Tool - 4th May 2013 - Allphones Arena, Sydney, NSW

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Post by The Boss »

toolphishdhs said
Danza - i like it because it switches things up. Opiate is really the only song off Opiate that i ever wanted to hear live (which i did in 01) but a lot of people havent ever heard anything from Opiate and get excited. I think if they had played it a year or two ago, instead of close to a decade, most people would be pissed they were still trying to play it.


Now to agree with you about them playing it in 2013. It doesnt sound good(MJK cough cough), so i see your point and REALLY like 3rd eye instead of it. 

Fair enough, and an excellent explanation.

For which I thank you.

I've always been partial to "Sweat", personally.

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Post by limeygringo »

Sweat is one of my all time favs.  
Ahhh, Infotainment!
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Post by spiral2spiral »

limeygringo said
Sweat is one of my all time favs.  

If I could have anything off Opiate, I'd pick Jerk Off, ala Kalamazoo. Love that version. 


Just am a bit miffed that I've seen 3 of the 5 shows this tour, and the two I missed had Opiate, which I haven't heard since 2002. But minor quibble (something like this happens every tour!) 
Busty McCracken

Post by Busty McCracken »

Yeah that was right up there that one.. Night 1 was great but had its share of messy moments, but last night was one of the tightest sets I've ever seen them play.... HWAP is a ball tearer of an opener & whole band was on song..
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Post by phi1.618 »


What is wrong with people??!!


10 000 comments when they dont enjoy the show (yes melbourne, im talking to you) but when they play f#ckin killer shows with setlists from heaven, noone bothers to write in that they just had their souls purged and spirits cleansed by the pulsating intelligence that is the tool experience on a good night


Ok im gettin a bit poetic and shit, but the point i am tryna make is that, in the excitement leading up to the 2 amazing sydney shows i just saw, i came on here and read some thread, n everyone was bitching and moaning about Maynard (and Adam) standing still or Maynard screwing up lyrics or not screaming (the particularly taxing) parts of songs anymore (end of vicarious etc), even "3 guys pouring their whole hearts into a project and one guy just turning up to fulfill a contract.."
(jesus ogt!) .. n ok, fair enough, if you didnt enjoy the show and that was your honest response, post that shit if it helps you deal with your grief.. BUT when Tool completely blow the lid off the place and pump their hypnotic ostinatos of conscious vibration into the sweating mass of flesh before them, noone bothers to write in!!


hmmm.. whats going on here?


For all those people who read these words who werent at the sydney shows last 2 nights:


Tool are in GOOD form. Maybe they took a couple of gigs to warm up.. maybe Maynard was sick n hes feeling better now.. maybe Saturn was having a negative influence on Adams moon in Jupiter or maybe the southern song lines were fucking with Justins accent (whichever he was donning at the time).. regardless, by the time they got to Sydney (and especially last night) they were ready to go.


Maynard danced for the whole of both shows and it felt like he was really into it. His voice was powerful and in tune.

Danny got the new synth crankin (heaps more last night than the first night) and resumed the 2nd half of both shows with synth/drum duets..


Heaps of new and interesting atmospheric segues


Maynard didn’t talk much (does he ever?!) but last night (after someone had 'tweeted' him complaining about the no photography/smart tech. thing), he asked at the beginning of the show 'who is actually HERE tonight?' .. 'i mean present, here, in your bodies..' ..  'not thinkin about what you did earlier or what youre gonna do later.. not playing with your fuckn phones.. on twitter.. but present, here, in your bodies.. raise your hands' -and then, after an enthusiastic response from the crowd: 'im not!'


this could be a little tiny spoiler i guess (if Maynards stage banter is as important to you as the setlist), but both nights he kidded shortly after the intermission that the show was over - 'thankyou very much sydney youve been great' 'thats all we've got for you' ..  right before exploding into Aenema


im writing all this for you sydney! What ungrateful geeks at best (half-hearted fans at worst) we would look to receive the 2 shows we just did and not bother balancing the tone of some of these threads by telling everyone who's interested how fucking awesome it was!


