Maynard speaks to Tonedeaf about Puscifer

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Post by hellboy »

Australian music site Tonedeaf recently had the opportunity to chat with Maynard about the upcoming Puscifer tour. It's not a bad interview, though doesn't reveal too much we didn't already know either:

Between writing, recording, and moonlighting as an actor (he’s had bit parts in cult film and television), it’s a wonder Keenan finds the time to upkeep an award-winning winery.

“I’m not going to be able to dedicate twelve months out of the year toward the project (Puscifer)” he concedes, but as “anyone who works in the wine industry [knows], there’s a window of time where you have to be in there doing that, and so as long as my bandmates understand that, we can completely work around that schedule. There’s plenty of time in the year.”

Still, that’s the beauty of Puscifer’s flexibility and independence, beholden to no contracts or restrictions but their own – and as Keenan notes, he’s no tyrant.

The “rotating door works”, because of its dynamic agreement. A member departing for other commitments is fine; “as long as you’re not gonna get mad when I hire this other guy,” he confers.

The usual topics were not entertained, though considering A Perfect Circle are also touring I found it a little odd that they were off the agenda...

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Post by gamebounty »

Maynard is a fucking boss. That is all.
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Post by Ravenpig »

The last part of the interview with the "not lazy" talk definitely seemed to me like he was talking about Tool.
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Post by Gwarden »

Ravenpig said
The last part of the interview with the "not lazy" talk definitely seemed to me like he was talking about Tool.

Yep, definitely

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Post by Gwarden »

The BR cover wasn't tone deaf.
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Post by markuspoop »

Grrrrrrrrrrrr. Hulk smash now.
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Post by The Boss »

Gwarden said
The BR cover wasn't tone deaf.

LOL x 1,000,000

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Post by ilikecheese »

crow011 said

Gwarden said
The BR cover wasn't tone deaf.

LOL x 1,000,000


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Post by brokenchimes »

If there's anyone that should be looked at regarding the status of something final from Tool, I would assume it to be this guy. Not only is he the last to act but he seems like the most efficient in getting things done and probably the most eager businesswise. The other guys seem to timidly tred water, while Maynard is more keen to actually want to Release something. Probably having something to do with saying 'Ok, now it's time to get paid'.
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Post by MOG »

toolphishdhs said
oh the irony. the dude that just released the most tonedeaf version of BR ever made, then does an interview to promote it with a publication called tonedeaf.

^ This. Win. +1
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Post by The Boss »

mogeffingmog said

toolphishdhs said
oh the irony. the dude that just released the most tonedeaf version of BR ever made, then does an interview to promote it with a publication called tonedeaf.

^ This. Win. +1

That's why I loled.

Jesus, dudes, I know I suck Tyson's cock - but he said it best: "Hit the high notes."

Ugh. Such a horrible cover. I stand by what I said earlier. I've seen and heard drunk-as-fuck Korean businessmen sing this song with more passion AND hit the right notes.



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Post by joeypants »

Interesting end to the interview. Kind of. I mean we all know the deal by this point.


I don't see the vitriol over the cover, unless you're in the "it's untouchable" camp. I can see that part. But I mean... it's a cover. A very capable cover that basically just recreates the original, which means it will always be under it. Nothing more. It's an exercise really.
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Post by The Boss »

joeypants said
Interesting end to the interview. Kind of. I mean we all know the deal by this point.


I don't see the vitriol over the cover, unless you're in the "it's untouchable" camp. I can see that part. But I mean... it's a cover. A very capable cover that basically just recreates the original, which means it will always be under it. Nothing more. It's an exercise really.


Dude, it was an excellent song to start with. No fanboi here, but seriously.

It was bland, and put no remarkable spin on the original. I hate to say this, but is that what you really expect from PUSCIFER/The 'Nard?

Because I don't. I expect something slick and, yeah, a little quirky. At least "Annihilation" was a complete re-imagining.

PUSCIFER's "Bohemian . . ." is up there with "Black Betty" by MELVINS - and I never, EVER, say a bad word about MELVINS.

So disappointing.

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Post by joeypants »

He did say that they did do a more 'out there' version of it, but the "Queen estate" or rights dictate that you can't release such versions, and any covers that are released have to "adhere to the original" or something to that effect.
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Post by The Boss »

joeypants said
He did say that they did do a more 'out there' version of it, but the "Queen estate" or rights dictate that you can't release such versions, and any covers that are released have to "adhere to the original" or something to that effect.

So why bother at all? There are so very many other songs that I could seriously see being given the hot 'Nard love.

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Post by joeypants »

I agree with you though! The original is an amazing classic, and the cover (and basically every cover I've heard) is just a bland recreation of it that pales to the energy of the original.


