April 2013 Tool Newsletter

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Post by hellboy »

Blair has posted the April 2013 Tool Newsletter, and it doesn't have anything particularly exciting for Tool fans (ie no new album news). It does feature and interesting question regarding Truckfighters, as well as some clarification regard a few things with the Opiate reissue:

Q: "Hi! Don't know who to contact really, maybe you could help me in the right direction? Just checking will TOOL release new material soon? Hopefully they will tour a lot then? I play in a band called Truckfighters, we've done over 500 liveshows in Europe, USA, South America and soon also Australia/New Zealand. We will release our fourth record in JAN 2014 on SONY music in Scandinavium and Fuzzorama in the rest of the world. Would love to discuss and opening slot for TOOL, we can do anything to make it happen. We're professional musicians and know how things work."

A: How long would it take you and the fellows to get to Australia - once you've acquired the necessary AEMU suits, that is? On second though, that new beast of Danny's sounds pretty damn cool! (Hey, a nice little plug for the band anyway.)

Here's Danny and his new toy:

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Post by petemasterpete »

hellboy said:


Truckfighters were the first Fourtheye Listeners Club album of the week.  I'd have been quite happy seeing them support.  I think they're playing here next month anyway…(by here I sadly mean not in Adelaide)

they are indeed playing here... I'll be seeing them with the old blender fella next Sunday, the 5th.  I dig a majority of their music if even moderately so I'd of loved to see them open.  Guessing they'd be better live then on record solely based on their fuzzy music style.

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Post by Undertow78 »

The Truckfighters are awesome. I have been following them for quite some time. Check them out. Great Desert/Stoner Rock.
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Post by Whisp »

Watched that documentary thing they put out a couple years ago (Truckfighters) and it was pretty awesome. I reckon they would be an awesome opener for Tool.
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Post by bigboy55693 »

So is Blair in charge of MERCH items?


"As the tour progresses, I hope to have updates on MERCH, as well as some great photos courtesy of Rynne"


Also, did I read this correctly that they are going to sell 2013 tour merch on the TB site?
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Post by hellboy »

bigboy55693 said
So is Blair in charge of MERCH items?

"As the tour progresses, I hope to have updates on MERCH, as well as some great photos courtesy of Rynne"

No,  Blair knows the guys who run merch but that's as far as the relationship goes as far as I know.  Like Blair with Tool news, he just publishes what he's told. 


Also, did I read this correctly that they are going to sell 2013 tour merch on the TB site?

Wouldn't surprise me, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it's confirmed.
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