Im not tryna rub it in melbourne.. (you can probably sense a sprinkling of the old ford vs holden/melbs vs syd, rivalry banter).. big ups to you for at least caring enough to write about your shitty experiences.. but erm.. yeh, -they killed. (sorry)

Been a tool fan since bout 94.. never saw shows on the Aenema tours but caught shows on Lateralus and 10000 days tours.. last nights was definitely the best ive personally seen 'em!


but a short note on the subjectivity of what constitutes a good gig:


sure the bands performance is key. If they fuck up, it can definitely affect your ability to walk away feeling pumped and inspired. More important for me is the vibe.. are they playing with feeling?.. are THEY feeling it?.. is the vibrational frequency of the collective energy body of the audience being raised? As someone said somewhere here recently.. you CAN have a show where there are fuckups and off notes etc but the energy is still really strong and you can almost feel something transcendental being invoked (dont think they put it quite like that).. but folks.. how YOU as an audience member are feeling when you walk in before they even come on stage IS a HUGE part of it! and jesus if, like me, youre a water sign, then even how the person NEXT to you is feeling can totally affect your perception of the show! -Its subjective as fuck. Some people listen to 'intension' on repeat while apparently others skip it. Some people take too many of the wrong drugs to go and see tool and spend the whole show ignoring the stage and talking to each other as though they were in a nightclub. –this is unfortunately what was going on in the two seats next to me at the fri show.. first there was this dude who was doing all this extremely enthusiastic air drumming (blocking my view) and (only) occasionally disturbing me to ask me menial questions like if I played an instrument.. he was ‘pilly’, but his jaw was pretty still.. but at some point before the intermission he swapped seats with his mates girlfriend or something (so the girls could sit together) and the girls just talked (well, shouted) loudly over the whole rest of the first half.. the girl now sitting next to me, well, her jaw was less still.. we call it ‘gurning’ (or ‘chewing your face off’..) n she tried to talk to me a few times.. ‘im gonna sing at the top of my lungs in a minute!!!’ she said to me, and then instantly resumed forgetting that there was a tool concert taking place before her incarnate form and went back to shouting and laughing with her girlfriend about ‘that hilarious guy on the train’, lookin up shit on their phones etc.. REALLY fucking annoying! (are you allowed to swear on these threads hellboy? –I started out editing, but now I seem to be just letting it all out).. At another point she asked me if I was new to tool as she was.. Im tryna watch the fuckin show. Im tryna LISTEN. There is a SPELL being bound and she is wrenching me out of the enchantment. Still, (you’ll either be impressed or disgusted to know) I didn’t ask her to shut up. I wasn’t ‘chatty’ with her n I didn’t give her any energy, but I didn’t actually scream at her to get the fuck out of the temple.


See I thought about it.. im a muso.. n a bit of a tool geek.. so when I go to a tool show, I’m going to watch and LISTEN to the music.. I don’t drink much n don’t post comments on blogs about what I do do if and when I do, but suffice to say we are all different and express our love and appreciation of the music in different ways.

Who am I to say you should be less rowdy and pay closer attention? (Even the ‘paying closer attention’ bit is condescending I guess..) BUT when punters (such as these two chicks) are ruining it a bit for the peeps around them.. (I definitely wasn’t the only one bothered.. dude behind us asked them to be quiet and everyone was givin em filthies but they were oblivious).. that’s just not cool. And by not even watching the show, really, it says a lot about your level of passion for tool if you are able to sit there and ignore them, no matter how much shitty coke or cokey pill you’ve had.. but (sorry = ranting) the point im tryna make is that the shit is subjective. These unfortunate neighbours affected my perception and enjoyment of the first night.. (though I still loved it) much (or little) sleep you’ve had affects your perception of the show.. what drugs youre on.. how much you’ve drank.. who youre there with.. how much ‘expectation’ you’ve walked in with.. all really important factors that affect your perception of the show..  

Last night I had good neighbours and was able to basically forget they were there and enter the trance.

Umm.. I think I said that would be a short note.. soz..

Umm heaps more I wanted to say but better wrap up cos im new n don’t know how well you lot take to essays posted in comment box’s..

Brisvegas/Aukland/NZ – They are TOTALLY warmed up, in great form, killer setlists, and putting everything into the performances!!

You are in for a treat!