Maynard said as much, but to me it's just a selfish exercise (nothing wrong with that) in retracing the steps and kind of marveling at, "wow, this took a LOT of fucking work and insane genius to pull off originally."


But I don't care that it exists. Doesn't do anything for me though.
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Post by lipanconjuring »

I was bummed that he didn't even hit some of the same notes in the recorded version that he did when he and Billy Howerdel played it a few years back at E3. Makes me wonder if his voice is really going away that quickly. His cover just comes off really flat. Instrumentally its a carbon copy, vocally its just less, so what's the point.

The last bit about not getting mad when he hires a replacement made me think of Freese.
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Post by The Boss »

joeypants said
I agree with you though! The original is an amazing classic, and the cover (and basically every cover I've heard) is just a bland recreation of it that pales to the energy of the original.


Maynard said as much, but to me it's just a selfish exercise (nothing wrong with that) in retracing the steps and kind of marveling at, "wow, this took a LOT of fucking work and insane genius to pull off originally."


But I don't care that it exists. Doesn't do anything for me though.

Because it's THAT bland, I feel the same way.

I think I'm pissed, much similar to many members here, is because the nardiest of the 'Nard has built quite a tower for his'self. The dude can sing, and he seems pretty smart. So we're let down when he does sub-par bullshit like this.

Onwards and upwards, though. Gonna throw on "CONDITIONS . . ." right now. No joke.
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Post by joeypants »

I get that. Puscifer is just a take it or leave it thing for me, personally. If I like some of it, great. If not, whatever he has his fun. As much as I wish he was just with Tool, as a group, I get why he can't just sit there. Being in a band I can totally and clearly see how a singer would be so fucking annoyed being told to "shut up for a minute (actually weeks) while we work this out." "Oh hold on, it's changed again... sorry, rework that now."


But then again, even if let's say Puscifer was all he'd ever done... it's disappointing. Unlike most of the rest of the catalog I have no desire to hear it again. But big whoop, I say. Still haven't heard the rest of the EP though.
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Post by The Boss »

joeypants said
I get that. Puscifer is just a take it or leave it thing for me, personally. If I like some of it, great. If not, whatever he has his fun. As much as I wish he was just with Tool, as a group, I get why he can't just sit there. Being in a band I can totally and clearly see how a singer would be so fucking annoyed being told to "shut up for a minute (actually weeks) while we work this out." "Oh hold on, it's changed again... sorry, rework that now."


But then again, even if let's say Puscifer was all he'd ever done... it's disappointing. Unlike most of the rest of the catalog I have no desire to hear it again. But big whoop, I say. Still haven't heard the rest of the EP though.

Hmmm, how to approach this:

I LURRVE me some PUSCIFER. I have memories built around the first album. Solid, beautiful memories, like seedy Korean bars with my new girlfriend (who's now the future mother of my kid, eventually, WHAT) - it's a great album. Real talent. Real MELVIN-esque approach to music. Loved it.

NOW, I just see a boring teetering on the edge of boring dude dancing on a cliff. And this EP was it for me. YAWN.

Real hesitant to see what the new TOOL album will be, by the way.

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Post by joeypants »

Oh I'm not. Knowing that they're taking a while actually makes me happy because it says their quality control hasn't dipped. But then, I looooove 10K Days so... haha. I'm not worried about the Tool material at all. I think it'll be mind blowing as always.
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Post by The Boss »

joeypants said
Oh I'm not. Knowing that they're taking a while actually makes me happy because it says their quality control hasn't dipped. But then, I looooove 10K Days so... haha. I'm not worried about the Tool material at all. I think it'll be mind blowing as always.

Agree to disagree. I like it.

I will support you on this, though: there is a certain element of "quality control".

I just wish it had been tightened up during the "10,000 WANKS" sessions.


/me sheepish grin

Regardless: Double album, throat singing from the 'Nard, with massive, massive Justin influence. Don't be surprised if you hear bleeps and blops.


Also, album will come with a SEVERAL page booklet on esoterica. (Look back on "AENIMA"). DVD to follow, all options online, but not exclusively.

So, obviously, double album, half EP. With a saucy LIVE one following. And then lights.

Called it.

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Post by Zwerewolf »

Tool is a guaranteed paycheck yet they take forever to put an album out. Saying that Maynard wants a paycheck is ridiculous. I'd also say the others don't timidly tread water... They have been busting their asses on this album and have all been busy with their own projects. Danny is drumming every week and released an album with his other band and Adam works on his art and comics constantly. Justin just in case you didn't know has released an album with his new band as well... The fact that you're looking at this as a business move goes against everything TOOL stands for. TOOL are all about their art as a collective group and what the overall finished result will be. I'm starting to get a little tired of all this obsessing over Maynard like he does everything in the band. Sure he's strapped himself down with several projects but why does that make him king? PS- Puscifer sucks.
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