a very thoughtful and interesting writer.

However, I enjoyed reading a few of those fan questions and responses. I bet he’s great to hang out with.
Ki77aan :twisted:
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Re: All things Nick Cave

Post by ms2r »

Saw About Time yesterday. Had a good Nick Cave song at the end.
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Re: All things Nick Cave

Post by liz »

A few days late but I've just listened to this and wow.

An achingly beautiful,sad, reflective piece about grief and longing. His vocal is superb with a falsetto, that when I first heard it, I wondered for a moment if it was him.

I loved how it was presented too with the whirling clouds of smoke, so very easy to get lost in.

Maybe it wont be any ones cup of tea, but find yourself a quiet space and just maybe this album will bring you to tears.
"She's a very charming and delightful creature, and has only one fault that I know of. It happens, unfortunately, that that single blemish is a want of taste. She don't like me."
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Re: All things Nick Cave

Post by ziggy23 »

Wild God the new album from Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds will be released on 30 August
- You like noisy music?
- Yes. The louder the better. Stops me from thinking.
- You don't like to think? What do you like?
- Never thought about it.
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