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Post by hellboy »

phi1.618 said 
Maynard didn’t talk much (does he ever?!) but last night (after someone had 'tweeted' him complaining about the no photography/smart tech. thing), he asked at the beginning of the show 'who is actually HERE tonight?' .. 'i mean present, here, in your bodies..' ..  'not thinkin about what you did earlier or what youre gonna do later.. not playing with your fuckn phones.. on twitter.. but present, here, in your bodies.. raise your hands' -and then, after an enthusiastic response from the crowd: 'im not!'



Just to be pedantic, he's said that at every show.  I agree with much of what you've said though.
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Post by phi1.618 »


 aw come on hellboy!! i registered on here n poured my lil heart out n thats all ya got for me?! lol -he didnt say it on fri
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Post by Brendan »

He didn't say it in the first Melbourne show either.
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Post by Gwarden »

Great post and I agree with your sentiments about the vibe of live shows - what you bring, what the band brings, what the collective gathering of people feeding off the energy brings can all play a role in your enjoyment or otherwise.

I remember Maynard used to prime the audience to this sort of thing - "take this feeling you're having and make something positive of it" - more and more I find people just go live events to confirm a prejudice, and don't allow themselves to be fully open to the experience. Especially so for Tool - need to go into with first, second and third eyes wide open, primed like a suckling babe to absorb it all.
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Post by hellboy »

phi1.618 said

 aw come on hellboy!! i registered on here n poured my lil heart out n thats all ya got for me?! lol -he didnt say it on fri

Well I stand corrected then. Most people I spoke to told me he'd said this at the shows they'd attended, so I presumed it' was pretty much a given.

As I said I agree with most of what you said.  There are dicks in every crowd though - I just tend to ignore them where possible.  Seems to really bother some people though, perhaps I'm just good at blocking it out.
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Post by GettinDown »

The first night in Sydney was alright but not great. Maynard was still obviously hampered by his throat. The second night, the entire band was on. Maynard seemed much more animated and seemed 100% to me. 

The setlist was much better I thought too.

They need to drop Intension though. That song just halts all momentum. Replace it with the Patient or something if they're looking to do one of the slower paced/less heavy songs. The three Aenima songs in a row at the back end of the set really gets everyone going. Easily the most popular both nights. Hooker With A Penis is a much better opener than Third Eye too believe it or not.
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Post by phi1.618 »


point is it wasnt the first time he said it i guess.. but , i get self conscious spending tooo much time focusing on Maynards banter (compelling though it may be.. thats not sarcastic btw).. its hard, cos you grow up watching bands in trad format with a "frontman" lead vocalist upfront under a spot.. but tool as we know arent like that.. its a collective mutimedia EXPERIENCE that emphasis's the art and diminishes the personality obsession/celebrity factor.. but my cultural operating system at least, is still running a version where the compulsion to focus on the charisma of the frontman phenomena has not yet been completely weeded out, so i do secretly (or maybe not so secretly) find Maynard a bit fascinating.. but I try n keep that shit in check, you know?!

hellboy ur admin here, yeh?

does it sadden you sometimes to see that NEGATIVE comments generate more 'user activity' than POSITIVE?! I see it on facebook all the time, n I guess that’s what motivated me to write about how wicked last night was! (im not really as patriotic about Sydney as I made out haha)

Im guilty of it myself  for sure.. if I see a thread where people are really going at it, it is instantly more compelling than a tamer thread, that, none the less, may contain important perspectives or interesting points of view..

I find it all too easy to keep clicking ‘read more’ when all etiquette has been abandoned and people are insulting and abusing each other about some stupid shit.. but.. I try n keep that shit in check too.. haha..

isn’t that kinda what vicarious is about?

-how we feed off this negative energy like vampires.. the more sensational the better cos we’re always looking for more to up the anti, tryna break thru the numbness of our already disastrously overstimulated minds?!

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Post by Elondriel »

Must agree with most of what phi1.618 said in earlier post.

I attended Friday nights show and then finding myself with no plans bought tickets to Saturday's show (seated this time) even though I knew most likely what to expect on the second night. I actually think last night was better.

Brilliant concerts both!
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Post by phi1.618 »

GettinDown said

The setlist was much better I thought too.


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Post by Gwarden »

GettinDown said

They need to drop Intension though. That song just halts all momentum. Replace it with the Patient or something if they're looking to do one of the slower paced/less heavy songs.

This seems to be the general consensus with Intension. It wasn't as bad when they played it in '11 because it went into Right in Two, but I think as a standalone its a bit slight to carry that portion of the show. Sure its a lovely song, and it sounds like the lighting/stage during that song is amazing, but you want the momentum to be building leading into Lateralus, not dissipating.
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Post by hellboy »

Gwarden said

GettinDown said

They need to drop Intension though. That song just halts all momentum. Replace it with the Patient or something if they're looking to do one of the slower paced/less heavy songs.

This seems to be the general consensus with Intension. It wasn't as bad when they played it in '11 because it went into Right in Two, but I think as a standalone its a bit slight to carry that portion of the show. Sure its a lovely song, and it sounds like the lighting/stage during that song is amazing, but you want the momentum to be building leading into Lateralus, not dissipating.

I can't only speak for myself here, but there was no momentum lost at all.  You don't need blazing double kicks and bitching drum solos to keep the momentum of a show going.
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Post by Gwarden »

That's good to hear. I like the song, I just worry about the atmosphere/mood of the crowd dropping.
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Post by 264zn »

Happy to hear Sydney got a couple of good shows! I still haven't managed to see 3rd eye live yet...and was going to fly to Sydney to see that show but ended up just going to both of the Melb ones, feeling a little gutted! 
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Post by phi1.618 »

264zn said
Happy to hear Sydney got a couple of good shows! I still haven't managed to see 3rd eye live yet...and was going to fly to Sydney to see that show but ended up just going to both of the Melb ones, feeling a little gutted! 


feelin for ya.. didnt mean to sound tooo spoilt or lacking in compassion goin on about the Sydney shows! Third eye was awesome tho..  the show (fri) started with tim leary visuals n audio talking about question authority and think for yourself n then third eye dropped.. much as i loved the gnostic psychadelic vibe being the very first thing tool said on fri, i have to admit i think hooker with a penis was a more powerful way to start.. you could really feel the whole place just suddenly come alive.. think it generated a lot more energy.. guess it depends what theyre tryna do on a particular night as well..
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Post by phi1.618 »

hellboy1975 said

Gwarden said

GettinDown said

They need to drop Intension though. That song just halts all momentum. Replace it with the Patient or something if they're looking to do one of the slower paced/less heavy songs.

This seems to be the general consensus with Intension. It wasn't as bad when they played it in '11 because it went into Right in Two, but I think as a standalone its a bit slight to carry that portion of the show. Sure its a lovely song, and it sounds like the lighting/stage during that song is amazing, but you want the momentum to be building leading into Lateralus, not dissipating.

I can't only speak for myself here, but there was no momentum lost at all.  You don't need blazing double kicks and bitching drum solos to keep the momentum of a show going.

i thought maybe it did dissipate the momentum a tiny bit on fri but definitely worked for me last night.. so used to hearing it flow straight into right in two though, that it almost throws me when it doesnt happen!

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Post by hellboy »

264zn said
Happy to hear Sydney got a couple of good shows! I still haven't managed to see 3rd eye live yet...and was going to fly to Sydney to see that show but ended up just going to both of the Melb ones, feeling a little gutted! 

As a general rule of thumb if you have to travel, don't go to the first couple of Tool shows.  They always seem to take a few shows to warm up...
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Post by spiral2spiral »

All for Intension - Love the fuck out of it as a song, and sets an awesome vibe in the lead-in to Lateralus.



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Post by MarryHanback »

Good show.

Better than Adelaide, but not as good as Melbourne 2nd show, IMO.

Agree totally with the comment above... Crowd was significantly more feral than the other 2 shows!

Opening with the 3rdeye heartbeat & transitioning into Hooker was a nice touch/surprise. Maynard also spent some time revving up the crowd before Aenema.

Also had the pleasure of a young lady in the stands deciding to take most of her clothes off before running around, tits out, hugging the security guards.

Well, it's been a fun week. Back to reality. *sigh*





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